Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2276 2280 [You are arrested]

The middle-aged man continued to say to the young woman gently: "But if the body is left here like this, once someone sees it, the police will immediately investigate the entire cave seriously - we must have left hair and footprints along the way. Traces like this, if discovered by the police, may cause trouble."

When Vodka heard this, he couldn't help but touch his hair that was fixed with hairspray and a hat. He also thought about the very common shoe patterns under his feet: "..." Oh, I have thought of this level a long time ago. In terms of leaving no trace, no one can compare to me who suffered so much from Uzo!

The young woman still frowned after hearing his explanation. She was not a novice when it came to crime: "We have never been caught by the police. Even if they did pick up hair, they wouldn't be able to match it with us. . To take a step back, even if we have been to this cave, we can’t prove anything. Can’t we just come here for tourism?”

Although she muttered like this, seeing the other two companions starting to collect the corpses, she finally sighed and joined the team.

The three people struggled to lift Kamekura Yuji up.

At this moment, a beam of flashlight light came from the fork in the road, swayed, and happened to fall on the corpse's face.

A face with a blood hole between its eyebrows and a grimace was then illuminated brightly, becoming the most eye-catching scenery in the cave.

The three children who got lost and wandered here: "..."

Three corpse bearers: "..."

Vodka who happened to be hiding among them: "..."


The three children turned around suddenly and ran away crawling on the ground.

Seeing that the middle-aged man was about to draw his gun and chase after him, Vodka behind the stone pier realized that he could no longer hide. He didn't know for a moment whether the middle-aged man's two companions had guns, so he could only roll over first and rush into the fork in the road after the children.

There was a bang.

The vodka calf felt hot, and a bullet narrowly missed him.

Vodka: " @%¥ # ...!!!"

He didn't dare to stop and ran forward quickly. When the three children heard the rapid footsteps behind them, they also used their escape skills and howled forward. The group of people soon hid in the depths of the forked road.

On the other side of the road, Conan's ears twitched: "...?"

After Kamekura Yuji entered the cave just now, he followed the sound, but because he heard the sound and identified his location, he took the wrong path and came to a place separated by a stone wall from the trading place.

Now that he heard the lively activities next door, but couldn't get over it, Conan was so anxious that he almost wanted to scratch the wall.

"That was gunshots just now." He muttered worriedly as he tried to find a way around, "Why did I seem to hear the voices of my elementary school classmates? These guys weren't following me, were they? , but this place is so far away from the city, their pocket money should not be enough to take a taxi..."

Before finding the children, Conan first saw a shadow hidden in the darkness, poking its head in the direction of the gunshot.

The figure was tall and tall, with a top hat on his head. If you looked closely, there was a pair of sunglasses above his ears.

"You have to wear sunglasses in such a dark place..." A guy who impressed him instantly appeared in Conan's mind, "Vodka? Why is he here! Is the gunshot just now related to him?"

The shock in his heart did not affect Conan's actions.

Realizing that the other party was concentrating on guarding elsewhere, Conan swallowed slightly nervously, turned on his anesthesia watch, and quietly moved closer.

"Vodka is probably related to the gunshots just now, so the police will have reason to arrest him. If they can get useful information from Vodka, maybe..." Maybe they can overthrow the black organization faster and find How to transform yourself into a high school student again!

Seeing this great gift delivered to his door, Conan's heart beat violently.

However, as he carefully entered the range of the anesthesia watch, Conan had a strong sense of sight: he always felt that he had seen similar scenes somewhere...

Suddenly, he remembered.

"If I remember correctly, when I first came into contact with this organization, I peeped into the scene of illegal vodka trading. At that time, I was about to secretly take pictures of vodka, but someone was behind me and gave it to me from the back of the head without any moral ethics. I'll give you a stick..."

"Haha, it's impossible to be this unlucky every time."

While Conan was teasing himself in his mind, he couldn't help but feel a little psychological shadow. He wanted to look back first to avoid being attacked by others when he was concentrating on attacking others.

However, before his head could completely turn around, the back of his neck hurt, and someone suddenly gave him a knife.


Conan looked shocked and immediately began to lose consciousness. Before he fainted completely, he struggled to open his eyes and saw the man behind him wearing a pair of spotless leather shoes.

Conan: "..." Gin again?

Oops, I'm going to die, everyone is going to die...

Frightened and unwilling, a primary school student was forced to close his eyes.

Vodka was observing the movements of the three people attentively, and was preparing to sneak around them to the exit.

However, at this moment, he vaguely heard some movement behind him.

His heart tightened and he turned around. The next moment, something cold and hard pressed against his forehead.

Jiang Xia was half squatting behind him, and a little further back, there was a curly-haired man in a black suit standing silently. The latter was holding a fainted child in his hand for some reason.

Vodka's horrified eyes glanced back and forth, and finally fell back on Jiang Xia's face - as expected, the threat was greater here.

The two sides looked at each other, and Vodka heard the fake detective greet him briskly: "Long time no see."

Vodka: "..." Who wants to see you after a long time? ! leave me alone! !

He wanted to yell like this, but there was another thing that made him extremely concerned. The cold sweat on Vodka's face slid down drop by drop, and he asked in a low voice, "Where did you get the gun from!"

Jiang Xia raised his eyebrows in surprise: "At this time, shouldn't you raise your hands and shout, 'I surrender, don't kill me'."

Vodka snorted coldly.

...Then feeling the strength between his eyebrows, he silently raised his hands.

...In times of crisis, survive first before talking about anything else.

As long as you bow your head now, you can complain to your elder brother in the future - this highly exposed underage detective dares to carry a gun without authorization. He is simply throwing the organization's secret principles to the ground and must be punished!

While muttering angrily in his heart, Jiang Xia reached out and took his pistol from his pocket.

The nasty young cadre played with someone else's gun and removed his other hand from Vodka's brow.

In the dim light, Vodka looked over and realized that what Uzo had just pointed at him was not a pistol at all, but a pen with a shiny shell.

Vodka: "...?"

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