Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2307 2311 [Second Sales] Please vote for me

Chapter 2307 2311 [Second Sales] Please vote for me (`)

Vodka muttered fearfully: "Brother Gin has indeed made arrangements for it. I wonder how could he not remember such a basic thing? He is a professional when it comes to confidentiality of information and silence."

As he thought, he broke into a cold sweat: "No wonder I left the scene of the crime so smoothly without any obstruction from the police. It turns out that the real murderous intention is hidden here!"

If he couldn't withstand the pressure just now and chose to run away before the Dongchuang incident happened, then perhaps what was waiting for him was a group of bombings on the road to the airport.

...No, there is no need for bombing at all. As long as Brother Gin drives beside him and shoots him skillfully, the matter will be solved and Uzo's conspiracy will be accomplished.

"This kid's killing moves are so hard to guard against. I thought the danger came from the police, but in fact the real danger was hidden when the case was over and I was most relaxed. Fortunately, I made the right choice again!" Vodka breathed a sigh of relief. , gradually understood more.

"I mentioned before that the three people took the organization's information, so Uzo actually knew this. And with his observation and intelligence-gathering abilities, it shouldn't be difficult to know the family background of those three guys...

"By the way, the police were very calm when cleaning up the scene just now, which means they didn't find those large amounts of money and property from unknown sources! - So where are the money and stolen goods?"

The moment this question flashed through his mind, Vodka came to a basic conclusion based on the causes and consequences.

——Uzo must have snatched him away!

If I remember correctly, although this kid has no obsession with money, he does have the habit of grabbing loot and throwing it to the organization, just like he told them before that they had stolen Shi Kaobing's treasure house. There is also the sapphire used to bribe the boss, so this time...

"Did Uzo give the stolen goods accumulated by those three people to Brother Gin?" Vodka's heart thumped, and he suddenly felt a sense of despair that he had been stabbed in the back. "The two of them actually communicated behind my back and reached an agreement. No wonder Brother Gin agreed so happily when I said that Wu Zuo was looking for me... I was sold?"

Vodka in anger…

I silently accepted the result.

"Actually, even if Brother Gin doesn't agree, that boy Uzo can still find a way to find me. After all, those three people are my mission targets. They can catch me just by waiting."

Vodka comforted himself with tears in his heart: "Instead of being wary of dangers that come from nowhere, it is better to put everything on the surface like just now and make some extra money... That's right, it's not the eldest brother who fell in the opposite direction. On his side, this is the most appropriate way to handle it!”

Not long after, Vodka arrived at the place he had agreed with Gin.

Before getting in the car, Vodka took a quick look and keenly noticed that Brother Gin seemed to be in a good mood.

His mood suddenly became complicated: "..." It seems that the wealth accumulated by those three guys is not small.

And this kind of harvest, compared with their usual transaction process, can be judged: how to avoid the police and contact the transaction partner in a covert enough way, be extra vigilant during the transaction to prevent the other party from setting traps, and carefully evaluate whether it is useful after the transaction. Silencing the other party... none of these steps are required, just go to the place and get the money.

The only flaw is that it depends on what the other person has, not what they lack.

But even so, this is obviously a kind of extra money that is hard to refuse.

Vodka thought about it and sighed sadly.

Next to him, Gin glanced at him and remembered something.

He lit a cigarette and said, "Did you get your gun back?"

Vodka was confused: "What gun?"

As soon as he finished speaking, an unpleasant memory suddenly hit him. Vodka's heart skipped a beat, he jumped up, and then hit the roof of the car with a bang.

He covered his head and had no time to curse why the car roof was so low. Only one thought struck his mind: Yesterday's battle royale-like interaction that lasted for a day and a night made him forget his original purpose. ——His gun is still in Uzo's hand!

Even the reason why he agreed to go to the appointment was because Uzo threatened him with a gun!

...Obviously he went there to get the gun back, but in the end, he actually completely forgot about it.

“It turns out that this is Uzo’s true purpose!”

Vodka was so angry that he punched his thigh hard, and then rubbed it painfully, cursing in his heart: "I thought that guy wanted me to expose my flaws in front of the police, but in fact, he wanted me to expose myself in front of my brother and the organization." He showed his disobedience in front of me. I thought he wanted me to show my disobedience in front of my brother and the organization, but in fact, he wanted to take my gun and start the next stage!"

"I actually stepped into his trap!"

Beside him, Gin looked at his changing expression and faintly exhaled a puff of smoke: "..." I just thought this guy had made some progress, but he didn't expect that within a few minutes he would reveal his true form again.

However, the gun in Uzo's hand is indeed a problem. It was obtained by the organization through special channels. If it is used properly, it can cause big problems.

Gin: "..." Although Uzuo can most of the time step on the real bottom line of the organization and avoid causing trouble that cannot be dealt with, a mature cadre obviously cannot place everything on Uzuo's sense of proportion. The gun must be retrieved as soon as possible.

Uzo is still with the police and it is not convenient to contact him. I will ask him about the gun after a while.

After thinking about it, he glanced at Vodka again: According to Uzo's temperament, I'm afraid he will have to lend this stupid assistant out again.

But he just used this incident to give Vodka a long memory - today he can forget to take the gun, tomorrow he can forget to take the trading materials, and the day after tomorrow he can forget to silence him... If this continues, sooner or later he will be on his silence list.

Next to him, Vodka was grieving, but suddenly he noticed an indescribable chill.

His regretful movements froze, and he turned stiffly to the side: ""

Gin looked away: "Solve this matter as soon as possible."

Vodka tried not to shake his head: "...Okay!"

the other side.

In a villa in the suburbs.

Conan reviewed the scene for a while and returned to the crowd without finding anything.

At this time, his eyes narrowed, and he felt keenly that something was missing: "Fu... where is Uncle Yamada?"

Others didn't notice this low-key Jiang Xia fan. Hearing this, they looked around and said, "I don't know."

Finally, Officer Takagi remembered: "He just said he was in an emergency and left first."

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