Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2316 2320 [No one survived]

The vodka outside the window was even imagining some thrilling blockbusters, while inside the house, the children's childish puppet show continued.

"No, no." Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko picked it up again. He reprimanded Conan, "The role you play is a powerful detective. He needs to be more majestic and more stylish! - You act as brother Jiang Xia's follower every day. You should know what a detective looks like."

Conan: "..." You are just a follower... Speaking of which, these children have a deep grudge against him. Didn't they just trick you into playing with Jiang Xia a few times? They really hold grudges.

As he was muttering to himself, Mitsuhiko Madoka suddenly turned his head and looked at the only adult in the room with a stern look: "Right, Mr. Kaifu?"

This is Shigeru Kaibe, a young man with many talents who has just graduated and is in charge of leading the children's dormitory this time. His family was very close to Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya's family, and the two families had some kind of friendship, so Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya consciously regarded himself as the head of the child during this staycation, feeling that he had the responsibility to assist Shigeru Kaifu and take good care of this group of followers. A little brat of the same age as him.

After hearing Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya's words, Shigeru Kaibu came back to his senses, waved his hands and said with a smile: "I'm not a 'teacher', and I only have a little more experience in drama than you."

After being humble, he looked at Conan again: "But there is some truth in what Mitsuhiko said, so just read it again."

Conan had no choice but to act very professionally like a serious detective, waved the mouse puppet in his hand, and repeated: "I think the murderer must be among us!" - This time, his tone was okay, right? As for detectives, he is a professional!

As soon as the thought came to an end, Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya touched his chin and muttered: "The tone is okay, but the movements of the puppet on my hand are too dull. I have to find a way to strengthen it - oh, I didn't expect you to have other aspects." Awesome, but so untalented in terms of acting.”

Conan: "... # " You are talking nonsense, my acting skills are not good? My mother is Kudo Yukiko, a powerful actress ranked among the best in the world! I have been influenced by my ears and eyes since I was a child, and I have learned a lot of essence!

Belmod looked at Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya outside the window and nodded thoughtfully: "..." This child doesn't speak very well, but his observation skills are very good...

Conan's inner murmur of dissatisfaction failed to reach Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya's ears - the puppy had turned around and started talking affectionately with his neighbor, Mr. Kaifu.

Next to her, Empress Dowager Moto Kojima came to her senses after realizing it. He rolled up his sleeves and muttered to his two friends in a rough voice: "What happened to this guy Mitsuhiko today? Inexplicably, people want to beat him."

Vodka: "..." It's been a minute or two since this little fat guy was attacked, and he actually just came back to his senses? Such a thick and long nerve can actually be selected into Uzo's "Popcorn Guerrilla"...

He first felt that this candidate was not qualified enough, but then he remembered the big loss he suffered from this seemingly honest and honest little fat man when he was in the cave not long ago.

Vodka: "..."

Forget it, forget it, Uzo has his own reasons for choosing people.

Under the vigilant gaze of a certain organization cadre, the discussion among several innocent children continued.

Ayumi Yoshida knew a lot of inside information: "I heard that Mitsuhiko and Kaibe-sensei got along very well, so Kaibe-sensei helped us write this script."

"Did he write it?" Kojima Genta was startled, flipping through his script, "But I always feel that I have read this story before."

Conan perked up. Talking about mystery novels, he immediately felt no longer sleepy: "Of course, this is one of Agatha Christie's masterpieces - eight people from all walks of life who don't know each other are gathered on an isolated island, and the mysterious inviter They did not show up, only the steward and servants received them.

"After these ten people entered the restaurant, they found ten small porcelain statues on the table, and there was also a bloody and terrifying children's song——

Ten little Indian boys ran for food; one choked to death and could not be saved, leaving only nine out of ten.

The nine little Indian boys were so sleepy late at night that they fell asleep and died, leaving only eight of the nine.

Eight little Indian boys went hunting for adventure in Devonshire; one was left there, and there were only seven left of eight..."

Conan: "It went on like this until 'A little Indian boy, only one person came back, hung himself from a beam, and there was no one left.' - 10 people died one after another, and each of them died in the same way as in the children's song. The description is almost the same. In addition, for every person who dies, there will be one less porcelain statue on the table, and in the end there will be no survivors.”

Teacher Kaifu heard their conversation and scratched his head in embarrassment: "Well, our script is indeed based on this story. After all, I am not a professional screenwriter. I am just here to help the children's conference. I can't write a complete story. ’s script——Okay, it’s getting late, so that’s it for today’s practice.”

He looked at his watch: "Everyone has been rehearsing for a long time. Now you can move freely. We will come back here in an hour. By the way, remember to put the puppets on the table over there before leaving. , so as not to lose it. The children's conference will start soon. If you lose it now, it will be too late to make it up."

"Okay!" The children had been very bored in rehearsing for a long time. After hearing this, they immediately put down their puppets and dispersed happily.

"Although this teacher is a bit concerned about face, he is really good at raising children." Suzuki Sonoko looked at the well-behaved children through the window, "This way we don't have to worry - everyone, go back!"

When Vodka heard the word "go back", the tips of his ears twitched, and he turned around and walked back silently, for fear that something unexpected would happen that would prevent him from leaving.

When he just listened to Conan retelling the familiar story, he already had goosebumps all over his body - there is nothing to be afraid of in the mystery story that has been circulated for many years. The scary thing is that Uzo's minions told this story, and at the same time nearby And Uzo.

So now, he just wants to leave this group of children who exude ominous power and the house that exudes bad luck as soon as possible.

However, Mao Lilan hesitated and said: "Leaving now? You've already come, don't you need to say hello to them?"

Vodka: "..." Why do you, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, hold you back at the critical moment! What's there to say hello to, and do you know what that hello might unlock?

He objected loudly in his heart, but out of the corner of his eye he caught sight of Uzuo a step away, and he didn't dare to say anything.

Unexpectedly, Suzuki Sonoko actually stood up at this time. She pushed Mao Lilan's shoulder and walked back: "Look at how happy the children are getting along. Wouldn't it be special if we go in now? Let's go, let's go, Let them play by themselves.”

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