Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2300 2304【Debut】

Fortunately, the police officer's eyes did not stay too much on Vodka, an ordinary guy.

Just after saying hello to Vodka, Mumu Police Department went to greet his most reliable brother Jiang Xia: "What happened this time? I heard from Xiaolan that three people died?"

Jiang Xia nodded heavily and gestured towards the magnificent villa behind him: "One just entered the door, one is in the bedroom, and there is another in the study. There are no external injuries visible at the moment. I suspect that they all died of poisoning."

Mumu Police Department: "..."

Sato Miwako and Takagi Wataru who just got off the bus: "..."

Although I had heard the general situation from the operator, now that I was standing at the scene with my own eyes, it was still a headache.

And more importantly...

The Memu Police Department asked in a low voice: "Are there any suspects?"

Jiang Xia sighed: "Apart from us, there are only three of them who live in the villa permanently - but this is the suburbs after all. If someone comes or goes in the middle of the night, it's hard for us to know."

The Mumu Police Department began to have a headache again: "That will be difficult to handle."

Vodka listened to their chat and stood alone by the side, not daring to say a word.

"Fortunately, I didn't accept Wu Zuo's instigation and didn't turn around and enter the villa when the police were coming. Otherwise, if any picky guy was aroused by this and became suspicious, he would say 'murderer' to Jiang Xia and his gang." Or it could be among you!', then I'd be in trouble."

Vodka secretly clenched his fists: "After all, I am the most unfamiliar one among them. If I were like the other guys and often appeared with Uzo, I would definitely not have this trouble - ha, Uzo He must have wanted me to have this idea, but I have seen through his tricks and will never appear with him like he often does. I have grown up!"

Next to him, Miwako Sato couldn't help but glance at him: "..." Mr. Yamada really likes to think. He was like this the last time we met... Is this the quality that a detective fan should have?

Miwako Sato: "..." But this guy really doesn't look like a good person from his dress to his physique to his temperament - you really can't judge a person by his appearance. Who would have thought that such a person is just an ordinary technical geek who abides by the law? .

Although this case is a headache for the police, they still need to investigate.

Fortunately, when it comes to murder cases, no matter what the detection rate is, at least the police have accumulated enough experience and have a sufficiently skilled handling process.

The police officers filed in with their equipment and began taking photos to collect evidence.

It didn't take long for various clues to come to Jiang Xia's hands.

Vodka looked at the Mumu Police Department who was standing beside him idly, then at the police officers who consciously handed the information to Jiang Xia, and then looked at him expectantly: "..."

He was silent for a moment, and screamed in his heart: It's over, the future of the Metropolitan Police Department is over!

Also dead were organizational cadres who were often active in Tokyo - if this continues, it will be easy for Uzo to frame someone and silence them!

The detective, who was full of expectations from the police, did not notice the panic in the heart of a certain criminal.

While Jiang Xia and her classmates were eating the breakfast that Officer Sato had carefully brought for them, she was leisurely flipping through various information.

The key points that may be related to poisoning have been roughly marked.

——On the desk of Mrs. Haitang, a female writer, there is a newly opened box of 20 chocolate biscuits. Each biscuit is individually packaged, and there are only 17 left in the box.

Among the three cookies that disappeared, two were thrown into the trash can next to the desk before they were opened. The other one went into Mrs. Haitang's stomach, leaving only an empty packaging bag on the table.

"There are pinholes left by injections on the empty packaging bag. According to our guess, someone should have used a syringe to inject poison into the biscuit, and then Mrs. Haitang ate the poisoned biscuit."

Not only was the information marked, but there was also a live broadcast from Officer Takagi: "In addition, we found an empty syringe hidden in the closet in her husband, Mr. Haitang's room."

"According to the current investigation, all three deceased persons died of poisoning. Details require further autopsy."

The police left with three bodies.

Mao Lilan, who had eaten breakfast, finally recovered from the shock and calmed down a little.

She sat in the courtyard with several other classmates, munching on sandwiches and curiously asked: "The syringe in Mr. Haitang's room...could it be that he used the syringe to poison Mrs. Haitang's biscuits, and then Mrs. Haitang unfortunately stepped on it?" Fallen into this fatal trap?”

"It's very possible." Officer Takagi next to him was like a data reader, quickly retrieving relevant information. "I remember the female writer said in her interview that she loved those chocolate chip cookies and often brought them during work. Eat - the murderer may have targeted this characteristic of hers and made her take poisonous biscuits and died of poisoning."

"It should be like this at first glance, but there must be something hidden behind the matter." Jiang Xia picked up the teacup and took a sip. "The two unopened chocolates in the trash can are really strange. If they were thrown away by Mrs. Haitang, Yes, that means she knew that the chocolate biscuits were poisoned, but she seemed to have died from eating the poisoned chocolate."

Officer Takagi, who was listening carefully, also felt that something was very awkward: "Maybe it was thrown by the murderer?"

Jiang Xia: "The trash can is very empty, and the chocolates in black and red packaging are very conspicuous. Others are fine, but for a female mystery writer, she will definitely feel weird after seeing it, so the murderer should avoid this kind of meeting The way he exposed himself, even if for some reason he had to throw away two chocolate bars, he should have chosen another way to deal with them."

Officer Takagi and Mao Lilan suddenly realized: "That's it!"

Holding the sandwich, he carefully studied whether there was any poisoned vodka in it: "..." Uzo, this guy, is really good at acting as a detective. No wonder he can deceive so many police officers.

"Having said that, with such good acting skills, the organization should really send him to make his debut." Vodka couldn't help but start to think, "When the time comes, I will help him gather a wave of fanatical sasaeng fans, follow him everywhere, take pictures of him, and broadcast real-time reports in the group , that way I don’t have to worry about running into him!”

"If you're lucky, you might be able to catch Uzo's flaws and put this kid on the organization's kill list.

"...Well, compared to this, the 'serial death incident of sasaeng fans' is more likely to be reported in the newspaper. But no matter what, as long as Uzo is busy, other innocent organization members will be safe!"

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