Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2290 2294 [Queen’s Bodyguard]

Jiang Xia shook his head: "A friend said he would send us there."

The other three people were startled: "Friends?"

At this moment, a car drove along the road and stopped beside them at a suspiciously slow speed.

A few seconds later, a man slowly got out of the car.

Conan's pupils shrank: "..." Vodka? ! As expected, this guy was so evil that he came back so quickly!

"Vodka must have wanted to sneak into Jiang Xia immediately and deceive the trust of this well-known detective, but he actually restrained himself in his actions and deliberately pretended to be unhurried... Tsk, this guy looks clumsy, but actually But it’s very rough and fine.”

While Conan was vigilantly observing the state of this dangerous person, he thought to himself: "It's just that the acting was too deliberate. The speed was so slow that it made people discover his flaws... But from another perspective , this guy is pretending to be a fan of Jiang Xia, and he can barely explain it with the excuse that he was too excited to come forward after meeting his idol."

The other three high school students didn't think as much as this fake elementary school student thought.

"Mr. Yamada? So it's you."

Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko had met this big fan who "dreamed of becoming a famous detective like Jiang Xia" during the girl group case involving Kinoshita Yoko. I heard that this fan had a certain status in the fan circle. The technology is masterful and skillful, and he can make many exquisite peripherals.

Vodka turned to look at the two enthusiastic and friendly female high school students, smiled at them as naturally as he could, and said hello. Then he said according to the lines Jiang Xia wanted: "Yes, Mr. Jiang Xia saw my sincerity and finally agreed that I would solve the case with him."

Conan: "..." Shameless!

Mao Lilan: "..." It's really touching.

Suzuki Sonoko leaned over and whispered: "Are there any new peripherals from Jiang Xia recently?"

Vodka: "Haha, how could I make those things without Mr. Jiang Xia's consent?" Why make them? To cause trouble for yourself?

Jiang Xia waited for them to say hello, then walked forward slowly and shook hands with this "enthusiastic fan".

Then with the other party's slightly distorted expression, he said: "The time is almost up, let's go first."

The group of people got into the car. Jiang Xia opened the door very naturally and sat in the passenger seat.

Vodka in the driver's seat: "..."

Does taking a picture of this scene and passing it on to his eldest brother count as evidence of Uzo usurping the throne?

Vodka was interested in taking a photo with Jiang Xia, but as a member of an organization that should pay attention to concealment, he quickly gave up the idea:

Leaving aside the success rate of the complaint, if the revealing photos were really left, then he would probably be the only one unlucky - Uzo must have hundreds of ways to use this to harm him, and also make everything look like Like his vodka's fault.

Soon, the vehicle was on the road in a complicated atmosphere.

The two girls were chattering in the back seat. Jiang Xia chatted with Vodka from time to time. Vodka, a nervous fan, only had the nerve to talk to her idol when he asked.

Suzuki Yuanzi and Mao Lilan laughed. Suzuki Yuanzi patted the back of his chair: "Why are you nervous? Jiang Xia is easy to get along with."

Vodka was very nervous when he was suddenly slapped from behind by her. He was so shocked that he almost jumped up on the spot: "..." Ha! Stupid woman.

Jiang Xia lowered his head and saw the ghosts happily pulling a strand of fresh ice cream murderous aura from his body.

Jiang Xia: "..." Wonderful.

Sure enough, only by having more contact with the daily team can this insensitive ice cream machine work properly.

In the back seat, Conan leaned against the back of the chair, staring at Vodka's back, thoughtfully: "..." This guy pretended to be very similar to the surprised state when he first met his idol. Could it be that he is really a fan of Jiang Xia?

"No, it's not possible. As an organization cadre who walks on the road of crime and faces annihilation once caught by the police, he will definitely be more defensive towards Jiang Xia, just like a mouse cannot become a fan of a cat. There’s no way he’s pursuing this star with all his heart and soul.”

Conan quickly analyzed his psychology: "Perhaps that look just now was just Vodka's nervous expression when facing the enemy. In order to act, he deliberately amplified the nervousness in his heart? Or maybe he had other star-chasing experiences, so he used his performance at that time Has it been applied to the current scene?”

After thinking about it, it seems that either scenario is possible.

And the result of this is...

"The acting looks quite similar." Conan said with caution, "I can't let Jiang Xia be confused by him. I have to keep an eye on him, and at the same time, be careful not to expose my true identity..."

The car drove to the suburbs for a while, gradually looking for the address given by the client, and came to a magnificent villa.

In the garden of the villa, three people dressed in everyday casual clothes came to greet him.

Vodka parked the car and couldn't wait to open the door and get out of the car.

Once he was away from the filthy air in the car, he looked up and saw a man and two women approaching.

Vodka was slightly startled: "..." These three people... aren't these the three guys he is responsible for tracking!

As this thought flashed through Vodka's eyes, the three bright and smiling faces gradually overlapped with the three sneering faces holding guns in the shadow of the cave.

Vodka: "..." These guys are so involved in cases, why did they suddenly ask Uzo to come over?

Your life in crime has been too quiet, so you're looking for some excitement?

...You guys are chasing you, why did you involve me, an innocent passerby!

After recognizing the current situation, Vodka couldn't help but twist his expression. For a moment, he didn't know whether to sympathize with the three unlucky people opposite him or to pray for their early death so that he could escape from this dispute as soon as possible.

"Wait a minute, am I the one responsible for silencing the three of them?" Vodka suddenly realized something bad, and uncontrollably some horrific images appeared in his mind - a day later, the news was published in the newspaper , "Mr. Yamada" fought with three gunmen to protect his idol, and both died.

Vodka: "..." Big brother! Brother, are you listening? ! Send an email to that guy Uzo quickly and ask him to restrain himself, otherwise you will lose your loyal little brother! !

When Vodka was stunned, the three people on the opposite side were also stunned for a moment.

The middle-aged man pushed up his glasses to hide the nervousness in his heart: "..." Only Jiang Xia was invited, why did so many of them come?

There is actually a bodyguard in black. How could they silence themselves, and how could Jiang Xia and the female writer "die together"?

The middle-aged man took a deep breath and stepped forward with complicated emotions.

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