Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2289 2293 [My Driver]

Conan: "..."

He wanted to slap the table and say, "There must be more than you know!" However, he glanced at Mao Lilan next to him and thought about the possible bloody consequences of revealing his identity...

Conan could only take a deep breath and show the stupid smile that a child should have: "I, I heard what brother Jiang Xia said."

As soon as he finished speaking, he received another blow on the head.

After Suzuki Sonoko knocked him, she took back her hand in relief: "I'm just telling you, I won't take your brother Jiang Xia's lines next time!" - Of course, Jiang Xia must say this kind of handsome reasoning lines, from the mouth of a primary school student. What's the point of retelling it?

Conan: "..." Those are obviously my own lines!

Damn it, it's all the black organization's fault for making him smaller...

As he thought about it, Conan's thoughts circled back to his recent trip to the cave.

——What on earth does that vodka guy want to do?

Conan: "..." I thought he had held back a big move, but unexpectedly, it seemed like nothing happened in the past two days. Is it possible that the cadres of various organizations really want to be patient and save the country through twists and turns from a few children?

When primary school students seriously follow the wrong ideas and make great progress.

Next to them, three high school students were still talking about this commission with great interest.

"Take us with you!" Suzuki Sonoko wanted to join in the fun. "Besides, Xiaolan and I have also experienced many cases. Maybe we can provide her with more good ideas from our perspective!"

Jiang Xia nodded of course, he came to school just for this.

Soon, the three of them made an appointment to answer the invitation of the famous mystery novelist and tell her a true story about solving a crime.

"Although this is considered a regular lineup, it always feels like something is missing."

The day before departure, Jiang Xia ordered an ice cream-flavored ghost mint and played with the high-quality pistol while feeding it to the ghost.

After thinking about it, he asked the ghosts for advice: "How about calling the vodka?"

The ghosts were startled and nodded immediately.

"Very good, unanimously approved." Jiang Xia looked at the gun in his hand and began to write an email to Vodka:

[Mr. Yamada, it seems it’s time to return this gun to you. ]

He had already gotten his hands on an ordinary gun, but he would get tired of playing with it after a few days with something that couldn't be carried around his waist openly.

Besides being more auspicious, Vodka's gun is no different from other guns in other aspects. It might as well be used as a limited-time ticket to scoop up ice cream.

the other side.

Vodka looked at the familiar sending address and tensed up: "Brother! He actually said he wanted to return my gun to me!"

Gin was not as surprised as he was. He calmly lowered his head and looked through a mission report: "I have said before that he has a sense of proportion."

Vodka: "..." The word "measurement" is put together with "Uzo", and it really doesn't feel right no matter how many times I hear it...

Just as he was thinking about it, his hand buzzed.

Another nasty email came in:

[Such an important thing cannot be mailed. Let's meet somewhere and you can pick it up yourself. ]

Vodka: "..." Look, look! In less than half a minute, the fox's tail is revealed! !

Just a gun, do you think he is very rare?

Just as I was thinking about it, another email suddenly popped up on my phone:

[I'm not the kind of person who takes things from my colleagues. If you don't want it this time, I'll give it back to you in another way next time - how about starting with bullets? There seemed to be a few more rounds inside. ]

Vodka: "..."

How can you return something like this! Threat, this is a naked threat!

"Brother!" Vodka turned aside decisively, "Uzo wants to trick me into going there, and he will kill me if I don't go!"

Gin calmly turned the page: "Then go."

Vodka: “???”

Gin caught a glimpse of the change in his expression from the corner of his eye, but was too lazy to pay attention to him.

He recalled an email he received not long ago - Uzo said that he had obtained another batch of hundreds of millions of things for the organization and asked him to find someone to receive it at a designated location late this night.

When he received the email, Gin's mind flashed vigilantly with the phrase "please show courtesy for nothing", and he began to think about what trap was hidden behind this gift worth hundreds of millions.

But now, combined with the email Vodka received, Gin vaguely understood: lending vodka would probably be the "price" this time.

...What a price.

Vodka bumped into Uzo's hands several times, and each time he came out alive - and combined with Bourbon's experience, we can know that the things Vodka encountered were at best a joke by Uzo out of boredom, and he had no intention of doing anything. His life.

Therefore, vodka is idle anyway, so why not throw it out to subsidize funds and improve your abilities by the way - often follow Uzo to brush his face in front of the police, even if he makes a small mistake in the future, such as being hit near the murder site , the level of suspicion will also be reduced.

Of course, this also has disadvantages, that is, if Vodka's crime scene is discovered by others, and Vodka fails to silence him in time, he will immediately become a wanted target... But if Vodka is really ruined to this extent, then even if others do not take action , the organization will also clean up.

Gin: "..." In addition, there is another point worth noting. That is, if Vodka has been in contact with Uzo for a long time, will it pose a threat to him in turn?

...And at this time, Vodka's own ability is very reassuring, which is one of the reasons why Gin has gotten along well with him for so many years.

However, countermeasures are still needed.

Gin thought for a while and said to the frightened Vodka who was holding the phone: "After you go, record your conversation with him and give it to me."

Vodka: "..." Wait, does this mean I'm going? What if I can't come back!

He took a deep breath and said angrily, "Okay."

...It is indeed too dangerous to put the gun in Uzo's hands. If you can take the gun back, then take the risk.

And the eldest brother doesn't care at all. He must be planning to keep a close eye on the situation nearby and provide support at any time... He is not struggling alone!

After comforting himself in his mind like this, Vodka leaned back on his seat, silently reviewing the anti-Uzo manual in his mind, and seriously thinking about whether to write a suicide note.

Although judging from the state of the boss and eldest brother, there is probably no use in complaining in a suicide note, but this can at least leave his inner thoughts in this world and scold Uzo bloody-the dead person is the most important, and when the time comes, he will Don't be afraid of anything!

Soon, it was time to make an appointment with the client. Several high school students packed up and prepared to tell stories to the mystery writer.

When they arrived at the meeting place, Conan looked at his watch: "I checked yesterday. The address of the mystery writer's home is relatively remote. Buses and subways don't go there. How do we get there? Take a taxi?"

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