Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2279 2283 [Kindergarten Teacher]

A ruthless organization cadre was reduced to being praised by a few naughty kids for being a good person... Vodka didn't even need to close his eyes to imagine that guy Uzo's teasing expression as if he were watching a show.

He faintly suppressed his murderous intention and returned to the topic: "Let's go, we have to leave as soon as possible."

As he said that, Vodka judged the direction of the three gunmen and headed in the opposite direction with a few children.

Ayumi Yoshida was startled: "Well, uncle, it seems that the people burying the corpse are not here."

Vodka glanced at her inexplicably: "Just because they are not here, we are going this way."

Ayumi Yoshida looked disappointed: "Can't you beat them all down like brother Jiang Xia?"

Vodka: "..."

The scent of vanilla ice cream wafted again.

Vodka said numbly: "They have guns."

"So that's it." Yoshida Ayumi nodded sensibly and didn't ask any more questions. But when Vodka saw her expression, he always felt that this naughty kid was secretly scolding him.

"I understand." Vodka cursed in his mind, "No matter whether the kids next to Uzo are smart or not, or have criminal talent or not, at least one thing is the same - these guys are more irritating than the last! Those who met Uzo in the past Among the unlucky murderers, there may be many who were pushed by them."

"I thought I heard a scream."

The young female assistant twitched her ears and pointed to one of the passages: "They must be going this way!"

The female writer frowned in confusion: "But why did they scream?"

"Who knows? Children love to be surprised." The young female assistant spread her hands, "The light in this underground cave is very dark. Maybe they were frightened by the stone standing next to them and thought there was an ambush."

The middle-aged man was thoughtful: "That adult actually ignored the child and allowed the child to scream... maybe they got separated?"

In this case, it is a good opportunity - kill those children first, and then catch one of them to threaten their guardian, and the matter will be solved.

He quickly made a decision and said to the other two companions: "Let's go to the direction where the screams came from and kill them as much as possible."

"Go faster, they'll probably catch up soon."

Vodka always felt that he heard faint human voices, and couldn't help but suspect that the three gunmen were very close to them. However, the little kids around him were moving at a headache-slow pace.

The three children struggled to keep up with their short legs. After walking for a while, Yoshida Ayumi couldn't help but ask: "Uncle, will that watch you asked us to throw at the fork in the road really be useful?"

Vodka: "Of course." Regardless of whether it's useful or not, just drop it and give it a try. It's not my watch anyway.

A group of children walked very slowly, but fortunately the gangsters did not dare to chase them too fast. Silencing them was the best outcome they expected. If they couldn't be silenced, they planned to immediately distance themselves and escape.

After walking in the direction where they heard the scream for a while, the three of them paused and found that there was another fork in the road in front of them - this time it was 2 to 1.

"Why is there a watch here?"

The young female assistant walked to one of the roads, picked up a children's watch that was emitting a flashlight beam, and played with it curiously: "It actually has its own flashlight, it's very advanced."

As she spoke, she walked deeper into the road.

The female writer was startled: "What are you doing?"

The young female assistant was also startled: "Chasing people! Children's watches have fallen here, which means those children have gone this way. If we chase them all the way, we can catch them."

Female writer: "Idiot, even a child of a few years old can't drop a shiny thing without noticing it. This must be a trap - they pretended to go this way to lure us there, but in fact they went to the other side."

Young female assistant: "..." Okay, it seems to make sense.

But she couldn't keep it on her face. After thinking about it, the female assistant suddenly had an idea: "But maybe they predicted your prediction and wanted to lead you to the other side in this way, but in fact they left me This is the path we’re taking!”

The female writer's forehead jumped: "Are you arguing with me?"

The middle-aged man said: "It makes sense, you can't underestimate the cunning of children."

Female writer: "..."

She looked at her husband and sneered sinisterly: "Because she is young and beautiful, what she says makes sense?"

The middle-aged man frowned: "What are you talking about! I only agree with her because she is right."

The female writer snorted coldly and stopped talking.

Two to one, the three finally reached an agreement and walked towards the passage where the watch was dropped.

This road ahead.

Vodka's head was pounding as he listened to the worried questions from the three children.

He had no choice but to swish with murderous intent while patiently explaining: "Those three people are smart enough to find out that we dropped the watch on purpose, so they won't go this way."

Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya was still a little worried: "But, what if they split into two groups?"

Vodka: "There's no signal here, and there's more than one of us. As long as they have some brains, they know they should act as a group."

"That's it!" The three children looked at him with admiration, "He is indeed a fan of Brother Jiang Xia, as powerful as him!"

It was obvious that he was being praised, but Vodka couldn't help showing a twisted expression as if he had eaten mustard: "..." Who is a fan of that damn thing!

He chuckled and was about to change the subject.

However, at this time, Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya listened to the ground and hesitated: "I always feel some movement behind me - could those people fall into the trap and come to our side?"

Vodka: "...?"

Are the three guys behind him as brainless as the dead Yuji Kamekura?

Or are they too smart and carry out counter-prejudgment and counter-prejudgment?

...No matter what, we have to get out of here quickly.

Vodka resisted the regretful looks of the three naughty children, "This fan is still not as good as Brother Jiang Xia." His forehead twitched slightly, and he led them forward quickly: "Stop talking and leave quickly. Do you want to be overtaken by them?" "

"We didn't talk just now..." Yoshida Ayumi opened her big, talkative eyes and asked, "Uncle, I remember that the exit seems to be on their side. If we just go forward, will we end up in a dead end?" ah."

Vodka was about to say that there was another way ahead, but before he left his mouth, he shut his mouth cautiously: No, you can't show that you are familiar with this cave! ——These brats seem to be his companions now, but when they leave here, they will definitely tell others what happened now. Every piece of information I reveal now is likely to become evidence in court in the future!

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