Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2302 2306 [Return from evil to righteousness] Asking for monthly votes

Chapter 2302 2306 [Return from evil to righteousness] Please vote for me ()

Editor Toda was startled, turned around and found that he was surrounded by a group of police officers at some point. The fat police officer in the lead was staring at him quietly, with a pair of small eyes concealing condemnation and warning.

Editor Toda: "..."

……Almost forgot! What did you want to say just now?

He slapped his forehead, regained his thoughts, and asked with some embarrassment: "Um, what happened here?"

Jiang Xia held his business card and looked at it: "Just this morning, we found out that Mrs. Haitang died unfortunately."

Editor Toda was shocked: "How could this happen?! When I talked to her on the phone last night, she was obviously still very energetic..."

"Last night?!" several policemen exclaimed.

Editor Toda was startled: "What, what's wrong?"

Suzuki Sonoko narrowed her eyes and looked at him suspiciously: "Last night was the critical moment when the three of them died. Why did you have a phone call with them at that time?"

Editor Toda was even more horrified: "Three?! You mean three people just died here??"

Suzuki Sonoko: "..."

...Oops, I wanted to be as handsome as Jiang Xia to intimidate the suspect, but it seems that I sold the information instead.

She looked calm, and cold sweat began to break out on her forehead.

The vodka next to him looked pleased: "..." Very good. I hope Uzo's accomplices will continue to maintain this quality.

...However, it cannot be ruled out that this female high school student is secretly promoting Uzo's reputation in this way - everyone has been killed, wouldn't it be a waste not to publicize it?

Vodka really wanted to give himself a little psychological advantage by reducing the number of enemies. But as he tried to exclude everything, his caution only made him stressed out.

"Forget it, forget it." Vodka chose to be patient, "It's not a big problem. As long as we protect everyone equally, I don't have to distinguish their ingredients!"

Jiang Xia asked Editor Toda: "Did you talk to Mrs. Haitang on the phone last night?"

Editor Toda came to his senses and said quickly: "Yes, she has been sleeping very late, and her thinking is more active at night, so we are used to contacting each other late at night."

Suzuki Sonoko quietly looked at them, then looked at the policemen next to her, and found that no one was paying attention to the information she sent, and she was secretly relieved.

She secretly made notes in her mind: "..." Very good, she learned another trick from Jiang Xia: as long as the problem is solved quickly enough, the other party will not have time to think! ——Look, the police officers didn’t even notice this problem, uh... But if you think about it carefully, it seems that they themselves often leak information.

This discovery made Suzuki Sonoko feel relieved. She sat back down and listened to the ensuing conversation happily.

Editor Toda was already under the glare of a group of police officers, and he recalled what happened yesterday without missing anything: "I wanted to discuss the new book with Ms. Haitang, so I called her twice.

"She didn't receive the first call, maybe she was in the bath. So I called again after a while at 12 o'clock, and this time the call was connected.

"I asked her about the progress of her new book. I thought there would be little progress like before. I also planned to give her some answers, but who knew she..."

Editor Toda elaborated: "She was very excited and happy. She laughed and said that a great masterpiece was about to be published. She also said that she would soon leave a mark in the history of mystery novels. "

As he spoke, the editor couldn't help but touch his arm: "Actually, it was a bit scary to hear her voice like that in the middle of the night. But the author has a lot of quirks, so I didn't think much about it and just talked to her. Make an appointment to come and talk in detail today.”

"After that, I came as promised, but..." Editor Toda looked back at the villa with lingering fear, "Why did you say that all three of them are dead?"

Jiang Xia: "It's still under investigation. But thanks to your testimony, the possibility of her committing suicide can basically be ruled out."

Sato Miwako's cell phone suddenly rang. She walked to the side and answered the call. After saying a few words, she came back a little confused.

Memu Police Department: "What's wrong?"

Miwako Sato adjusted to a position where she could see him and Jiang Xia at the same time, and said to them:

"The autopsy results are out. At about 11:30 last night, Mr. Haitang died of poisoning. According to the test, the sleeping pills he took contained poisonous ingredients.

“Then, at 1 a.m., the assistant lady died. The inner wall of the cup that fell next to her was coated with lethal poison.

"Then at 2 o'clock in the morning, Ms. Haitang died in the study. The chocolate biscuit she ate had been injected with poison in advance. In addition, the same syringe found in Mr. Haitang's bedroom was also detected. Toxic ingredients.”

"Chocolate biscuits are poisonous..." Conan couldn't help but poke his head, "What about the other two chocolates that were thrown in the trash can? How are they?"

Miwako Sato showed a strange expression, as if she couldn't figure out why this happened: "The two pieces that were thrown away were fine, they were just the most ordinary chocolate biscuits. In addition, we tested the results from the box of chocolate biscuits on the desk. Another poisonous cookie came out.”

Vodka listened to these numbers and realized something: there were two poisonous biscuits, one was eaten by the female writer, and the other was still in the chocolate box. Two complete biscuits were thrown into the trash can... This shows that the woman knew that there were two poisonous biscuits in the box and tried to avoid them, but she failed to avoid them.

"This woman is really talented and brave. 1/10 of a box of chocolates was poisoned, but she still dared to eat it."

Vodka felt complicated at the moment: "If it were me, let alone the box of chocolates, I would even burn down the study room that Uzo touched! ... No, arson is illegal, and it is easy to accidentally kill yourself Burn him to death, or blow yourself up by accidentally igniting explosives that other gangsters have hidden nearby. Well, it's safer to do nothing and move out of Tokyo in anger."

Miwako Sato didn't know that there was an outlaw beside her who silently took the right path under the influence of the detective. She continued: "The only thing that can be confirmed now is that judging from the parts stained with poison, the three deceased people should have died of homicide. , instead of committing suicide - otherwise they could simply take poison instead of using these troublesome and hidden poisoning methods."

"And there is some evidence." Miwako Sato told the news she just heard from the Forensic Bureau police officer, "The poisons that caused the death of the three of them had different ingredients - three poisons appeared here last night , there may be at least three murderers.”

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