Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2324 2328 [Head-on confrontation]

After having an idea, Vodka walked towards the inconspicuous side door, planning to observe the situation outside first, and then go around Jiang Xia's window as quickly as possible to take a look before coming back.

at the same time.

On the other side, two other people were quietly approaching the same side door.

Conan listened in all directions and watched in all directions. He and his anonymous teammates silently approached the side door, hoping to sneak into the gangster's den and borrow their landline to call the police.

Just when they were about to reach the place, suddenly, there was a click, and someone gently unscrewed the door from the inside.

When the two sides met on a narrow road, Conan was startled and looked up quickly. When he saw the figure clearly, his heart skipped a beat: Vodka, it was actually vodka! Why are the cadres of this evil organization here? !

An ordinary case of serial disappearances in villas turned out to be organized participation... The development of the matter was completely beyond Conan's expectations. He was greatly shocked and felt that his plan just now must be completely overturned.

However, before he could think of what to do next, the little boy with a scarf next to him suddenly raised his hand, and a cold light flashed from his fingertips.

Almost at the same time, Vodka, who was wary of opening the door, suddenly realized something. He retreated suddenly and closed the door with a bang in a cold sweat. With a click, the flying anesthesia needle was nailed to the door frame simultaneously, and then disintegrated into pieces under the huge impact.

The mere moment of meeting each other caused the heart rates of the two people to spike sharply.

Vodka stood behind the door, thinking of the attack that he had not seen clearly but heard, and broke out in a cold sweat.

"What the hell was that just now, an anesthetic needle?"

Vodka immediately locked the door and retreated to a place where he would not be hit by the attack that broke in. The fear in his heart surged up like a tide:

"It's too dangerous! Losing consciousness near Uzo is not a trivial matter. Maybe my fingerprint DNA...all kinds of information will be exposed, and then these 'foreshadowings' will one day turn into a heavy straw that crushes me - —Who is so incompetent that he throws away anesthesia needles!”

When this question emerged from his mind, Vodka already had the answer in his mind: "I seemed to have seen two very low shadows just now, they should be two little ghosts... I understand, it must be the boy named Conan and His companion!"

Although the light outside was too dark and the encounter just now was too hasty, Vodka could not clearly see the faces of the two people, but based on their general height and outline, a very clear figure had already emerged in his mind.

——The figure and appearance of Xiao Yinbi brought out by Xiao Yinbi have long been deeply engraved in his heart, and the level of danger has also been raised to a very front row position. He will never admit his mistake!

"A mere six- or seven-year-old naughty kid actually dares to target me repeatedly. This little brat is really bullying others. It's really like a tiger that doesn't show off its power and treats people like sick cats!"

Vodka was furious and stepped back again, cautiously not approaching the side door:

"Hmph, don't try to seduce me into making a mistake. I've already seen through Uzo's plan - it's dark outside. If I really go out to find trouble with those two naughty kids out of anger, once I step out of this door, what will happen next I can't tell clearly.

"Like chasing a corpse for just two steps and tripping over it, and then being framed as a murderer because he left too many traces around the corpse, or walking and falling into a big pit and breaking his neck, or getting lost in the deep forest and bumping into a gangster's transaction site. Shot to death and silenced..."

Although Vodka had received a new gun from the organization after the gun was shamelessly taken away by Uzo, when he was forced to come to the appointment this time, he did not bring the gun.

——The lessons learned from the past are clear to his mind. Walking around with a gun next to Uzo is like beating a dog. He would rather take the risk of not bringing a gun than let both guns fall into Uzo's hands and then be Uzo again. I tricked that guy into meeting him two more times.

"And if I remember correctly, there was a child around Conan's age just now."

Vodka is not afraid to speculate on Conan with the greatest malice. He believes that this child who grew up next to Uzo can do anything:

"Conan is very likely to get rid of the unlucky kid next to him after I go out, and use it as a sacrifice to frame me. After all, if that kid dies, compared to a first-grade kid, I will definitely be them A bigger suspect in sight.

"...It's so dangerous! Now it seems that Wuzuo's staying behind closed doors was the first link in his trap. All of this was to lure me out to spy, and I almost fell for it."

Vodka's mind raced, clarifying what he thought was the status quo faster than he could write code.

Once you understand your situation, the next step is to think about how to find a way to survive.

"First of all, eliminate the right option of leaving the house." Vodka thought seriously, "But we can't not go out at all... By the way, there is a way!"

He suddenly turned around, looked at the place where other people gathered in the villa, and took a deep breath, as if he wanted to shout something.

But before shouting, Vodka hesitated, and his whole body froze in place briefly.

A second later, Vodka slapped himself on the head.

"Face is not as important as life!" Vodka reminded himself in a low voice, "This is not a shame, this is just the smartest and most normal strategy!"

Soon, he no longer hesitated, opened his mouth and let out a powerful and majestic voice: "Help!! Someone is attacking——!!"

Mao Lilan was taking apart the baking skewers when he suddenly heard a shout coming along the corridor.

She was startled and stood up: "What's wrong? What's going on?"

While she was wondering, she was already attracted by the cry of "help" and instinctively rushed over.

Suzuki Sonoko was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly followed, muttering to herself as she trotted: "An attack? What attack? This is just a holiday villa, not a war fortress. Mr. Yamada must be in a daze."

The two people walked in tandem and soon met up with Vodka who was rushing towards them.

Suzuki Sonoko looked at the frightened look of this burly man panting, and closed her eyes in disgust, but soon felt normal again: "..." Thinking about it carefully, Mr. Yamada is just a weak, pitiful and helpless technical geek. It's normal to be timid. Don't judge a person by his appearance as a powerful manual worker.

While correcting her inherent beliefs in her mind, she asked curiously: "What happened? What do you mean by attack?"

Vodka: "Just now I wanted to go outside for some fresh air, but as soon as I opened the door, I felt the fog was too heavy, so I stepped back, but I just happened to avoid a poisonous needle that was shot at me!"

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