Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2306 2310 [Vodka Rental]

Conan thought for a long time, but felt that there was a shortage of clues and could not come up with a result.

So soon, his flexible thoughts turned to the other side: "..." Taking a step back, regardless of the other party's purpose, with a probability of nearly 1/10, how did that person make Mrs. Haitang eat that poisonous biscuit accurately? of?

After all, without the death of Mrs. Haitang, this case would be unique, but it would not be as shocking as the current murder case, and now...

Conan returned to the floor-to-ceiling window and looked at the crime scene being cleaned up by the police through the window. He tried hard to simulate various possible ways to achieve this result, but he had no clue.

——Coincidence, everything seems to be just an ironic and funny coincidence.

But there was vodka here, and Conan knew that it only "appeared", but in fact, there must be a hand quietly fiddling behind it.

"How on earth did that person do it?"

At this moment, Conan felt a rare sense of powerlessness.

Next to him, no one paid attention to the primary school student who was fighting with each other. Everyone was busy doing their own thing.

Vodka looked around, reported in a low voice to Officer Takagi, who seemed the most talkative, then quietly got into the car, quietly stepped on the accelerator, and slipped away quietly.

After driving for a while, Vodka got out of the car and checked. After confirming that there was nothing wrong with the car, he happily got back into the car, stepped on the accelerator and drove off.

After a while, Vodka remembered something and quickly reported what happened to Gin.

Of course, he particularly emphasized Mrs. Haitang’s incredible alternative “suicide”: “I was paying close attention to what was going on outside last night. Uzo never left his room, but Mrs. Haitang somehow ate the tape. It's a poisonous thing. This guy's methods are really hard to guard against!" - So let's throw this thing away quickly! Australia, South America, even Antarctica... Let him go on a business trip anywhere, it will definitely be better than staying in Tokyo!

Vodka hints at effort.

Yet the hint fails.

Gin seemed to be busy over there, and Vodka vaguely heard the jingling sound of moving bells. After two seconds, the voice of his brother Gin came over: "Idiot, if you watch more magic, you will find that others can It’s a basic skill to choose the card you want. Now it’s just a matter of replacing the card with chocolate cookies.”

Vodka: "..." Wait, let's not talk about magic or anything. Brother, what are you doing? Why do I seem to hear the sound of counting money?

He vaguely felt that there was something wrong, but he did not dare to ask directly, so he had to tactfully say: "Brother, those three people are dead, I..."

He originally wanted to ask himself what he should do next, but as the question came out, Vodka suddenly had an idea and suddenly thought of something.


"The reason why the organization wants to silence these three guys is that they probably did not forget their original intentions and stole the organization's important information when they checked into the hotel a while ago."

Vodka grasped this keyword in his mind and thought quickly: "So compared to the lives of the three of them, what is more important is the information - in addition to killing them, my mission is to retrieve the information. But I was actually That guy Uzo almost forgot such an important thing!"

He thought of the crime scene that was being carefully inspected by the police, and his heart beat violently. He almost saw himself on the silence list.

But soon, Vodka realized something else.

"No, even if I forgot, how could eldest brother forget such an important thing? He has listened to a lot of live broadcasts from me, unless...unless eldest brother is like me, his attention is completely distracted by Uzo, leading to forgetfulness Got this key piece of information?”

Still not right.

After all, Brother Gin is far away and can't feel the scary atmosphere of "Uzo is next to me", and he shouldn't be that afraid of Uzo...

Among all the speculations, Vodka quickly became entangled in his heart.

——If Gin has not forgotten this, then he had better kneel down and apologize immediately. According to experience, Brother Gin is still relatively easy to talk to before he is completely exposed.

"But if Brother Gin is really busy and forgets, then the data recovery this time will become a mistake of both of us. At this time, one person must come out to take the blame..."

Cold sweat gradually broke out on Vodka's forehead. He subconsciously glanced at the fork in the distance, thinking about whether to drive all the way to the airport, stay away from Tokyo, and run to places like Australia, South America, and the Antarctic to find a way out.

His hand holding the steering wheel trembled slightly, and the vehicle veered toward the side road imperceptibly, but at this moment, Vodka had a flash of inspiration.

He took a deep breath and said sadly into the receiver: "Brother, something bad suddenly occurred to me. Uzo said he would silence the three suspects, but I forgot to confirm the information with him. Now... ...The police are already searching the house! Should Uzo find a way to take away the information before they find it?”

Vodka finished speaking in one breath, waiting with bated breath for Gin's answer.

The second hand slides, and one second is as long as passing by Uzo.

Finally, two seconds later, Gin's voice came from the other side of the receiver: "No, the data has been successfully recovered."

As he spoke, he reported his address: "I'll be here soon, I have a new mission."

"Okay big brother!"

At Vodka's instinctive response, the phone was hung up.

On the other side, in a warehouse of the organization.

Gin glanced at the cell phone with the screen going black, and sneered: "I'm a little more thoughtful, but fortunately I'm not too confused."

After confirming the status of the vodka, he temporarily left this little brother who didn't have many changes behind, and continued to direct other subordinates to count the harvest.

——In order to monopolize the property more smoothly and avoid some inspections, Mr. Haitang and his lover had quietly packed up all the stolen goods and sent them elsewhere before the Haitang family died.

This series of actions was done very covertly, and as they died, the beneficiary of this property naturally became the organization.

A criminal gang with some IQ and occupational diseases. The accumulation in 5 years is quite impressive. Gin threw up a gem the size of a pigeon egg in a good mood and looked at the light: If it were so easy to get funds every time, what would happen to the organization in the future? But it’s much easier. In addition to being good at silence, Uzo's talent in this area should not be underestimated.

On the other side, among the moving vehicles.

As the phone was hung up, the car became quiet again.

Vodka breathed in the not-so-fresh air and breathed a sigh of relief, feeling like he was surviving a disaster.

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