Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2313 2317 [Driver]

Vodka: "..." Although there was no evidence, he always felt that there might be some connections between the two emails that he didn't want to see.

He had never cared so much about the content of Gin's email, wishing he could crane his neck to take a peek.

But both his reason and his vigilance towards Uzo made Vodka suppress this impulse.

Finally, he took a deep breath, pretended not to notice the coincidence at all, and silently started checking his email:

[haven't seen you for a long time. ]

As soon as he read this sentence, Vodka's fist hardened: "..." Is this a long time? How many times a day do you want to trick me? !

He snorted coldly, then looked down:

[I forgot your gun. Remember to come and get it.

PS: If you want to talk to me in the future, just say it directly, don’t use this tactful way. As your most reliable colleague, of course I will appear in time when my companions need it. ]

Vodka: "..."

Show up in time and give me a ride?

"To be able to say such words so confidently, this guy's face is simply deeper than his mind!"

Vodka cursed in his mind. He quickly glanced at the time and place attached at the end, and turned to look at Gin with a hint of expectation: "Brother..."

Gin Jiu was also looking at his phone, and didn't even raise his head when he heard this: "You can go if you tell me to go."

Vodka: "..."

What exactly did Uzo give you? I pay double!

He wanted to shout like this, but thinking of his hard-earned bonus and Uzo's terrifying talent for searching for treasures and pitting heritage, he finally swallowed his words in frustration.

Vodka: "...Okay."

Suzuki Sonoko, who is very mobile, borrowed her sister's villa, packed her luggage, and planned to go on a casual trip with everyone.

The "new doctor" was invited to come. Belmode threw up the car keys in his hand and took a look at the number of people who were going to stay together to rehearse the play: "There are a lot of people... Shall I go get a bigger car?"

"No, that would be too troublesome for you." Jiang Xia pointed to the intersection, "I have a friend who happens to be going to Mist Hill, so I can just take his car there."

"Friend?" Belmod heard this and looked in the direction he pointed with curiosity.

I thought it would be another unlucky passerby who was targeted by Uzo, or the unlucky Irish man who was snatched away. However, when his eyes were on the driver of the car through the front window, Belmode paused and said, fell into silence.

Belmode: "..."

Vodka... Ouzo... Friend?

Putting these three words together, it always feels like there is a sense of dissonance and weirdness everywhere.

Belmod: "..." After all, Gin's driver was snatched away by Uzo. This kid can always do what he wants to do... The only problem is that Vodka seems reluctant. It seems like this guy doesn't know how to cause a car accident with his slippery hands and deliberately cause trouble.

Also, one more thing...

Thinking of the destination he wanted to go to this time, Belmod's expression became slightly condensed, and his originally gloating mood suddenly became heavy.

If I remember correctly, Cool Guy is staying at Kirizugaoka, and if my group goes there, they will probably meet him.

And Vodka was one of the people who "killed" Kudo Shinichi. Although this guy is not very smart, if he sees something...

Belmode felt that something was wrong, but before she could say anything, Vodka's turtle-like car finally crawled in front of everyone.

Watching the driver move out of the car bit by bit, Belmode was silent for a moment, and finally closed his mouth: "..." Uzo finally managed to get the person over, how could he let him go so easily.

Under this premise, if he keeps expressing his intention to let Vodka leave, I'm afraid it will only reveal a flaw - although Vodka is not useful, there is a gin with a keen sense of smell behind him.

As her mind turned, Belmode was forced to swallow back her weak protest, and only tried to remind Uzo with her eyes from an angle that Vodka couldn't see.

However, Jiang Xia's eyes had already fallen on vodka. The detective stepped forward in a good mood and greeted him warmly.

"..." Vodka, who had just moved out of the car, was almost retracted by this greeting, but in the end he stood firm and showed the calm expression he had practiced countless times in front of the mirror: "Hello."

"Mr. Yamada!" Suzuki Sonoko and Mao Lilan saw that the kind friend Jiang Xia mentioned who was willing to send them there turned out to be vodka, and they also stepped forward to say hello - this man looked like an outlaw, The "Jiangxia fanatic fans" who are delicate at heart and passionate about caring for children obviously left a good impression on them.

Suzuki Sonoko: "..." Although she can't see why this fan is so fanatical... But people's thoughts are not written on their faces. Maybe this fan brother is the kind of very reserved type!

"I heard that Mr. Yamada is a celebrity in Miss Yoko's fan circle and has made a lot of interesting peripherals. I don't know if he has made a few for Jiang Xia in private..." Suzuki Sonoko thought about it and became interested, "Well , ask him later, if he has it, buy it and keep it for yourself!”

Beside him, Vodka's wary eyes were sometimes on Jiang Xia, and sometimes on the "new doctor", assessing whether this fake school doctor might be a prop used to harm him.

At this moment, he noticed a different kind of gaze. It was not very dangerous, but it still made his hair stand on end.

Vodka turned his head alertly and met Suzuki Sonoko's interested eyes.

Vodka: "..." What does this Uzo accomplice want to do? !

"We're almost here, let's set off." Jiang Xia's voice drew everyone's attention back, "Go there early and you'll still have time to catch the picnic."


The students who performed in the drama got on the bus one after another and happily prepared for this free trip that they could just go on.

When Vodka saw this, his heart tightened and he silently prayed.

...Then I found that praying was of no use.

The next second, he heard the click of his car door - the others were more familiar with Doctor Xinde and got into Doctor Xinde's car, while Jiang Xia opened the door very naturally and sat on his passenger seat.

Vodka: "..." What are you doing sitting there? Get down! That's the position of the big brother Gin!

Jiang Xia turned around and glanced at him: "Aren't you leaving yet?"

Vodka: "..."

Vodka showed a more professional smile than the taxi driver: "Let's go, let's go."

The resentful driver took to the road.

As he walked, Vodka kept a close eye on Belmod's car to prevent it from being misled and suddenly crashing into him.

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