Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2303 2307 [Detective Suzuki Sonoko]

Editor Toda listened to this complicated situation and couldn't help but sigh: "Real-life cases can be more complicated than those deliberately designed mystery novels."

Vodka: "..." Of course, because this was also deliberately designed! It's just that you stupid guys can't see the script writer hiding behind the scenes.

This thought flashed across his mind, and he pushed up his glasses, feeling a strange sense of pride in his heart.

After a while, Vodka discovered what he was thinking about: "..."

What's there to be proud of? It's simply unlucky!

He tapped his forehead with his fingers, trying to knock something out of his mind.

Miwako Sato noticed his movement and couldn't help but glance at him again: "..." He actually beat himself up because he couldn't turn his head around. This assistant worked very hard! Although it seemed that he failed to learn from Jiang Xia's wisdom, at least his attitude was in place.

Suddenly he noticed someone looking at his vodka: "?"

The two of them were looking at each other thoughtfully, when a person next to them strode over.

——Memu Police Department picked up the teapot on the table and poured himself a pot of water. He drank it down, and then sighed: "Another reporter is coming from outside! These guys have a very sensitive sense of smell."

As he said that, he looked at Jiang Xia expectantly: "Brother Jiang Xia, do you have any clues?"

Jiang Xia thought for a while: "It may be an outsider who committed the crime. A murderer broke in and poisoned the house beforehand, and then escaped."

When the Mumu Police Department heard about this possibility, their hearts skipped a beat: This kind of needle-in-a-haystack method is undoubtedly the most difficult to find the murderer.

As he was making a rough estimate of the terrifying overtime hours ahead, his reliable brother Jiang Xia changed his voice:

"But if this is the case, there is no need for the murderer to specially prepare three different poisons. In addition, on the other hand, if three murderers brought different poisons and invaded the villa at the same time last night to commit crimes, the timing would be too coincidental.

"So another possibility is actually higher - some of the three poisons that appeared in this case were prepared by people inside the villa."

The eyes of the police department suddenly lit up: "!" It would be much easier to find insiders!

Vodka looked at his relaxed look: "..." First give a desperate answer, and then throw out a more relaxed choice... Hehe, is this Uzo's method of controlling people's hearts to increase his favorability? I have already Completely seen through.

There seems to be no use just seeing it through... No, at least it can be used to remind Brother Gin that he must not fall into such a not-so-smart trap.

Next to them, the Mumu Police Department was happy, but suddenly felt something was wrong.

He scratched his head: "But aren't the insiders in this villa... all dead?"

Jiang Xia: "But they lived before."

Mumu Police Department: "..." It's quite philosophical...

After waiting for two seconds, he finally understood, with a solemn look on his face: "You mean, they poisoned other deceased people before they were alive, and the toxins took effect after they died?"

Jiang Xia nodded: "This possibility cannot be ruled out, and in yesterday's commission, we heard something about the deceased..."

Halfway through the words, Jiang Xia remembered that there were many dead this time. Jiang Xia paused for a moment, silently sighing at the power of Conan in her heart, and then slightly adjusted her words: "Mrs. Haitang said that she suspected that her husband had an affair with her female assistant. , and both of them found her very annoying.”

The police department was shocked. His many years of police experience made him realize that this was an important clue.

He looked at Editor Toda next to him who might have known about it, and asked him for confirmation: "Have you ever heard of such a thing?"

Editor Toda said nonchalantly: "I did hear Mrs. Haitang complain that her husband always wanted to divorce her. Ms. Haitang is a woman with strong self-esteem. The more the other party wants to do this, the more unwilling she is to agree."

The Mumu Police Department suddenly realized: "So her husband poisoned her in order to get a divorce? No wonder Mr. Haitang had poisonous empty syringes hidden in his closet... But what happened to the deaths of the other two people?"

Suzuki Sonoko didn't know how those two people died, but she suddenly figured out something. She suddenly realized it and slapped her palm:

"No wonder after we talked to Mrs. Haitang yesterday, Mr. Haitang and the female assistant talked to Jiang Xia again, saying that Mrs. Haitang was in a bad mental state and always wanted to commit suicide. It turned out that they were planning to poison Mrs. Haitang. Foreshadowing! These two guys are really cruel.”

"It's very possible!" Officer Takagi also felt that he understood. "There are syringes hidden in Mr. Haitang's wardrobe, and the packaging bag of the box of chocolate biscuits that Mrs. Haitang ate has his fingerprints all over it."

Miwako Sato nodded and returned to the topic: "So how did the other two people die?"

Suzuki Sonoko and Officer Takagi, who are addicted to being detectives: "..."

"Well..." Suzuki Sonoko remembered the detective skills taught by Jiang Xia before and began to use her imagination. "As the saying goes, the mantis stalks the cicada before the oriole follows. The two of them poisoned Mrs. Haitang, but they did not expect that there would be an outsider as well. Targeted them - so after the two succeeded, they were unfortunately poisoned by the outsider! "

Megure Police Department: "Who is that outsider?"

Suzuki Sonoko's eyes moved and fell on Editor Toda.

Editor Toda: "?!"

"The cases I encountered before were basically three suspects and one victim. Although this situation is rare, we can draw inferences." Suzuki Sonoko held out three fingers and then turned them over, "For example, apply So far, there are only three victims and one suspect, so isn’t the murderer obvious?”

Police Department Mumu looked at her twirling her fingers. Although she didn't quite understand it, she still felt that it made sense.

Next to him, Conan frowned, and suddenly felt the pain of meeting the stupid jewelry thief not long ago: "Who said that if four people show up, they must be divided into two groups? Maybe there is a fifth person hiding outside. And even if it is true, It only happened among the four of them. Why must the murderer be the living one? ——Jiang Xia was right. Although the deceased is dead now, they were still alive and could use poisons that had the ability to delay killing. Tools for killing people after death!”

Vodka: "..." He actually called Uzo by his first name. This kid is very arrogant.

Conan let out a long series of protests, and then was punched back by Suzuki Sonoko.

Suzuki Sonoko was a little addicted to the affirmation of Brother Megure. She cleared her throat: "And Mr. Toda is not without motives - it can be seen from his attitude towards Jiang Xia just now that he is a very dedicated editor. ! And this kind of mystery is a great help to his work content and publicity. "

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