Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2297 2301 [Conan’s self-destructing teammate] Please vote for me

Jiang Xia stood up and led everyone to find the owner of the house.

"We just rang the doorbell and knocked on the door. Such a big noise didn't even disturb anyone." Suzuki Yuanzi looked suspicious. She whispered to Jiang Xia and Mao Lilan, "Could it be that the writer couple killed each other together?" People, and then fled out of fear of crime?"

Vodka nodded thoughtfully: If I remember correctly, Uzo wanted to kill all three of them - and the two "absconding" people may have been taken down by the younger ones arranged by Uzo. Has Tokyo Bay been reclaimed?

His thoughts followed Suzuki Sonoko for a second, and then he suddenly came back to his senses: "..." No! What kind of absconding in fear of crime? That man is obviously dead. He saw it with his own eyes last night!

Vodka: "..." After seeing it, he couldn't sleep, and he had intermittently dreaming about the battle royale. As a result, when he was distracted, he could hardly tell whether the scary scene was a dream or reality... Speaking of which, San Two of them actually died. Things like Uzo are really harmful!

Vodka sighed while trying to pretend that he wasn't thinking about anything.

He nodded in agreement with Suzuki Sonoko, and then followed Jiang Xia through the bedrooms under Conan's vigilant gaze.

That's the bad thing about a room that's too big. It can easily turn into a hide-and-seek game.

But after all, the other party is very martial and will not move. Not long after, when Jiang Xia opened the door to the next room, the man of the house finally appeared in front of everyone.

"Ah!!" Mao Lilan was startled when she saw the person lying upright on the bed. She subconsciously picked up the phone, her fingertips were as fast as lightning, and a string of "110" blinked on the screen.

Vodka pushed up his sunglasses and couldn't help but glance at her: "..." From such a distance, he assumed that the person was dead... This girl really didn't know Uzo's plan?

Of course, the more likely scenario is that this poor female high school student appears near Uzuo every day, and has been soaked in the little Yinbi's style and aura for a long time, and has been subtly influenced by him.

"In short, whether these people are intentional or not, they are undoubtedly dangerous elements and must be avoided as much as possible."

Vodka glanced at the three high school students solemnly, and finally glanced at the elementary school student, and silently added in his heart: "There is no doubt that this kid is the most dangerous one among them. Even if he beat me to death with a gun, it would not matter. The law is being held accountable... Damn it, no wonder Uzo wants to make a cornflake version of 'Baker Street Guerrilla' like Sherlock Holmes, the little kid is so useful."

When the unprofessional detective's fake assistant is thinking about things that have nothing to do with the case.

The dedicated detective had quickly entered the room and came to the bedside.

Jiang Xia knelt down, checked Haitang Yangtai's pulse, and shook his head regretfully: "The person is dead, and the retribution..."

He looked at Mao Lilan, who was already calling the police in a low voice, and silently took back the rest of his words.

Then he went back and checked again, and came to a simple conclusion: "Mr. Haitang also had no external injuries on his body, and he probably died of poisoning."

As he said that, Jiang Xia looked around, and his eyes quickly stopped on the ground beside him.

——A bottle of sleeping pills dropped there.

He stretched out his hand, thought about it, and then took it back: "Although there is no evidence, I always feel that this will be a very important physical evidence... I won't look at it for now, and we will talk about it when the police come."

Vodka: "..." Pretending to be quite similar.

Just as he was cursing secretly, Jiang Xia suddenly raised his head and looked at him with a solemn expression.

Vodka: "?!" What are you doing!

"I remember……"

Jiang Xia pondered for a moment.

After a few seconds, when several other students looked over, he said with his heart rate soaring: "I remember when the assistant lady talked to us before, she once said that Mrs. Haitang often suffered from insomnia and had to resort to... You need sleeping pills to fall asleep.”

"It seems that there is such a thing." After hearing this, Suzuki Sonoko recovered from the fright of "There are more corpses!" and followed him to think.

Soon, the female high school student who had read countless cases touched her chin and frowned like a famous detective: "Mrs. Haitang often suffers from insomnia, but why is the sleeping pill at Mr. Haitang's place? Could it be that she recommended her own medicine to her husband?" Then he put poison in it and poisoned people to death?"

Mao Lilan suddenly realized: "That's it!"

Conan: "..." One person dares to recommend and the other dares to believe it.

Jiang Xia: "Anyway, Mrs. Haitang must be the key figure in this. Let's go to her room first."

The most common places for a well-known writer are usually the bedroom and study room.

The group of people first went to the study room, which was easier to find.

Pushing open the door, Suzuki Sonoko tilted her head and looked over Jiang Xia, and hissed - there was a computer on the desk next to the floor-to-ceiling window, and in front of the computer, a sturdy woman in a bathrobe lay prone on the table.

Although this posture is more common in "taking a nap" and sleeping on the table, combined with the glasses that had not been taken off in time, everyone had a certain premonition at the same time.

Mao Lilan's fingertips trembled, she was silent for a moment, and then picked up the phone for the third time.

Jiang Xia also walked over to investigate for the third time, and then shook his head skillfully: "The person is gone."

Vodka stood at the door, looking at the scene in the room, a little dazed.

As we all know, a murder requires both the deceased and the murderer.

But now...

Uzo planned to kill three people, but these three people died at the same time?

...How on earth did this guy do it? !

Conan's original attention was still on vodka, but as this strange mystery unfolded in front of him, his detective DNA surged wildly, and he couldn't help but focus on observing the scene.

Suddenly, he discovered something and pointed to a vase next to the desk: "Look! Does this clear blue and complex pattern look very familiar?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt a bang on his head.

Suzuki Sonoko took back the hand that knocked him: "Three people have died, and you are actually looking at the vase next to you!"

Conan: "..." Stupid! What vase? This is obviously an important clue to solving this mystery!

He wanted to retort like this, but out of the corner of his eye he caught sight of the vodka beside him. After a moment of silence, Conan had no choice but to suppress all his complaints.

Then he endured the humiliation and showed an innocent smile like a child: "People just think they have seen it before."

Suzuki Sonoko glanced at him suspiciously: "You kid, why do you have such a weird accent - speak normally to me."

Conan was so shocked that the hairs all over his body were about to explode: "!!!" Shut up! What nonsense are you talking about in front of vodka!

Vodka: "..." Oh, no matter how cunning a child is, his wisdom is limited. Do you think others can't see the contrast between your sinister heart and your pure appearance? ——As long as you continue, sooner or later you will be on the organization's silence list!

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