Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2280 2284 [Uzo’s life-seeking ghost]

Vodka: "..." It's so thrilling, Uzo's traps are really everywhere.

While he was reflecting on whether he had exposed any flaws, he decided to leak the information more smoothly.

Gradually, everyone came to a short waterfall.

This small waterfall is only one person high and is connected to the running water outside. In front of the waterfall stands a cut stone pillar, with something like a stone egg placed on the top of the stone pillar.

Vodka glanced at the worthless stone and pointed his flashlight elsewhere.

As the light beam extended, the surrounding space seemed to become wider. Several children looked along the light and discovered that there were five forked roads lined up diagonally behind the stone egg.

Vodka was about to make up a reason to take them to the right road, but at this time, Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya suddenly discovered something.

He shined his flashlight on the pillar under the stone egg and said in surprise: "There are words on it! - I'm just telling you, there are so many forks in the road, how could there be no warning."

Vodka was startled and suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

The next moment, I heard the primary school student Yin Bi No. 2 read out the words above: "'You wandering in the darkness, hurry up on the path of the divine dragon, and God will surely bless you with light'... The path of the divine dragon. ?Is this the correct exit?"

"It looks like what's written on the wooden sign at the entrance of the cave!" Yoshida Ayumi couldn't read Chinese characters, but she had a good memory and remembered what happened when she entered the cave. She looked at Vodka expectantly, "Uncle, could this be a hint left by our predecessors? You are a fan of Brother Jiang Xia, so you must be very good at solving puzzles!"

Vodka: "..."

He was wrong, he shouldn't just be wary of Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya - it turns out that among these three guys, except for the little fat guy, none of them can save fuel!

"How could I possibly know what all this nonsense means? I'm not a bastard detective. I'm an organization cadre who shoots vodka when I encounter problems. If guns can't solve the problem, I shoot an armed helicopter!"

Vodka snorted in his heart, but he could only imitate Jiang Xia and touch his chin, as if he was seriously solving a puzzle: "This, let me think about it..."

Ayumi Yoshida nodded, but when her head moved like this, she suddenly noticed some strange reflections.

"Huh?" She was startled, and raised the flashlight high in confusion, shining it on the ceiling of the cave. Then she was shocked to see densely packed bats hanging upside down on the wall of the cave, which was not very spacious. The bats were crowded together, their eyes half-open, as if a frightening cold light was flashing through them.

"!" Yoshida Ayumi was stunned, her mouth moved faster than her brain. In an instant, a shrill scream resounded through the cave, "Ah——!!!"

Vodka: "?!!!"

He looked at this yelling naughty child, and his murderous intention suddenly arose, and then he was confused by the bat that was shocked by the hula.

As the bat passed by, the ruthless black-clad organization cadre held onto his crooked hat.

Vodka: "..."

...How can there be such annoying things in the world like naughty children! !

...Of course, what he hates more than them is Uzo who gave these little bastards to him.

Vodka used a lifetime of patience to finally hold back from strangling these little guys one by one.

He cursed in his mind and threw the object in his hand with force - not Conan, but a rough stone that could not leave fingerprints, although what he wanted to throw was Conan.

The stone hit the ground a few meters away, making a crisp sound. The sudden movement finally drew away the group of frightened bats that were flapping about randomly.

Wiping his face with vodka silently, he gritted his teeth and smiled kindly: "Well done. There are bats roosting, which means we are not far from the entrance of the cave."

Ayumi Yoshida recovered from the fright, wiped her tears, and looked at Vodka with emotion: This uncle is so kind, he actually comforted her when she got into trouble.

She couldn't help but reiterate: "Uncle, you are such a good person!"

"..." Vodka's eyes twisted again, and he took a deep breath, "Okay, let's go."

As he spoke, he looked at the five almost identical forked roads in front of him and felt a little headache: How can I take the right path? Just say that you are deceived?

It's okay to deceive children, but other adults may not believe it, especially those "adults" including Uzo - how can that kid just question a few words, but his hard-working star-chasing status is just It’s hard to see the light of day, and I won’t be able to attend Miss Yoko’s concerts openly in the future.

Thinking about this possibility, Vodka felt a pang of pain.

But now with three gunmen crashing behind them, staying alive seems to be more important than chasing stars.

He gritted his teeth and said to the three children: "Choose any way, just go there..."

Deng Deng Deng——

The sound of footsteps chasing behind him passed through a corner, and it suddenly became clear - those people were actually chasing after him!

Kojima Genta was startled, jumped up, and rushed into a branch road nearby.

In a panic, the other two children saw someone taking the lead and rushed in after them.

Vodka: "..." Why are you running? That's a dead end! !

For a moment, he wanted to throw away Conan in his hand and let these naughty children be silenced by three gangsters, while he himself walked away leisurely along the road of survival.

But thinking of Uzo's "mission", Vodka had reason to suspect that if he went out alone, he would encounter some misfortunes - and when the time came, Uzo could take the blame and blame him on the grounds that "Vodka himself was disobedient". Clear the relationship.

There are two ends of the scale, one end is three ordinary gunmen, the other end is Uzo who got a real gun, plus his ruthless little brother who suffered a brain injury...

Is this still a choice?

Vodka cursed and was forced to rush into the fork in the road where the three naughty children entered.

——He wants to take back what he just said, that little fat guy is the one who deceives people the most! These three, no, these four little brats that Uzo sees in his eyes, every one of them is a disaster!

But no matter how much he wanted to kick their butts, Vodka could only maintain his character as an honest person.

It's just that even honest people can't bear it when encountering this kind of thing. Vodka couldn't help but denounced in a low voice: "Why are you running around!"

Kojima Mota scratched his head and muttered in a low voice: "Didn't you tell me to choose a random path?"

Vodka: "..."

When he leaves this cave safely, he will definitely take these four hateful children to a hot pot! Uzo is the main ingredient!

The vodka was as murderous as the gin, but he could only smile dryly on his face: "Haha, indeed, you are right."

The three armed robbers chased after the bat. They carefully used their flashlights to shine in this direction, and also saw the stone egg placed on the stone pillar, as well as the five forked roads behind it.

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