Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2281 2285 [loyal fans]

"So many roads?" The young woman was startled, "Which one did they take?"

The middle-aged man sighed: "How do I know this? But among these roads, only one can lead to the outside. The group of children who entered by mistake probably don't know the structure of this cave. We still have a 4/5 chance of catching them - —As long as you’re not extremely unlucky, it’s not a big problem.”

The young female assistant immediately breathed a sigh of relief: "You are so smart!"

Female writer: "Huh."

The middle-aged man cleared his throat: "Okay, let's get down to business first." He looked at his wife, the recently famous mystery writer, "You stay here while we search the dead ends one by one."

The three people quickly divided up the work and began to search road by road.

At the same time, the three children and Vodka quietly went deeper along the road they were on.

After walking for a while, when they saw the dead end at the end, the three children looked disappointed: "There is no way."

Vodka: "..." You deserve to be allowed to run around!

Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya suddenly looked at him and said hesitantly: "Uncle, did you already know that this road would not work?"

"?!" Vodka's heart thumped, "How could it be possible? I just think there's a 1/5 chance of running around and taking the wrong path."

Three children: "..." But you were planning to choose a path just now... Could it be that this uncle is so lucky and intuitive that he only believes in the path he chose?

The group of people said nothing and cautiously walked back to the place near the intersection.

He quietly peeked out and saw a figure sitting next to a stone pillar seven or eight meters away, holding a gun and scanning the cave entrance back and forth with a flashlight, as if he was on guard for something, while the other two people had disappeared.

"Hmph, you didn't even find a bunker. If I had a gun in my hand now, I could kill this guy with one shot, and then lay in wait to kill his two accomplices."

As soon as the idea of ​​vodka came up, he realized sadly: No, he no longer has a gun. His precious pistol was snatched away by that bastard Uzo.

"Does this guy know that I made an outstanding contribution in opposing his gun ownership?" Vodka muttered in his heart, "If you dare to retaliate against me today, you will dare to target Brother Gin tomorrow, and you will step on the boss the day after tomorrow! ——Do these two people have no sense of crisis at all? If they turn a blind eye to that little Yinbi, they will regret it sooner or later! "

Moto Kojima looked at Vodka's expression, turned around and muttered to his two friends: "This uncle is really jealous of evil - look at the expression on his face when he looks at that gangster, it's as if he wants to eat his life away."

Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya felt the same way: "He clearly thought we were going the wrong way, but he still came after us to help us. There are not many good people who are so self-sacrificial for others nowadays!"

Ayumi Yoshida also nodded, but soon, she remembered the current predicament and couldn't help but want to shed tears again: "Sooner or later they will search the road we are on. If we can't leave in time, they will definitely Will be killed by them."

When the other two children heard this, they immediately had no time to look at the vodka. Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya scratched his head: "I don't know which 'road to subdue the dragon' mentioned on the stone pillar is. It would be great if brother Jiang Xia is here."

Vodka: "..." What's good? Stupid kid, it was just because that guy was nearby that things became like this!

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw three children looking at him.

Although the children did not speak, Vodka seemed to see the subtitles in their hearts: As a fan of Brother Jiang Xia, it is really shameful that he can't solve the mystery.

Vodka: "..."

Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya sighed, took out his notebook, and drew a simple diagram of the current place on the notebook.

"We have eliminated an incorrect option. Now we have to choose 1 out of 4. The chance of escape has increased!" Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya tried hard to interpret the prompts left at the entrance of the cave and on the stone pillars. "They all mentioned the 'Shenlong'... the English word for dragon is 'Dragon'...huh?!"

Vodka glanced at the startled guy: "What's wrong?"

Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya: "D is the fourth letter in English. Could it be that the fourth hole starting from the stone pillar is the real escape route?"

Vodka: "..." Idiot, of course not, that is also a dead end! Although I don’t know how to reason, I know the answer!

He rubbed his forehead with his head, thinking about how to take advantage of the absence of the other two gangsters and get into the right passage as quickly as possible without exposing himself.

Just then, he felt something tap his arm behind him.

Vodka sitting on the ground: "?!"

There is clearly only a stone wall behind him. Is it haunted? ! !

He turned around, instinctively wanting to draw his gun, but he missed it. Almost at the same time, Vodka saw clearly what was patting him behind him.

——It was a cat that was so black that it almost blended into the background.

The black cat looked up at him, stretched out his paw, and pushed a piece of paper into his hand. Then he scratched his body twice more, turned around and left in a good mood.

Vodka: "..." Isn't this the annoying cat that Usa raises! What is it here for?

He suspiciously picked up the note in his hand, shook it on the ground to avoid putting anything strange inside, and then unfolded it with several children on his back.

I saw a bunch of small words written on it. The handwriting didn't look like Jiang Xia's. It was probably written by some tool man's brother.

Vodka: "..." You actually prepared an answer for me?

...There must be a conspiracy in this matter!

His eyes became more and more suspicious, and he wanted to burn this strange little strip immediately and spread the ashes as far as he could.

However, think about yourself who is unarmed, and think about the gunmen who are searching one by one, and you don’t know when they will find this passage...

Vodka gritted his teeth and read the above content in frustration.

"The other actors, without knowing there was someone behind the scenes, could only be guided by clever strategies and act according to Uzzo's script."

As Vodka read, he came across a new insight: "I thought that knowing the existence of Uzo, I could try to avoid encountering this kind of thing... But who knows, I still have to follow his script!"

This new experience made him discover that there were quite a few loopholes in his anti-Uzo plan.

But rather than completing it, the top priority is... to be the puppet in Uzo's hand with frustration.

...This seems to be the only reliable way to survive at the moment.


While the three children were discussing the solution, Vodka cleared his throat and said calmly: "I understand."

After saying that, he realized that he was unknowingly imitating Uzo's way of solving a crime, and he couldn't help but twitch at the corner of his eye.

However, the similarity in actions and tone made the three children’s eyes light up: This is just right! How could fans of Brother Jiang Xia not be good at solving puzzles?

It seems that this is a real fan in front of me!

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