Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2314 2318 [My little brother, vodka]

At the same time, another car was on.

The "new doctor" also glanced at the rearview mirror from time to time, with a hint of caution: Although she would not be as trembling when facing Uzo as that shameful guy with vodka, she had to admit that Uzo's threat existed objectively. ——As long as anyone knows a little bit about his past deeds, no one can help but be wary, unless that person himself wants to speed up to heaven.

The worst-case scenario that Belmod expected was that Vodka suddenly lost his mind and hit himself on the accelerator, killing both people in the car.

However, under her vigilant gaze, this did not happen. She only saw the slowly driving car falling further and further away...and then suddenly woke up when it was about to escape her sight. , catch up quickly.

Belmod: "..." What is this idiot doing?

She frowned and thought for a while, but couldn't figure out Vodka's brain circuit, so her heart could only rise and fall with the car that came and went.

In an atmosphere of unspeakable tension, the two cars drove towards the Mist Hill, one behind the other.

In another car.

Vodka held the steering wheel tightly, listened in all directions and looked in all directions, and his nose had to smell from time to time for the smell of suspicious explosives or poisons. He wanted to use his eight hands.

Sometimes he was wary of Belmode in front of him and did not dare to get close. Sometimes he was worried that if he was too far away and fell behind, he would be forced to face the terrible situation of being alone with Uzo. So he had to move the whole car forward and backward, trying to navigate the complicated situation. Hold on to that glimmer of hope.

Jiang Xia in the car: "..."

Vodka works as a driver for Gin every day, and he develops such terrible driving skills? If he keeps shaking like this, he will get motion sickness...or is this actually a small revenge from vodka?

Jiang Xia mentally reprimanded her petty colleague, then took out a stick of ice tea-flavored ghost mint and lit it to refresh herself.

Soon, the cool and refreshing taste washed away the negative effects of the vodka's poor technique.

Next to him, Vodka heard Jiang Xia move, and his heart skipped a beat.

I heard the sound of the lighter cover opening, and then it clicked again.

When the smell of smoke that was different from ordinary cigarettes wafted out, and he understood what the guy next to him wanted to do, Vodka finally breathed a sigh of relief.

...But I didn’t dare to let go completely.

"Isn't this guy trying to trick me with the excuse of 'inciting people under 20 to smoke'?" He thought warily, "Although this trick is shameless and boring, I have to admit that it is very effective... …If he really does this, how should I respond?”

More than an hour later.

After rehearsing and drinking vodka all the way, I finally saw a suburban villa exhausted both physically and mentally.

……finally reached!

For a moment, he almost cried with joy, feeling that he had never driven such a tiring car in his life.

"Before, I was wondering if Brother Gin had gone a little too far recently. He actually sold his most loyal companion to the terrible Uzo for a little money."

Vodka stepped on the brakes, leaned on the seat tiredly, and suddenly had a realization: "Now it seems that I was wrong... Compared to Uzo, the eldest brother is simply the most perfect partner in the world! He is a millionaire Nothing happens, otherwise what if this guy Uzo snatches me away like Hashimoto Maya!"

At this moment, Vodka's loyalty reached its peak.

Next to him, Jiang Xia knew nothing about Xiao Jiujiu in his colleague's heart. At this time, his attention was already on Belmode.

——I don’t know what the fake school nurse went through in the car just now. Now that she got out of the car, she was even more murderous than when she got in the car. She glanced sharply at Vodka as soon as she stepped on the ground.

Vodka: "?"

Why are you staring at me? You are not the kind of idiot who knows nothing about Uzo. As an insider, you should know that no matter what grudges there are, the one who deserves to be targeted is Uzo next to me. This guy is the source of everything!

... He wanted to speak loudly and reason like this, but unfortunately, the Uzo who said the words was right next to him. As soon as the words came out, it was obvious who was unlucky.

In the end, Vodka had no choice but to turn his back and wink wildly at Belmode, trying to communicate using brain waves.

Belmod glanced at his huge sunglasses and the slightly twitching muscles under the sunglasses, and looked away inexplicably.

I don’t know if there is any vodka that can communicate successfully: “…”

Anyway, let's add Belmod to the alert list first... Although she was already on the list when I saw her next to Uzo, it's not a big problem. If I mark it in bold again, it's definitely right. !


Suzuki Sonoko got out of the car, stretched, raised her head and looked at her sister's newly bought villa with curiosity.

Others also got out of the car one after another and began to move their luggage from Vodka and Belmode's car. This time they expected to travel for a short time, and they didn't have many things, so they moved them quickly.

"Where are those brats training?" Suzuki Sonoko set up a pergola and looked into the distance. After watching for a while, her attention couldn't help but drift elsewhere. "It's really a mist hill. It's already there in broad daylight." It’s foggy, and I don’t know what it will be like at night and early in the morning.”

During the conversation, Dr. Ali also drove his Beetle car and arrived slowly.

He looked around and suggested happily: "The yard is really spacious, why not have a barbecue outdoors? I brought the materials!"

Last time, a group of them wanted to go out for a barbecue, but were interrupted by the treasure cave and several gunmen inside. Fortunately, the shelf life of the ingredients has not yet expired, so this time Dr. Ali persevered in bringing the things over - it's rare that Xiao Ai is not around, so he doesn't have to control his fat intake, so he must eat to his heart's content this time!

Jiang Xia was also interested in barbecue. He directed Vodka to help, and then watched this cadre of the organization who respects the elderly and loves the young quietly pouring out ice cream while working hard to help Dr. A Li carry the luggage and set up the barbecue grill.

After being busy for a while, Mao Lilan thought of something: "I don't know how those children are rehearsing. Can we go over and take a look?"

An enthusiastic male college student who had just graduated took a dozen children out for a sleepover alone... Although the children had already developed some ability to take care of themselves, it still sounded a bit worrying.

Jiang Xia thought of Conan and the Young Detective Team over there, and had no objection to the proposal. He nodded and planned to go there to see if he could catch the scent of the incident.

So soon, the three high school students, together with the "new doctor" who was watching the fun, went to the shared villa where several children were staying.

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