Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2317 2321 [Belmod vs Vodka] Please give me your monthly vote o

Chapter 2317 2321 [Belmod vs Vodka] Please vote o(〃▽〃)o

Suzuki Sonoko had no interest in raising children. When she found that the situation here was not bad, she immediately decided to run away and play by herself - otherwise, if ten children gathered together, all her camping and rehearsals would be in vain.

Mao Lilan was persuaded by what Suzuki Sonoko said just now: Conan has always been out of tune with his peers, and now he needs a chance to get along with his friends. If adults like himself show up, it will look like he is doing something special.

So a group of people came and left lightly.

It wasn't until they returned to their own villa that Vodka came back to his senses in a daze: "..."

That's it?

Is this the end?

Did they just come back safely without any unexpected incident?

...No, this must be Uzo’s trick! What happened to the children just now was probably just a preview, and Uzo wanted to use this method to make them relax their vigilance and make another unexpected surprise attack.

While Vodka was trying to figure out Uzo's thoughts, he quietly looked over to Belmode.

Seeing that the insider was indeed a little nervous, and noticing his gaze, Belmod looked back and curled his lips into a smile, which contained a hint of threat and coldness.

Vodka: "..." What are you doing! Even if you are nervous, shouldn't you focus on Uzo next to you? Why do you look so hostile to me? We, brothers in distress, should obviously be our closest allies!

"...But it's not that I can't understand it. After all, in my eyes, Belmod is the most terrifying killing tool. On the other hand, in Belmod's eyes, I am also the person who can threaten her the most - what is my strength? Not to mention, at least the organization cadres have guns. This alone is enough to make me a thorn in her side. "

Thinking of the gun, Vodka felt bitter in his heart: "If Uzo hadn't calculated it last time and forgot to ask him for the gun, I wouldn't have come this time. If I hadn't come, I wouldn't have encountered such an unfortunate scene with no survivors. ...Speaking of which, when will Uzo’s Little Theater open? When it does start, I must find a way to get through to the end and leave alive!”

"Also, speaking of guns, this unfortunate guy Belmode probably doesn't know that Uzo already has a gun in his hand. Hehe, if you misjudge the danger level of that kid, you will fall into a terrible hell."

Vodka thought of this, and a gloating smile almost appeared on his lips.

But suddenly he realized something, and his smile froze: "..." Wait, Uzo got the gun from his vodka, and according to the nature of human beings to bully the weak and fear the strong, even if Bellmore knew this, I am afraid that De will also vent his anger on him, the victim who was tricked, instead of going to Uzo to settle the score.

Vodka originally wanted to reveal this to Belmod inadvertently, and then stood on the wall and watched the two men fight. But now...

A certain organization cadre who lost his gun silently shut his mouth and decided to take this secret with him to the grave.

Vodka: "..." Of course, it's the grave decades later. I will never die easily now. I am the person who knows Uzo best among these sacrifices!

Everyone returned to the camp, each busy with his own thoughts.

Jiang Xia helped Dr. Ali handle the ingredients, stretched and returned to the house.

The other students were still rehearsing hard, but Jiang Xia didn't join in the fun. He thought about it and went back to the house to pretend to rest, but in fact he took out his own ghost.

The shikigami flew out and turned into puppet clay. Jiang Xia picked up Xiaobai and threw it in. Soon, a child-like puppet took shape in the room.

Jiang Xia lay down on the bed, left his body here, and his consciousness entered the puppet.

Not long after, a child who looked young pushed open the window, glanced around, then climbed out of the window lightly and landed on the ground.

Jiang Xia drove Xiaobai's puppet, adjusted the scarf around her neck to cover the "Z" mark on the puppet, and stood on tiptoe to close the window for herself.

After that, he briefly identified the direction and walked towards the villa where the children's conference was staying.

Jiang Xia: "..." Although the other people's physiques are also good, it turns out that Kudo-san is the source of everything - idleness is idleness. If you go to visit him, you might gain something good.

And he didn't know if it was an illusion. When he went to the villa just now, he vaguely smelled a good quality murderous aura nearby. Unfortunately, the aura disappeared before he could distinguish it carefully. Now he just went to look for it.

the other side.

The four children from the Junior Detective Team played near the villa for a while.

The fog was getting thicker and thicker. Conan looked at his watch and found that it was almost one o'clock: "Is it time to go back and gather?"

Ayumi Yoshida looked at the gauze-like thick fog, feeling a little fond and a little scared. In the end, timidity defeated her love for beauty, and she nodded: "Then go back."

The pretty and cute little girl spoke, and Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya was the first to respond. But Moto Kojima didn't have any opinion, and soon the four of them reached an agreement and returned to the villa.

In the living room, besides them, there were several other children playing cards together.

Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko looked at this lively scene and cleared his throat like an adult. He seriously greeted: "It's already time. Don't slack off, everyone, come and continue rehearsing!"


The air in the living room was stagnant, and it was quiet for a brief moment. Soon, the fun started again, and everyone seemed to be less enthusiastic about the boring rehearsal.

"Really..." Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya realized that his appeal was limited. He snorted and ran to the lounge upstairs to fetch reinforcements.

Conan ignored this puppy leg and sat down in the living room. On the way, he glanced out the window: He didn't know why, but just now he always felt that there was a figure peeking at him outside.

"Maybe it's an illusion caused by the rolling fog?" Conan touched his chin, not paying much attention to it. "And the figure seems to be quite short. It must be some naughty child who slipped outside."

Just as I was thinking about it, suddenly there were thumping footsteps on the stairs, with a trace of panic in the eagerness.

Conan was startled, turned around and saw Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya, who had just gone upstairs, turned around and ran down again.

Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya was halfway downstairs when he asked anxiously: "Have you seen Mr. Kaifu? There seems to be no one in his room. It's really strange, it's obviously already the scheduled rehearsal time."

Conan came to his senses and discovered the problem belatedly: apart from the teacher Kaifu, there seemed to be a few missing people - the number of children here was obviously wrong.

Thinking of this, he asked the two children who were sitting on the floor playing cards in confusion: "Have you seen those children in Sanmachi?"

The two children were addicted to playing cards and shook their heads perfunctorily after hearing this.

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