Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 24 This big brother is a good person

"?" The little girl smacked her mouth.

A mouthful of earth and blood.

She felt something was wrong and opened her eyes in shock.

Jiang Xia stood up, flicked her on the forehead, and said with condemnation: "Don't take advantage of others because of your young age."

The little girl was stunned, then blushed and retorted: "I, I just want to thank you!... That's how it is played on TV!"

Jiang Xia was unmoved: "Nonsense, you are obviously greedy for my face."

The girl felt guilty but loudly said: "I didn't!"

Jiang Xia ignored her argument, took a serious puff of the extinguished cigarette, and slowly exhaled a puff of non-existent smoke:

"Don't take care of your relatives. I am more tolerant today. If you were someone who cares about you, I would definitely send you to jail for hooliganism."

little girl:"!"

She hasn't studied law yet.

No one taught her that "children can break the law at will".

At this time, she was frightened by Jiang Xia's serious look. Thinking of the social bosses in prison on TV, she was so frightened that she lowered her head with tears in her eyes and dared not speak to her fingertips.

After a while, she apologized in a low voice: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it."

Jiang Xia nodded and said kindly: "Well, pay attention next time."

The little girl's heart, which was hanging in the air, fell back into her chest.

She slowly revealed a simple smile that said, "Are you really not going to arrest me? You are such a good person!"

Conan, who was silently watching the whole process, said: "..."



Alas... forget it.

He sat down holding his pulsing blood vessels.

Just now, when he saw the little girl "surprise attack" on Jiang Xia and Jiang Xia suddenly swinging the bat, Conan jumped up in shock.

He was afraid that Jiang Xia was addicted to beating people, so he lost control and gave the little girl a stick and sent the hostage away directly.

Fortunately, Jiang Xia didn't take action.

It's just damaging to the child's spirit.

Jiang Xia threw away the baseball bat and carefully put away the remaining cigarettes.

Then he looked at the messy warehouse and took out his cell phone.

Jiang Xia has Maori Kogoro's mobile phone number and also remembers Mao Lilan's number.

Mao Lilan had written the number on a note before and forced it on him. He said that we were very close and needed to help each other. If you had anything to do, you could contact them more often. If you had nothing to do, you could call them for a chat.

Although Jiang Xia never dialed Maoli's phone number once, he did remember the number.

I can't help it, my memory is too good...

However, at present, Jiang Xia should not know that Conan is related to Mouri Kogoro.

Although it would be fun to scare Conan. But Jiang Xia was afraid that he would lose it.

After all, he really has a lot of connections with the black organization.

And Conan's ability to distinguish red from black is bug-level for all to see...

Now, in this special stage where "Conan looks like everyone in black", unless Jiang Xia wants to expose the fact that she is working for a black organization, she should play it safe.

So Jiang Xia clicked on the dialing interface, turned to the two children, and pretended to ask for their parents' phone numbers.

The little girl was eager to show her guilt and meritorious deeds. She quickly reported a series of numbers, then raised her head and shyly waited for praise.

Jiang Xia praised her.

Then, when the little girl was having illusory pink bubbles, he called her father and briefly explained the situation in the warehouse.

Of course, I didn’t forget to add a little bit of appropriate artistic processing to the part about beating the kidnappers.

The parents and Mouri Kogoro were not far from the school and arrived soon.

The police also arrived at the same time - the delinquents had just entered the school, and the guard secretly called the police, which accidentally saved the time of calling the police.

Facing the police, Jiang Xia hid her cigarette butts, put on the face of a good student, and insisted that she heard a cry for help when she was passing by the school, so she led someone in.

When I heard that they were here to save people, the police in this world did not investigate them for illegally breaking into the school.

I also praised them a few times and hoped that they would continue to maintain the good tradition of being helpful. Just don't beat the murderer so badly in the future, just knock him down.

Mao Lilan saw Jiang Xia and came over to say hello.

Although there were a bunch of bad boys with colorful hair standing next to Jiang Xia, it made Mao Lilan, like every good law-abiding student, a little embarrassed.

But when she heard that the bad guys were here to help save people, Mao Lilan began to be moved again, secretly thinking that she shouldn't judge people by their appearance.

Mao Lilan didn't stay at school for long, and quickly took Conan to a nearby clinic - Conan's bloody head looked really scary.

Jiang Xia felt that nothing was wrong.

Kudo Shinichi’s strength value is negligible, but he seems to be particularly durable. The reason is unknown...

The little girl's father excitedly hugged his lost daughter for a while, came over and solemnly thanked Jiang Xia, and then handed him a check.

Mouri Kogoro stood nearby, looking eagerly at the commission fee that originally belonged to him, feeling a little sad.

But he was too embarrassed to compete with the juniors.

And when he thought about it carefully, he could just sit and collect the rent, but Jiang Xia could only work part-time... Suddenly he no longer had to worry about it.

What's more, the rich man gave him a large deposit before.

Jiang Xia looked at the check, still did not refuse, took it and put it away. I plan to wait until the bank opens to work, cash it out and share a cent with my younger brothers.

In this way, you can have something good to eat when you have dinner together in the future...

Although the delinquents failed to go for a ride on the road as planned, they participated in rescuing the kidnapped little girl, so everyone was very satisfied with today's adventure.

In front of a group of police officers, they couldn't bring up the matter of late-night racing.

So a group of people imitated the boss, tried their best to pretend to be good students, and left as a group after school.

Jiang Xia also plans to go home.

However, just after he got on the motorcycle and drove a few meters, he found that the bike didn't feel right when riding.

Jiang Xia stopped the car and pushed the motorcycle forward a little. He found that the rear tire had bulged at some point.


He looked back at the fresh tire tracks in the warehouse and sighed quietly.

...Being a messenger of justice does require costs.

Fortunately, the younger brothers have gone away.

No one can see the bitterness behind the hero.

A bulging tire has a high chance of puncture, making it difficult to ride again.

But fortunately, Jiang Xia's car breaks down every three days. He is already very experienced and has a very peaceful mentality.

Jiang Xia pushed the motorcycle out of school and walked to the garage in a very Buddhist manner.

He can also change the tires himself. But it is troublesome to prepare many tools here and there.

The car repair shop not only has acquaintances, but also works quickly and offers discounts, so Jiang Xia prefers to go to the shop.


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