Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 25 Detective is a very mysterious profession

Erqiao Middle School is some distance from the city.

On the way to repair the car, Jiang Xia thought about what happened during this time.

——So far, he has encountered a ghost fetus and a murderous aura that he could completely collect.

Both of these things have appeared recently. I don’t know if it’s because of Conan, or the world has changed, or it’s both happening at the same time, causing the world to no longer be scientific...

In short, so far, the things Jiang Xia wants to pick up are related to the cases he has seen in comics.

In other words, if you want to pick up ghosts, you should try your best to get in touch with cases in the future.

Speaking of murders...

The best case collector is probably Conan himself.

But now, Conan lives in the Maori Detective Agency. Looking at this situation, he will continue to live there for a long time and it is difficult to abduct him.

And Jiang Xia didn't want to be an apprentice to Mouri Kogoro.

Let’s leave aside Schrödinger’s story of “being stripped of his waistcoat”. The main thing is that it’s very deceptive.

——The media in this world are very keen on reporting all kinds of murder cases, and the popularity of detectives is also relatively high.

If you pick up more ghosts, or if you participate in murder cases in order to pick up more ghosts, you will gradually become famous and eventually become a famous detective with a certain social energy.

Currently, Jiang Xia is still a useful low-level member who is shining brightly in the organization.

Once he or the firm he works for becomes famous, the organization will receive news sooner or later.

This may then be used to allow Jiang Xia to play a greater role.

——The detective identity is still very useful. It can peek into the private sides of many celebrities that are unknown to the public.

If it were just an ordinary detective, the organization might not have many ideas.

After all, detectives have many contacts with the police. If an organization that values ​​​​secretness comes to you rashly, it is easy to get yourself into trouble.

But if there is a bridge like Jiang Xia between the "organization" and the "detective", everything will be different.

Some people may have the impression that "this detective agency is an organization".

——To put it simply, if Jiang Xia goes to be an apprentice to Mouri Kogoro.

It is very likely that Mouri Kogoro will be targeted by the organization and forcibly recruited, which will lead to a series of people suffering.

Although Jiang Xia is not too familiar with Mouri Kogoro, it is not easy to catch the neighbors.

In particular, Mouri Kogoro has a bit of an accidental constitution. If he lives a little longer, he might be able to add more murders to Miwa Town...

The same goes for being an apprentice to someone else.

That person is likely to be accepted by the organization as a tool or a dog leader.

Sin, sin, sin... I'd better set up my own firm and be a self-employed person honestly.

After all, judging from the previous incident with Yoko Kinoshita, Jiang Xia can still pick up ghosts even if Conan is not present.

Therefore, being a Death God elementary school student is not a necessary condition for picking up ghosts.

Jiang Xia thought for a moment and felt that it would be better to open his own detective agency.

——If I remember correctly, the "high school detectives" in this world are all very capable of attracting murder cases.

And he is also a high school student.

Maybe as long as I add another detective buff, ghosts and murderous intent will come rolling in.

The more Jiang Xia thought about it, the more ok it seemed.

His reasoning level is not bad, and he has read so many comics. Ke Xue has already perfected his reasoning skills.

Don't say he remembers the plot. Even if you forget everything, look at the murderous aura on the suspect and then look at the fallen ghost...

You can also guess who the murderer is.

Once the target is locked, the ghost baby can be asked to find evidence.

Thinking about it this way, the job of detective is perfect for him.

Jiang Xia rushes to the car repair shop while imagining the bright future of the ghost babies.

It was getting late, and at this time, most shops were already closed.

But this car repair shop called "Motorcycle" is very different.

The boss opened the store mainly for fun. Sometimes he would work on cars in the store and when he got excited, he would open the store all night long.

Jiang Xia is very familiar with this store.

Because the boss here is actually the golden retriever’s brother.

The little golden retriever’s name is Mitsui Ryo.

His brother's name is Mitsui Motorcycle.

...Of course, Mitsui Motorcycles was not originally called a "motorcycle."

He changed his name by himself when he grew up.

I heard that the motorcycle brother once wanted to change his last name to "Honda" to match the "motorcycle" behind it.

When his father found out, he beat him severely, so he reluctantly kept his original surname and only changed his first name.

Jiang Xia walked in. Mitsui Motorcycle looked at his car and was startled: "It broke again? You are so good at destroying cars."

Jiang Xia touched the car body and sighed quietly: "I need it for work."

Mitsui Motorcycle clearly didn't believe it, and his eyes twitched.

He skipped the topic, took a closer look at the car, and asked Jiang Xia, "Are you coming to pick it up tomorrow?"

Jiang Xia wants to drive away today.

He left his motorcycle behind and went to have a late-night snack nearby, looked at the night scene, and tried to stumble upon a murder case, but failed.

When he came back, the boss had already changed the tire and was sitting next to Jiang Xia's car, looking distressedly at the paint that had been scratched off the side of the car.

He has repaired Jiang Xia's car many times and is very affectionate.

The boss suggested to touch up the paint.

However, Jiang Xia refused - the paint peeling off would not affect the drive anyway, and there was no guarantee that it would peel off again in the future, so it would be better not to patch it up.

Mitsui Motorcycle closed his mouth unwillingly.

But I didn't give up in my heart.

——When checking out, he finished swiping Jiangxia’s membership card and pretended to glance at the screen:

"If you have over two thousand points, you can pick a metal model from the shelf over there. Or I will paint the car for you for free - you choose a pattern?"

Painting a car actually costs 5,000 points.

But the boss felt sorry for Jiang Xia’s motorcycle.

It's obviously a good car, but its owner just doesn't cherish it. He works hard every day to build it, but he doesn't even dress it up.

Compared with the cars that other delinquents had carefully decorated, Jiang Xia's car looked gray and made everyone cry.

Jiang Xia didn't notice the boss's convoluted thoughts.

He never paid attention to the points either. Now that Mitsui Motorcycle has said it, Jiang Xia really thinks this is a benefit of choosing one from the other.

Jiang Xia has no interest in metal models.

Another benefit made him think something: "Painted car?"

"Yes." When Mitsui Motorcycle saw that there was a door, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he pointed to the sample pictures on the wall to Jiang Xia, "They are all exquisite designs of my own design. I can't find any cooler pictures than this in all of Tokyo!"


[Updated on time at 8:30 a.m.~]

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