Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2296 2300 [Enhanced Vodka]

After pondering Uzo's sinister thoughts in his mind, Vodka stretched tiredly and got out of bed to wash up.

He came to the bathroom, looked at his uncovered face in the mirror, and was silent for a moment.

Vodka: "..." I heard that cosmetics can cover dark circles. Why don't you get a jar and take it with you in the future?

Hmm... Belmode should be an expert in this area. Ask her when you have time.

After washing, I rubbed vodka against the door for a while.

When he heard other people going out one after another and two female high school students chatting with Jiang Xia, he took the opportunity to open the door, pretended to have just woken up, and went out to blend in - so that he did not have to face Wu Zuo alone.

Just as he was thinking happily, Jiang Xia suddenly looked back at him.

Vodka: "!"

What are you looking at? Why don’t I get up later than others?

He cursed a few words in his mind, then showed a friendly smile to the high school students and silently joined the team.

Conan looked at his smile and suddenly got goosebumps all over his body: "..." To show your courtesy for nothing, this guy is really going to do something big!

The three high school students didn't seem to think so much. They nodded and said hello to the shy assistant, and then continued to talk about themselves in depth.

"Did you hear that?" Suzuki Sonoko's eyes were a little green, and she sighed, "Last night at midnight, maybe two or three in the morning, I got up and went to the bathroom, and suddenly I heard a strange noise."

When Mao Lilan heard this beginning, she shivered and hugged herself tightly: "Don't tell ghost stories!"

Suzuki Sonoko waved her hand to comfort this classmate who was afraid of ghosts: "It's not a ghost story, it's Ms. Haitang - I followed the sound to the window last night, looked into the villa next door, and saw her standing in the study. Wearing a bathrobe, he looked up to the floor-to-ceiling windows and laughed, looking very happy."

Mao Lilan thought about that scene and found it strange, but it seemed understandable: "Is it because she thought of a wonderful plot?" As a writer, it seems normal to have some quirks.

Suzuki Sonoko shrugged: "I don't know, but it's scary. Fortunately, they live in an independent villa like this, otherwise they would definitely be complained."

While chatting, the few of them went out to the villa next door, planning to have breakfast.

However, when they reached the gate and looked inside, they stopped dead in their tracks.

"No door open?"

The entrance to the villa is a row of glass sliding doors. At this time, the sliding door was locked, and the curtains on the inside were also closed, as if the door was closed to thank guests.

"Have they not gotten up yet?" Suzuki Sonoko yawned, "If I had known, I would have slept a little longer."

Vodka felt that it was not that simple. He glanced at the door, paused suddenly, and stared at the bottom of the curtain.

Between the narrow gap between the curtains and the ground, a row of round fingertips was vaguely exposed - there was a hand lying there, and behind it was a corpse covered by the curtains.

Vodka: "?!!"

Conan was watching him secretly. Sensing the change in Vodka's attention, he immediately followed him and looked over.

Relying on his short height, Conan could clearly see the hand lying beside the door. He felt a thump in his heart and blurted out: "There is a person lying behind the door!"

"!!" Mao Lilan was so frightened that she almost kicked the door open.

Suzuki Sonoko was startled at first, then looked at the door with fear and curiosity: "Where is it? Where is it?"

The fake detective showed the reaction he should have. Jiang Xia stepped forward and rang the doorbell, but no one in the room paid attention to him. He sighed: "We can only break down the door and go in to take a look - Mr. Yamada, let's break the door open together."

Conan: "..." Vodka is really gradually deceiving Jiang Xia's trust.

Vodka: "..." What does this kid want to do? Do you want me to leave traces when I hit the door, and then wait for the police to come and use those clues to make me unable to explain?

He wanted to refuse, but before he could say anything, he suddenly realized something was wrong.

"Although I know that the unlucky man on the other side of the glass door is probably in danger, but from the perspective of an 'enthusiastic citizen', there is only one thing I should know now - that is, there is a person lying at the door. He or She is probably having an acute illness and needs resuscitation."

Vodka's mind was spinning more than ten times faster than when he was with Gin: "If I refuse, it will appear guilty, or cold-blooded and unkind, which will be dangerous! And it was Uzo's suggestion to let me knock on the door. If If something happens to me because I reject him, he can easily get rid of it again."

After the idea came to fruition, the words Vodka was about to say took a detour: "...Okay!"

The two men opened the door and rushed into the living room under Conan's vigilant gaze.

Turning around, he saw the young female assistant lying face down on the ground, her body already a little stiff.

"She should have died last night." Jiang Xia knelt down and looked at the situation, then suddenly looked at Vodka, "I remember you knew something about medicine? What do you think?"

Vodka glanced at the corpse and was about to say something, but suddenly felt something was wrong.

He braked in a panic: "...I'm just an ordinary person who loves programs and codes. I don't know much about corpses and only have some hearsay knowledge."

Vodka: "..." You actually want to trick me! First, he used the incident of knocking on the door just now to make me subconsciously feel that I shouldn't confront him, and then suddenly used question sentences to trap me. Haha, you really can’t relax for a moment next to this guy!

He looked warily at the scheming high school student across from him, and saw Jiang Xia nodding regretfully: "I got it wrong, my other assistant is studying medicine."

Vodka: "..." Wait, what is "another"? When did I become your assistant? I'm obviously Brother Gin's assistant, but you really want to usurp the throne!

Although some assistants were not cooperative, the generous detective forgave him. Jiang Xia took a cursory look at the body: "No external injuries have been found yet. It looks like sudden death or poisoning."

Suzuki Sonoko squatted next to him. Hearing this, he looked at a beautiful blue cup on the ground: "I feel like I was poisoned. Judging from the position where the cup fell, it should have been held by the deceased!"

Jiang Xia nodded happily. This was much more dedicated than his other assistants: "Don't touch this cup. Call the police first. I'll tell the other two house owners about this... Speaking of which, they didn't get up so late. A little weird."

He didn't have to worry about calling the police. After entering the house and hearing that someone was dead, Mao Lilan had already dialed the number consciously. Now the female high school student was communicating with the police in a low voice at a volume that would not disturb Jiang Xia.


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