Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2301 2305 [Purchase Channels]

Unlike Vodka, who is studying Uzo, others are studying serious things.

Officer Takagi continued to read the collected interview reports: "Mrs. Haitang usually does not sleep well and often needs sleeping pills to fall asleep. In contrast, Mr. Haitang is very opposed to her behavior. He believes that this is not good for the body and should be done as little as possible. Eat until necessary."

Suzuki Sonoko wiped her mouth and listened a little confused: "But I remember that there was no sleeping pills in the study, but there was a bottle next to Mr. Haitang - so this medicine was used by Mrs. Haitang to poison Mr. Haitang? But what if he didn't take it himself? , others can’t forcefully force it into me…”

Jiang Xia nodded: "There is also the water glass that fell next to the female assistant's body. That should be Mrs. Haitang's belongings."

Looking at it this way, it seems that everything next to the body is not where they should be, and this makes this murder case that killed three people more complicated than ever.

Officer Takagi tried to sort out the clues and characters in the murder case in his mind, but he couldn't help but feel the mosquito repellent in his eyes as he continued: "..." It's messy, it's too messy! What is going on with this family?

At this time, Jiang Xia saw that he was silent and turned his head to look at him: "What else was written in that interview report?"

"Everything else seems to have nothing to do with the murder case. I only wrote about some of the female writer's life hobbies." That's what he said, but when Jiang Xia asked, Officer Takagi continued to read along with Mrs. Haitang's confession in the impurity interview draft. :

"'I like to take a long bath. This process can inspire me a lot of new inspirations. Of course, what I like even more is to drink a can of cold beer after taking a bath. The coolness of the cold liquid flowing through the throat is intoxicating - Unfortunately, my doctor banned it, saying beer would be a serious health hazard to me, so I had to give up my little hobby.'"

Conan was still concentrating on pretending to be a child, but when he heard this, he finally couldn't help but said: "The doctor forbids her to drink? But I remember that there were two empty beer cans thrown in the trash can next to her desk."

Suzuki Sonoko thought it was normal: "The adults' abstinence from drinking is just like the words we say after taking the exam, 'We must study hard in the future.' It is not credible at all. She just made a few nonsense words and didn't follow it seriously at all."

"No, she seems to be really taking it seriously."

Seeing the excitement here, Miwako Sato also came over. She took the magazine and flipped through it:

"Look, it says here -' Ms. Haitang's assistant said that this female writer is a very serious person. After the doctor banned beer, she spent a lot of money to buy a beautiful blue water bottle and used it every day. Drink water instead of beer.'"

As she spoke, Miwako Sato couldn't help but sigh: "The assistant lady who was interviewed also died in the living room..." Although she has experienced many murder cases, she was still talking about it in a magazine not long ago. The sudden death of a person on the spot still makes people sad.

While chatting, suddenly, a car drove from a distance and stopped hesitantly at the entrance of the courtyard.

The car door was pushed open, and a middle-aged social worker in a suit and leather shoes walked out hesitantly.

He looked at the police car and then at the police officers busy coming in and out. Before he could figure out what was going on here, he was already surrounded by a group of people.

Police Department Megu looked at the person who suddenly appeared with gleaming eyes: "Who are you?"

"I, I am the editor of the monthly magazine "Mystery Heaven", Toda Akio."

Although Editor Toda has seen many murder cases in mystery novels, he has not encountered many murder cases in person.

When he suddenly saw such a posture, he couldn't help but feel scared: "Um...what happened here?" He had never seen more police officers in his life than this time.

The Mumu Police Department did not answer, but just pushed up the brim of his hat and looked at him carefully, trying to use his sharp eyes to identify whether this person was the murderer who returned to the scene after committing the crime.

After a few seconds, the Memu Police Department gave up: If he had this ability, would he have so many brothers now?

Soon, the failed police department began to solve the problem in the way he was good at. He waved to the courtyard and called for reinforcements: "Brother Jiang Xia, come and take a look."

"Jiang Xia?" Upon hearing this, the person who reacted fastest was not Jiang Xia, who was chatting with a group of people, but the editor in front of him.

Editor Toda's eyes lit up and he followed the Megure Police Department's line of sight. The next moment, his face showed surprise: "Jiang Xia... is really that Jiang Xia!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his people had already rushed over.

The Memu Police Department, who was left hanging in place: "?"

As soon as Jiang Xia stood up, a person appeared in front of him.

The vodka next to him was startled and quietly moved away, worried that what happened here would affect him.

However, the wonderful plot of "Uzo controlled the car and overturned the car, and was killed by the master of suffering" that he was looking forward to did not appear.

After the windy social beast rushed to Jiang Xia, he just stretched out his business card with one hand and said with a warm smile: "I've admired you for a long time! I am the editor of "Mystery Heaven". Do you have any plans to write a novel or authorize an adaptation?"

Jiang Xia came to his senses and returned his business card skillfully.

Then he seriously thought about the editor's question and replied: "I don't have time to write a book, but I am very interested in the writer's industry - if you know authors who are interested in collaborating, you can introduce them to me."

Vodka: "..." Will the stock begin again?

He looked at Jiang Xia, and then at the editor opposite who nodded repeatedly with surprise on his face, and couldn't help but feel sympathy in his heart: "..." Laugh, do you still have time to laugh? Just after a capable man died, I got to know Uzo again. If this continues, you won't be able to receive any manuscripts soon!

But thinking on the bright side, before the editor finished introducing the resources at hand, it would not be difficult for him to save his own life... Tsk, I feel a little envious when I think about it.

Vodka felt vaguely inspired. He touched his chin and began to think quietly.

Editor Toda was shocked by this surprise and went into work: meeting Jiang Xia was just one of the surprises. The bigger surprise was that Jiang Xia was so easy to talk to - you know, there were some people in his colleagues who wanted to ask the detective to cooperate. , but it is a pity that most of the detectives seemed not interested in writing, and the editors were repeatedly rejected, and finally they gradually lost interest in these detectives.

Editor Toda originally introduced himself with the mentality of "I have come to you all" and "I have seen you all", but unexpectedly he received good feedback.

He cheered up and was about to talk at length.

However, at this moment, someone next to him said "Ahem!" majestically twice, with a hint of reminder and dissatisfaction in his voice.

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