Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2283 2287 [Who are you talking about? 】

Conan: "..."

Conan: "???"


A savior?

who? What savior?

He followed the gazes of the three classmates, his eyes paused on Vodka for a moment, and then he looked back.

Then he rubbed his eyes silently.

Conan: "..." Haha, I am indeed dreaming. This dream feels quite real. The kick I just kicked on the vodka felt like reality...

But rather than kicking vodka in his dream, wouldn't it be better to kick gin? After all, that insidious and cunning cadre was the culprit who made him smaller.

Vodka looked around and didn't see Jiang Xia, so he asked the three children: "Do you still know the road?"

The three children nodded quickly: They had just turned around and reached the original entrance of the cave, and their camp was not far away.

Vodka breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.

He said sternly: "Go to your guardians quickly and tell them the specific situation - I just sprained my arm in the cave and I have to go to the hospital first."

——After going to the hospital, of course I won’t come back.

His identity as "Mr. Yamada" has been repaired so perfectly, and it is not just for playing bloody games with Uzzo - he is going to see Miss Yoko's concert, and Uzzo's little trick can't succeed!

After saying that, before the three children could express their concern or stay, Vodka had already left in a hurry, heading towards the direction where his vehicle was parked.

After all, he was much taller than several children. He was carried by the wind when he walked, and disappeared in a whoosh.

Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya looked at his back and was stunned: "You are walking so fast, is Uncle Yamada seriously injured? Could it be that he was hit by a gangster just now?"

Conan was also looking at Vodka's back in a daze. When he heard these words, he suddenly came back to his senses: "Stop him, he is trying to escape!"

The three children glared over with dissatisfaction: "What are you running away from? How can such a derogatory term be used on Uncle Yamada? He just saved our lives!"

Conan: "???"

He wanted to shout that the guy who was leaving quickly was an evil cadre of an evil organization, but when he thought that knowing this would mean he would be on the organization's silence list, Conan had no choice but to grit his teeth for the lives of his three classmates. Swallowed back the words that revealed the truth about vodka.

He also wanted to follow Vodka and see where this guy was going. It would be best to attach a bug and a tracker... But when he thought of the insidious person who knocked him out from behind, this plan was immediately ruled out.

"Although I don't know why the guy who stabbed me behind the back and was suspected of being Gin didn't silence us, but with the other party's cunning and sophistication, the cadres of the organization hiding in the dark must be observing us."

The more Conan thought about it, the more he broke into a cold sweat. He felt lucky to have survived the disaster: "In the eyes of that sneak attacker, I might just be a naughty kid who used a toy watch to secretly aim at vodka, so he didn't deal with me seriously. But if If I show more abnormalities, these children and I may all be silenced!"

"...I can only pretend to be a kid for a while."

“But why do they say vodka is a lifesaver?”

Conan looked at his classmates in confusion and confusion, and asked tentatively: "That... that savior just now, what happened to him?"

The three children couldn't help but get excited as they led Conan to the camping site.

Although the experience just now left their lives hanging by a thread, for the three elementary school students, they were able to solve the mystery hidden in the cave and successfully escape while being chased by three gunmen. I want to enjoy the experience until I am 90 years old.

Several people immediately started repeating it to Conan.

At the same time, the three children gave the highest praise to vodka, which had made an outstanding contribution in this great escape.

"He is a wise man who sacrifices himself for others." Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya highly summarized the vodka in his eyes.

"It's the protector of the cave!" Yoshida Ayumi commented from the senses.

"He is a fan of brother Jiang Xia, and his IQ has improved because of it!"

Kojima Genta is obviously a pragmatist and is struggling: "If I also have a crush on Brother Jiangxia, will I be able to get full marks in future exams? - My mother said that if I perform well, she will take me to eat more times. Eel rice."

Conan: "..."

Conan: "???"

Who are you talking about? ?

When Conan was full of questions, the three children took him back to the tent camp.

"Conan?" Dr. Ali was helping Haihara Ai peel potatoes. Suddenly he saw this fake kid who was said to be busy. He smiled in surprise, "You're still here, haha. I said camping and barbecue are better than you." Those investigations are so much more interesting!”

Conan: "..." I'm not here because I want to eat barbecue!

The three children were attracted by the prepared ingredients, and soon they came back to their senses: "Doctor, call the police, there are three gunmen nearby, and they may come at any time!"

Dr. A Li was surprised. If other children suddenly said this, he might suspect that the person opposite him was addicted to playing house with gun battles, but these children in front of him... not to mention the three gunmen, they were just collecting firewood. When it came to the missiles, Dr. Ari didn't think he would be surprised.

He quickly asked about the situation and took out his cell phone to call the police.

Conan: "..." Actually, it's not three gunmen, it should be five. Vodka and the Gin who knocked me from behind must also have a gun.

While Dr. Ali was talking to a few children, Conan sighed and turned to look for Haibara Ai, who should be able to understand him.

Haihara Ai was busy peeling shrimps. When she saw Conan coming, she turned and glanced: "?"

Conan whispered: "Vodka is nearby!"

Haibara groaned, wiped his hands, pulled up his hood, and continued working.

Conan realized that she did not realize the seriousness of the matter and said anxiously: "Gin is here too!"

Haibara Ai:"?!"

Her whole body froze, and after a moment, Haihara Ai whispered: "I'll go hide in the tent first, and you ask Dr. A Li to pack up and leave as soon as possible."

Then she wiped her hands and took out her phone, as if she wanted to send someone a message.

Conan: "..."

...The name of gin is so effective?

Having said that, as a cadre with the same code name, vodka is too out of place for you!

However, this only illustrates the weirdness of the current situation.

Conan took pains to emphasize the danger: "Vodka is very wrong today!"

He briefly recounted the experiences he heard from several other children: "I don't know why, not only did he not silence us, but he pretended to be amiable and deceived the three children into trusting us!"

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