Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2318 2322 [Anonymous Business]

Ayumi Yoshida suddenly noticed something. She jumped off the stool and trotted to another table. She lowered her head and glanced, and suddenly her heart thumped: "There are a few puppets missing."

As she said that, she carefully recalled the people corresponding to the puppets: "All the puppets that disappeared are those of Sanmachime's classmates! ... Mr. Kaifu's puppets are also missing!"

Conan was stunned for a moment, feeling a vague sense of instant vision: The man and the puppet disappeared at the same time. How could this be so like the scene in "No Survival"?

...The horror mystery story has come to reality?

No, even if it does come true, it must be because someone is imitating the crime behind the scenes.

Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya and Ayumi Yoshida had obviously thought of this, and their faces turned pale: "Could it be..."

"Did they abandon us and sneak home with the puppets?" Kojima Mota waved his fist dissatisfied, "How cunning, they are actually lazy! In fact, I don't want to rehearse. I should have told me I would go with them. !”

Conan: "..." This optimism is really enviable.

Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya no longer had time to be a supervisor at this time. He smiled dryly and looked outside the door where the visibility was getting worse and worse: "You're going home without permission at this time to say hello to us? Do you think this is possible..."

Before he finished speaking, like a chicken being strangled by the neck, all sounds suddenly stopped: outside the glass door, in the dim light, a blurry figure flashed past from left to right.

"There's someone!!" Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya jumped up. Thinking of the weird figure, he added rigorously, "There might be a ghost!!"

Of course, Conan didn't believe in any ghosts. The brave primary school student got up and rushed to the door, pushing it open with a bang.

There was deathly silence outside the house, only thick fog surrounded it, and no one could be seen.

When several other children from the Junior Detective Corps saw him charging, they instinctively followed him. They regretted it as soon as they went out, and crowded next to Conan and muttered: "You can't see anything clearly outside, let's go back."

Conan shook his head and motioned for them to calm down. He asked Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya about the location where the figure appeared and disappeared, then walked over and looked carefully at the muddy ground.

"There was indeed someone here just now." He pointed to the ground, where there was a shoe print left by an adult.

As soon as these words came out, the three children trembled even more. Ignoring Conan's calm expression, the three of them grabbed him and dragged him back into the house.

Detective Conan's momentum was completely destroyed. He sighed and was about to let the naughty children learn to calm down. However, at this moment, his eyes fell on the empty room.

"Why are those classmates who were in the room just now missing?! We are the only ones left here..." Yoshida Ayumi also discovered the problem, and then she remembered something and rushed to the one with the dolls. next to the table.

After taking a closer look, her face turned pale: "Puppets, puppets too..."

Conan followed and said calmly: "The corresponding puppet is missing?"

Yoshida Ayumi nodded repeatedly, hesitated for a moment and then said: "But there is one more!"

Conan was stunned: "One more?"

...This seems to be different from the script of "No Survival"? The number of porcelain people who should be alive is getting smaller and smaller, but why are there more of them now? It’s impossible for the dead to be resurrected!

Although Yoshida Ayumi's mind didn't move so fast, she could still instinctively sense the weirdness of the extra doll. She shrank back and didn't dare to touch it, but...

She couldn't help but take another look at the puppet and whispered: "It's quite cute..."

Conan had already strode over. He looked past Ayumi Yoshida and looked at the weird extra glove puppet, and saw that it was a Q-type cat that was completely black with only two white claws.

Conan: "?"

Why does it look so familiar?

And I always feel that its material is different from other puppets...

He carefully reached out his hand, wanting to pick it up and take a closer look. However, before that, another hand reached out, picked up the cat doll before him, and put it on his hand.

"Don't make trouble, what if there is poison hidden in it or a poisonous needle stuffed in it!" Conan thought it was the kiddies from the Junior Detective Group who were trying to snatch the doll from him, so he stopped him quickly.

However, when he finished speaking and raised his head to see the person who had taken away the puppet, Conan suddenly choked: "Why is it you?!"

Opposite him, a little boy about his age was standing quietly holding the stuffed cat. The weather was obviously not cold, but the child had a long scarf wrapped around his neck.

Although the outfit was a bit inappropriate for the season, with that delicate face like a mini-idol, this problem was immediately ignored - what's wrong with the weird outfit? This is called fashion!

Ayumi Yoshida's eyes lit up: "I seem to have seen you somewhere."

Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko came back to his senses. He also felt that this little boy looked familiar. He should have met him by chance somewhere, but this was not important.

He took a step forward, opened his hand to stop between the two of them, turned around and said to Ayumi Yoshida in a deep voice: "This person's appearance is too strange. He may be the culprit that caused Kaifu-sensei and the others to disappear. Don't take it lightly!"

The flower protector was particularly brave at this time, but the defense line he created was very fragile. Yoshida Ayumi bypassed him: "No. The footprints we saw outside the door just now were left by adults, and he is just a Kids like us.”

Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya: "..."

How come you suddenly become good at reasoning at this time!

Ayumi Yoshida had been staying in this villa for a day, and she was very proud of herself. She warmly greeted the little boy of the same age who suddenly appeared: "Are you here for a trip?"

Jiang Xia opened Xiaobai's vest, played with the cat puppet in her hands, flexed her fingers and nodded with it: "..." Fortunately, as more leg-striking shikigami were picked up, the quality of the puppet clay improved. Improve, otherwise you really won't be able to make such a "muppet", and you won't be able to perfectly integrate into this comfortable atmosphere.

...The only problem is that the material of this "cat puppet" is always somewhat different from real cloth.

He lowered his head and fiddled with the poorly disguised cat puppet, wondering how to make it look more like it. Without waiting for a clue, he grabbed him with one hand and pulled him aside.

Conan lowered his voice: "Why are you here!"

Jiang Xia glanced at his hand, thoughtfully.

"!" Conan looked at the child who had been stabbed with countless anesthetic needles. Some painful memories came to his mind, and he retracted his hand with a swish.

However, he still asked the question stubbornly: "Since you showed up...could something happen here next?"

In Conan's impression, Anonymous seems to have solved several high school detective crises...and now their business has finally expanded to rescuing elementary school students?

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