Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2275 2279 [Death Choice]

According to the previous agreement, Kamekura Yuji should bring gems worth 200 million yuan, and the other three former associates should bring 100 million yuan in cash.

Kamekura Yuji tightened the stand collar of his windbreaker and glanced at them: "Did you bring the money?"

The middle-aged man opposite nodded and asked, "Did you bring the gem?"

Kamekura Yuji responded and reached out to take the briefcase opposite that was used to hold money.

The middle-aged man retracted his hand and looked at the box in his hand suspiciously: "Why do I feel that the weight of your box is not right? Open it for us first."

Kamekura Yuuji paused, thought for a moment, and said, "Let's open it at the same time."

Vodka lay down behind the rock and nodded secretly: In addition to the lost information, it would be great to see that he could also get a batch of money and gems... huh? Wait, are these going to be credited to Uzo?

"Is this the purpose of that guy getting involved in this case?" Vodka thought thoughtfully, "If I remember correctly, this is not the first time that boy Uzo has used funds to bribe the boss and elder brother. No wonder the two presidents You turned a blind eye to what he was causing...this cunning guy!"

But this reassured Vodka a lot: it is better to seek wealth than life. It would be great if that guy Uzo devoted himself to raising funds every day. This would not only reduce their task pressure, but also effectively improve the happiness of some innocent cadres. Spend.

While thinking about it, Vodka poked his head out curiously, wanting to quietly take a look at how much extra money he could earn.

The next moment, under his expectant gaze, two briefcases were opened - one was empty, the other seemed to be full of money, but judging from the light and airy feeling, except for a few real bills on the surface, , the rest are probably newspapers.

Vodka: "...?"

...It’s okay to be cunning during transactions. How can you have the nerve to open such an empty bag in front of the other party? !

The trading scene ahead.

The middle-aged man obviously didn't expect that the other person actually brought an empty bag and opened it in front of them so arrogantly.

This calmness made him stunned for a moment, and he began to wonder whether Kamekura Yuuji was playing tricks on them, or whether he wanted to make a deal but forgot to bring the jewelry when he went out.

Just then, a hand reached out. Kamekura Yuji happily grabbed a handful of banknotes in their box:

"Actually, I don't have the remaining 200 million yuan of jewelry at all. I only stole about 300 million yuan in total five years ago. I don't know why the news said that the jewelry store lost 500 million yuan - haha, since I didn't bring it with me If you want gems, you don’t have to give me 100 million yen, just give me 60 million yen.”

The next moment, he suddenly realized that his hand felt wrong. When he looked down, he saw that except for the one on the surface, which was genuine, the other bills were all junk cut from newspapers.

"...You dare to play tricks on me?!" Kamekura Yuuji was furious.

The expressions of the middle-aged man and his two companions also turned cold: "This should be our line!"

They snorted coldly and were about to silence them, but at this moment, Kamekura Yuuji ripped off his windbreaker.

There was actually a ring of explosives tied under his slightly bulging clothes. At the same time, Kamekura Yuji suddenly raised a detonating switch.

——It seems that gold will always shine. Not only the organization has discovered the advantages of this cave, but other people are also discerning: both parties to the transaction in front of them actually have the idea of ​​​​silencing each other if they can't reach an agreement.

The flashlight shone on Kamekura Yuuji, illuminating enough explosives to collapse the cave.

The three former accomplices looked at the switch in his hand and broke out in cold sweat.

Vodka made three people sweat.

...dynamite? !

...Uzo actually wants to blow this place up! !

"Am I going to die heroically along with the cave collapse?"

For a moment, Vodka wanted to get up immediately and rush to the nearest exit as fast as he could in his life.

However, almost at the same time, he saw the middle-aged man among the three people take a step back, and the shape of a gun was vaguely highlighted in his right pocket.

Vodka: "..."

According to his experience, if he really ran away, then in this case, the frightened gunman would probably panic and shoot at him who was fleeing - after all, the three unlucky guys on the opposite side also came to silence him. When they see someone trying to run out of here, they will instinctively stop them.

Vodka briefly fell into thought.

To be killed by a gun or buried in a collapsed cave, that is a question.

...But before he dies, he must tell his elder brother about the evil deeds of that guy Uzo, and make that little yinbi pay the price of tricking his colleagues to death!

Vodka took out his cell phone angrily and wanted to send an email to complain while hiding the light.

However, before pressing the button to turn on the screen, he paused and remembered something terrible: there was no signal at all in this broken cave!

...Uzo actually thought of this level!

Vodka was stunned for a moment, a feeling of despair welling up in his heart.

At this moment, the middle-aged man in the trio took a deep breath and said to Kamekura Yuuji:

"Calm down, we didn't say we wouldn't share the loot with you. Most of the banknotes in the bag are real. Those newspapers are just to fill the whole bag and make the arrangement look more beautiful. If you don't believe me, these are not real money. ?"

He handed the briefcase forward and showed Yuji Kamekura the remaining bills.

Kamekura Yuuji didn’t know how much 100 million was. Hearing what the middle-aged man said, he looked down and relaxed his hands.

At this moment, the middle-aged man shot like lightning, revealing the gun behind the lid of the box. He raised his hand and fired.



A stream of blood shot out from the back of Kamekura Yuuji's head. He maintained a look of shock and fell backwards to the ground.

"Scared me……"

The female writer looked at the bomb switch on the ground, took a few steps back in horror, and then became angry: "This guy is crazy! How dare he use such a bomb in a cave."

After surviving the vodka disaster, he nodded vigorously: Yes! But more than him, it’s the fake Tokyo detective who deserves to be scolded!

The middle-aged man was also in shock, but he knew exactly what he should do. He put away his gun and closed his briefcase: "Bury the body quickly, and then we leave quickly!"

The younger woman next to him looked at the corpse with disgust: "Why are you burying him? Just leave!"

The middle-aged man sighed: "Idiot, although this place is remote, it doesn't mean that no one will come - we buried him, and if people who come in can't see the body, no one will report the crime, and no one will take it seriously. Investigate Kamekura’s whereabouts.”

This "idiot" sounds a bit doting if you listen carefully.

The middle-aged man's wife, the middle-aged female writer, couldn't help but look over and narrowed her short eyes.

The other two people didn't notice her gaze, or maybe they saw it but didn't care, and just kept talking to themselves.

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