Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2311 2315 [APTX4869’s antidote]

Kidd's eyes fell on the unique hairpin that looked like an "A", and he was speechless: "..." I have nothing to do with getting any new equipment. Next time I want to pretend to be you, don't I have to get the same one? Issuing a card?

However, after taking a closer look at the hairpin, Kuroba Kaito gradually felt a strange feeling in his heart. He asked thoughtfully: "Where did you buy it? The shape is very special."

Nakamori Aoko happily touched her new card: "I didn't buy it, it was given as a gift in the coupon - look! This brand new shape is modeled after Tokyo Tower."

Kuroba Kaito caught the key word: "Hospitality coupon? What hospitality coupon."

Nakamori Aoko tidied her fluffy hair: "You know the Tokyo Tower Special Observation Deck, right? There will be a couple's private banquet there in two days. I was lucky and won a free reception ticket!"

Kuroba Kaito looked suspicious: "Since when did you become interested in lottery drawings?"

"I've always drawn lottery tickets, like questionnaires on the street or coupons given away after shopping in supermarkets, but the winning rate is not that high."

Nakamori Aoko is looking forward to it: "But it's worth it that I persisted for so long. It finally paid off! - The banquet at the Tokyo Tower Observation Deck. You can tell just by looking at the venue. It must be a super luxurious feast. I want to save my stomach for a big meal there!”

Kuroba Kaito spoke professionally, but he always felt that something was wrong: "A private banquet for couples? But I remember that the place was recently rented to hold a memorial service to exhibit the secret treasure of a deceased rich man."

As he spoke, Kuroba Kaito's focus slipped elsewhere: "It was said in the news a few days ago that the rich man bought a huge ruby ​​before his death. The ruby ​​will be displayed at the Tokyo Tower Observation Deck. out."

Nakamori Aoko waved her hand: "I have also seen the news, but the exhibition and the banquet do not conflict, they may be held at the same time. And such a big ruby ​​is likely to be targeted by Kidd - it happens to be the couple's reception The ticket is for two people and can bring one person. I plan to tell my dad and take him there. If I’m lucky, in addition to a big meal, I might be able to catch an extra kid!”

Kuroba Kaito, who was about to take a look at the gem, said: "..."

After showing off her beautiful hairpins, Nakamori Aoko turned back to think about catching Kidd.

Kuroba Kaito stayed in his seat, his back felt like he was being watched by something.

"The sense of oppression between Aoko and Uncle Nakamori shouldn't be that strong." Kuroba Kaito touched the goosebumps on his arms while silently pondering his intuition, "Is there really something hidden behind this matter? That letter Is the invitation ticket that I got lucky actually aimed at Qingzi, or is it a trap aimed at me, Kidd, through Qingzi?”

Just as I was thinking about it, my phone suddenly vibrated with an email.

Kidd casually took out his cell phone and glanced down.

After seeing the sender's address clearly, he paused: "..."

Foggy dog!

It was Wu Tian Gou who contacted him? !

"Could it be that the hair on my back just now was actually because I was targeted by this monster?" Kidd nodded thoughtfully, "I didn't expect that the monster brother would take the initiative to contact me. He is finally used to using his mobile phone?"

Although this monster loves to rob him as soon as it appears, and relies on the air superiority brought by its pair of real wings to win many battles, but overall, this is a rare and rare friend in his career as a phantom thief. ——In short, I haven’t seen Brother Youkai for a while now, and I still miss him.

Kidd opened the email with emotion, wanting to see what the foggy dog ​​sent.

Then I saw a few lines of cold text:

[I am Jiang Xia.

You haven't been sending out notices frequently lately, so I'd like to ask you about your theft plans for the next few days on behalf of Wutiangu. ]

Kidd: "..."

...Why is the mobile phone I gave to Wutiangu in the hands of that detective! !

"My monster friend became the detective's monster friend, and he has a better relationship with the detective than with me..." Kid held the phone, feeling like he had been stabbed in the back again.

He silently made a fool of himself in his mind for the detective who was attracted to monsters for some reason, and then replied lazily: "This is the secret of the Phantom Thief." ]

After a while, the phone buzzed again and received a reply from Jiang Xia:


A secret must have a secret way to obtain it. Wutian Dog said that he will visit your assistant at midnight today. ]

Kidd: "?!!"

Grandpa Terai has always believed deeply in the legend about the foggy dog, and he also has a strong shadow of the air-dried human flesh strips. Not to mention coming to the door in the middle of the night, even when he sees the foggy dog ​​during the day, he wants to call the ambulance... Grandpa Terai is already over sixty. Let him go!

"'Visiting at home' should be a modified term in Jiangxia. If Brother Tengu really comes, he will definitely not be so polite. Most likely, he will enter from the balcony as usual. In the middle of the night, there is a huge shadow with wings on the balcony..."

Kidd thought of Terai Kinosuke, who was originally in good health but had been paying close attention to Kushin Pills a while ago, and felt that this was not possible.

For the sake of his grandfather's life, he had no choice but to reply in humiliation, while muttering in his heart: "A simple monster cannot think of such a cunning method. It must be the detective's instruction! Is this how Jiang Xia harvests the favorability of monsters? ——Shameless, really shameless!”

The Kaitou's innermost thoughts cannot be transmitted very far.

So Jiang Xia only received an email full of information: [Saturday night, Tokyo Tower Observation Deck. ]

"Not bad, easy to communicate with." Jiang Xia closed the phone with satisfaction, "He is really an easy-to-talk thief."

The foggy dog ​​floated beside him, thinking of the large number of energy cores contributed by Kidd, and nodded in agreement.

Other ghosts: "..."

Forget it, just have something to collect. It doesn't matter if the Phantom Thief communicates well or not.

Although there is a distance between Tokyo Tower and Teitan Junior High School, the incident that happened in such a well-known place is impressive enough.

Moreover, the time of the two coincides with each other and happens to happen on the same day. There is no need to make any additional arrangements, as long as things develop naturally, Jiang Xia's goal will not be difficult to achieve.

"Then we don't need to worry about it for the time being." After Jiang Xia confirmed Kidd's condition, he put away the mobile phone and looked far away at the next street. "Next, we just need to deliver the antidote to Conan. ”

However, how to deliver medicine naturally and appropriately is also a problem.

"Pretending to accidentally drop one? Did it happen to fall on the road Conan passed by?" Jiang Xia first thought of this most trouble-free method, but after thinking for a moment, he silently eliminated this option, "No, Conan is not the kind to pick it up." People who put everything into their mouths, and Aptx4869’s antidote doesn’t have any special taste, maybe they think it’s just an ordinary dropped cold medicine.”

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