Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2288 2292 [Perish together with Jiang Xia]

"Invite Jiang Xia to our home?!" The young female assistant jumped up like a mouse that smelled cat's scent, "Isn't this just throwing yourself into a trap!"

The middle-aged man mentally scolded her for being stupid, and had to explain: "Of course not. Don't forget, Jiang Xia is a detective who pays attention to evidence and attaches great importance to a complete logical chain. Just because he hasn't come to the door now doesn't mean he hasn't noticed us— —We must strike first and not leave anything to chance. Otherwise, when he slowly gathers clues, it will be difficult for us to escape."

The young female assistant always felt that something was wrong, but when she listened carefully, it seemed to make sense.

After hesitating for a moment, she stopped arguing and nodded: middle-aged men are reliable most of the time, at least they have more ideas than her, so it would be right to listen to him.

The female writer glanced at her husband and snorted coldly: "If you want to, please do it. I have no objection."

The three quickly reached an agreement.

The news on TV is not as fast as the Internet, so the female writer did not stay in the living room to watch the news. She stood up and said: "I'm going back to write the manuscript first. I have a new idea."

"Go." The two people did not hold back and started doing their own things separately.

But the separation is only temporary.

As soon as the female writer entered the bedroom and closed the door, the two people walked out from their respective directions, winked at each other, and got together skillfully.

Young female assistant: "Did you just tell me something?"

Haitang Yangtai pushed up his glasses and nodded.

What he said just now was just to deceive others.

Of course, inviting Jiang Xia here is not to test, but to bring everything to an end.

After all, as we all know, as a murderer, the easiest and safest way to make yourself completely safe is to have someone else be caught and brought to justice as the real murderer.

If the "real culprit" could never speak in front of the police and never expose the real culprit, things would be even better.

So Haitang Yangtai quickly came up with a plan: to invite Jiang Xia here under the pretense of a commission, and when the detective who could pose a huge threat to them arrives, he would find a way to make him and the female writer "die together."

Yuji Kamekura is dead, and no one can prove that the female writer was the jewel thief back then, and no one can prove that the stolen goods are now in the hands of the couple. Once the female writer dies, not only will he not have to compensate for the jewels, but he will also You can inherit a large amount of inheritance and return to single status with a younger and more beautiful woman.

"The only problem is that Sachiko and I also appeared in the cave today. After the old woman and Jiang Xia die together, we will definitely become suspects and undergo rigorous investigation..."

Regarding this, Haitang Youta had already made a plan in his mind: "But it's not a big problem! I have already dealt with all the traces that need to be dealt with. As for the footprints left in the cave, it can be said that the old woman Qianzuru stepped on them in advance. Sometimes, she tricked us into accompanying her to familiarize herself with the terrain.

"Although this excuse is hard to fool even the stupid police, as long as they can't produce enough physical evidence, they will have to let us go sooner or later. After those few days, we will be completely free!"

He plotted against a well-known and powerful detective, and at the same time completely removed that old woman with a bad temper from his life. In addition, he could double his property...

The huge benefits and challenges made Haitang Yangtai excited, and his whole body couldn't help but tremble.

He was about to share this wonderful plan with his lover, but before he spoke, he thought of the IQ of the beautiful woman in front of him and his wife's IQ... He silently closed his mouth.

Haitang Yangtai: "..." Forget it, forget it.

That yellow-faced woman is cunning and difficult to deal with. Once a young man like Sachiko shows abnormality in front of her, he will be easily discovered by the other party.

If the plan is exposed, things will be troublesome. Let's wait until it is successful before talking about this.

Thinking like this, Haitang Yangtai touched the head of the young female assistant, without revealing his plan, and only hinted: "When Jiang Xia comes, don't be too nervous, just stay in a normal state and do what you want to do. "

Then he emphasized: "You must remember that from now on, the shooting case in the cave has nothing to do with us. No matter who asks in the future, you have to say you don't know. If they take out the information we entered into the cave, As evidence, just say that we were just asked by Chizuru to take a tour of the cave."

The young female assistant heard this strangely: "Of course I won't say that the incident has anything to do with us, and I don't want to surrender - why do you suddenly emphasize this?"

It was too difficult for Haitang Yang to explain, so he just said: "Just be obedient."

The female assistant nodded hesitantly: "Okay then." For the sake of your money and brains, just listen to what I have to say.

When two people get together to discuss.

In the study.

The female writer opened a bag of chocolate biscuits and took a vicious bite with a fierce look on her face.

"Those two guys are probably planning to kill Jiang Xia and me together." She snorted coldly, "Don't think that you can get away with it. Just wait and see, I will ruin the reputation of you adulterers and adulterers. !”

In the huge villa, three groups of murderous auras floated quietly.

"Haitang Qianhe's letter of authorization?!"

After school, a cafe near Didan Middle School.

Suzuki Sonoko looked at the letter in Jiang Xia's hand and was a little surprised. Next to her, Mao Lilan had an excited look on her face. This star-chasing girl who chased all stars happily said: "I remember she is a mystery novelist who is in the limelight recently, but she is very low-key and has only been interviewed by one magazine! "

After touching her signature book and looking forward to it for a while, Mao Lilan thought of a question.

She looked curiously: "Why did that writer want to find a detective? Did she also encounter an incident?"

Jiang Xia picked up the coffee and took a sip: "She said that she has been out of inspiration recently and wanted to talk to the detective to enrich her practical experience."

"That's it." Conan was holding a glass of juice next to him. Tuntn took a few sips and joined in the conversation.

This serious mystery fan obviously also knows something about Haitang Chizuru, a mystery writer: "I have long felt that her various cases are very realistic, so I have been wondering whether she has been a detective or a criminal - I have no idea. When you think about her experience, everything makes sense."

Conan solved another puzzle that had been accumulated for a long time, and he felt relaxed all over. Even the pressure caused by Vodka's mysterious behavior not long ago was relieved a lot.

However, he was not happy for two seconds before he was hit on the head by the iron fist of justice.

Suzuki Sonoko took back her hand: "It's like you've seen it before, little brat, how many Chinese characters do you know?"

Conan: "..."

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