Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2308 2312 [A unique trick to deal with Uzo]

After all, "Mr. Yamada" is not an important witness, nor is he the center of the case. He is the one who takes more notes, but it is not more if he is the one who takes the notes. In addition, he seemed to be an acquaintance of Jiang Xia, and the police did not deliberately stop him when he left.

Conan wanted to understand these truths, and his face changed slightly: "..." Although Haiyuan Ai doesn't think highly of vodka, but now it seems that this guy's cunning cannot be underestimated - he deliberately approached Jiang Xia, and this must be the way he fought. Idea, those guys from the organization are so disgusting, they catch high school students every day and cause trouble.

As he thought about it, Conan couldn't help but touch the back of his head, remembering the severe beating from Gin. If it weren't for that hateful organizational cadre, he would still be a high-spirited high school detective, instead of pretending to be a kid every day and hanging out with a few naughty kids...

When Conan was feeling sad, several of his classmates were in a good mood.

Suzuki Sonoko stretched out: "I can finally leave!"

Thinking of the mysterious family of three who were exterminated, she always felt that the villa in front of her made people feel uncomfortable behind her back.

Suzuki Sonoko couldn't help but take a deep look at the villa: "..." I hope that the next time we meet, it will not be sold to her sister Suzuki Ayako, and she will never want to visit her old place again.

When I heard Mrs. Haitang's laughter last night, I didn't feel anything. But now I suddenly knew that Mrs. Haitang died just after laughing. Suzuki Sonoko felt uncomfortable all over. She always felt that there was an unlucky female ghost. Lying nearby and laughing at him.

She couldn't help but share this terrifying thought with her two companions, and then gained a best friend who was even more horrified than she was, and a detective with a somewhat complicated expression.

Jiang Xia sighed: "There are no ghosts in this world." At least there are none here, only a few unlucky leg-picking gods.

Soon, with everyone expressing their emotions, the police finished their sweep and drove back to Tokyo.

Back in the city, the police sent the witnesses home one by one very considerately.

When Jiang Xia got out of the car, a dark figure emerged from under the seat, followed him out of the car, and ran away without a trace.

Sato Miwako was startled, and when she looked closely, she realized that it was a completely black cat with only four white claws.

"When did you get into the car?" She looked at the back of the cat, shook her head and sighed, "Fortunately, it was smart and jumped out on its own, otherwise I might have been locked in the car all night."

Soon, the police car left.

Jiang Xia waved goodbye to it and turned back to her home.

He changed out of his coat and walked to the window to open it. Not long after, a cat in the dark clouds and snow jumped onto the window sill, then stretched its neck furtively and looked around.

"..." Jiang Xia picked up this playful cat and closed the curtains.

The dark clouds and snow cat rubbed his hand with its tail, and then dispersed with a splash. A heavy, dark pistol fell out of the cat's body made of puppet clay.

Jiang Xia caught it and played with it in a good mood: "Vodka left without asking for the gun. This should be a tactful invitation to me to meet me next time, right?"

The ghosts hugged the sweet ice cream that they had recently gained a lot of money with murderous intent, nodded in agreement, and began to talk about the next meeting.

Jiang Xia put down the gun, took a photo of it, and sent it to Vodka:

[I accept your suggestion. See you next time.

I believe it won't be too long before we meet again. ]

the other side.

Vodka finally calmed down: "..."

...He's going to fight this bastard!

...Let’s start by cursing the little straw man on Uzoza. This guy has harmed so many people, and he will definitely be haunted by evil spirits in the future!

"The charm I asked for is very effective. If you think about it on the bright side, maybe Uzo will be entangled before the next meeting and won't have time to harass me."

Vodka was driven by the desire to survive and thought quickly in his mind: "But in addition to metaphysics, we can't be careless in technology! I have to strengthen myself as soon as possible..."

He recalled the precautions he had recently summarized and prepared to use them one by one before the next crisis struck.

the other side.

Jiangxia's ice cream harvesting operation has come to an end.

He leisurely ordered a stick of ghost mint, and then counted the harvest with satisfaction while thinking about when to open next time.

In addition, as a psychic, you cannot favor one thing over another - vanilla ice cream is good, but Akai Shuichi's colorless murderous aura cannot be ignored.

"But Shuichi Akai is too cautious." Jiang Xia thought of the FBI ace, touched Miyano Akemi's head, and sighed, "Obviously she has a ruthless face and the strength to be ruthless, but she Not as adventurous as he appears.”

This kind of inconsistency made Jiang Xia sigh. But then I thought about it: In order to infiltrate the organization, this undercover agent actually used a beauty trick... It can be seen that we cannot be fooled by Akai Shuichi's upright name and appearance. This person must not be judged by common sense.

"In comparison, Teacher Judy is easier to get along with - her whereabouts are clear, and she is generous with fries. As long as she is placed next to Belmode, her murderous aura will swish out, and the output will be higher than normal. The boss is still tall.”

"It seems that if you want to catch...and have a friendly communication with Shuichi Akai, you have to start with Teacher Judy or Subaru Okiya."

After having a certain goal, Jiang Xia paid more attention to his school.

Although he almost never went to school and only went to Didan Middle School to check in during exams, there were only so many new things that happened every day in a place like school. According to Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko, Jiang Xia knew very well that several girls had recently confessed to the "new doctor".

But now, compared to how many little fans Belmode has harvested under her doctor skin, there is another thing that seems to be more worthy of attention.

"The campus festival will be held in two days."

In the coffee shop, Suzuki Sonoko happily showed off the script in her hand to Jiang Xia: "The script is finally finalized, and the story adapted by me will be released soon! - Be sure to come and support me. If you are okay that day, I will return You have a role, not much, and you don’t have to remember your lines, but it’s very exciting!”

Jiang Xia was a little curious when she heard this and looked at her so-called highlight role.

Then I discovered that this seemed to be a villain guard. The so-called "highlight" was that he chopped down another guard soldier with a sword.

Jiang Xia: "..."

Well, among the cut-off guard soldiers and a group of background panels, he is indeed the most shining one.

Of course, that's not the point. Jiang Xia praised her script a few times and then handed it back: "I remember that you have been looking for a place to rehearse this play. How is the progress now?"

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