Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2284 2288 [Haihara Ai’s organization gossip]

After hearing this, Hui Yuan Ai couldn't help but frown: "He can actually solve the riddles in the cave..."

Conan: "?" Is this the point?

...I can’t say that’s not the case at all.

After thinking about it, Conan couldn't help but start to inquire about the organization's information: "Is Vodka really that stupid?" If so, this can be used.

Hui Yuan Ai nodded, then shook his head hesitantly: "His IQ is not low, but he is really stupid in some aspects. And when encountering a scene that requires action, he always thinks too much, resulting in poor behavior in his actions. Slower—in short, a less harmful civilian."

Conan: "..."

He tried hard to block out the intimidating figure of Vodka in his mind, only looked at his behavior and character, and reluctantly agreed with the evaluation of "civilian".

However, when talking about the cave and thinking about Bodega's self-proclaimed "Jiangxia fans", Conan remembered something important.

Conan: "Jiang Xia also came to this camping trip?"

Hui Yuan Ai came back to his senses and nodded: "Just now the three children didn't come back, so he went out to look for someone."

Conan's face changed slightly: "He won't go into the cave too - it's very dangerous in there!"

Not to mention the fighting prowess of the three gunmen, for a just detective, gin and vodka are definitely no small threat!

Conan: "..." Although he couldn't clearly see the face of the guy who was knocking the knife behind him, it must be Gin - after all, gin and vodka almost always appear together, and there is the familiar knocking of someone from behind... ...Although this time I did not use a stick but a hand knife, but the nature should be similar.

Thinking of this, Conan suddenly realized something: Are those two guys still obsessed with the famous detective and want Jiang Xia to become a helper of the organization? ——If I remember correctly, they paid a lot of attention to Jiang Xia when they met by chance before.

So... maybe Vodka was on another mission this time, and met acquaintances of Jiang Xia along the way, so he "rescued" a few children along the way, planning to save the country in a roundabout way, starting with people close to Jiang Xia?

Hui Yuan Ai listened to his analysis: "..."

Compared to the three gangsters who might be shooting in the dark in the cave, she felt that there was nothing wrong with Gin and Vodka: For some reason, she always felt that Jiang Xia was not afraid of Gin, but would occasionally talk about this cadre. , the tone seemed quite cordial.

Haihara Ai: "..." Maybe they have a good relationship in the organization? She remembered that although Ginjiu hated Jiang Xia's father, he quite admired his mother's behavior. Although Ginjiu treated Jiang Xia no differently from other peripheral cannon fodder in the past... but people change. Maybe now that Jiang Xia has become a famous detective, Ginjiu recognizes his value?

While Haihara Ai was a little relieved, he was also concerned that the organization would drain Jiang Xia's value as a detective, putting this young man who should have a bright future in danger.

The two of them were worried about their own things. Although the process was somewhat different, they happened to worry about the same thing.

"Anyway..." Dr. Ali found them muttering together and walked over. "Let's call the police first. Remember to send a message to Jiang Xia to ask where he is."

Vodka escaped from the sight of several children, sneakily made two turns to escape possible tracking, and then ran towards his car hidden in the woods.

Seeing this transportation tool from a distance that could take him out of danger completely, Vodka breathed a sigh of relief and happily ran straight to the car door.

Then the footsteps came to a screeching halt.

Vodka: "..."

Why is there someone next to the car? !

Seeing the person leisurely leaning against his car door, Vodka instinctively stopped and almost wanted to turn around and leave.

However, before the idea could be turned into action, a black gun pointed at him. Jiang Xia smiled and said: "There is no public transportation here. If you don't take this car, you will have to run back with your own legs."

Vodka looked at the familiar pistol with the safety off: "..."

...Doesn't this guy know that pistols can easily go off? How can you point fingers at people casually!

The organization was very wise not to shoot this dangerous man!

While cursing, he reluctantly explained his actions just now: "Haha, I didn't see clearly that it was you just now, I thought there was an enemy ambushing me."

This was not entirely a lie - if he had seen clearly that Uzo was here, he would not have come, or at worst, he would have called someone else to pick him up.

Jiang Xia seemed quite satisfied with his "close" and "friendly" attitude, and nodded: "I'll just say it."

Vodka: "..."

It was obviously him who mentioned it first, but when Wu Zuo said this, it made people angry for no reason.

So Vodka showed a more friendly smile: calm down, impulsiveness is dangerous!

But no matter how bright the smile was on his face, his angry heart did not change. So soon, Vodka remembered something serious.

"I have already taken those four brats out of the cave." Vodka hinted secretly, "The three gangsters did not catch up."

Jiang Xia: "You want me to go over and kill the three of them now?"

The vodka chicken nodded like it was pecking at rice.

Jiang Xia sighed a little sadly: "Those children are very smart. Since they escaped danger, they must have called the police now. You want me to kill people with a gun in front of the police? - I work hard to save wealth for the organization, you But he stabbed me in the back."

Vodka: "?"

Stop pretending to be innocent! Although I do have this idea...but how many people have you tricked to death using this method!

Jiang Xia suddenly looked at him.

Vodka: "!"

Jiang Xia sighed again, and continued what he had just said: "It doesn't matter. After all, there are three gangsters on the opposite side. I can explain that I was forced to defend myself. But this gun -"

He admired the newly acquired gun: "I can only tell the truth and tell them that Mr. Yamada gave it to me."

Vodka: "..."

Vodka began to sweat coldly: "...You, don't act recklessly! I was confused when I was taking care of the child, so I didn't think about it carefully."

"So that's it." Jiang Xia, "Then should I still go?"

The vodka head shook like it was equipped with a motor.

But soon he felt something was wrong: "But those three people...wait a minute, you promised to help me kill them, you shouldn't want to renege on the debt, right?"

"I'm a law-abiding citizen and I won't kill anyone." Jiang Xia paused for a moment and waited for a while, but no murderous intent appeared.

He had no choice but to continue regretfully: "But I didn't say I wouldn't help you complete your mission - wait patiently for a few days and leave everything to fate. My intuition tells me that it's not long before you complete your mission."

Since you live in Tokyo, you must learn to believe in Conan's power.

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