Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2325 2329 [There’s something wrong with vodka]

"Poison needle?" Suzuki Sonoko scratched her head, "It sounds like it's a TV series, but it really does happen in reality..."

Halfway through her words, she fell silent for a moment: It seems like it really does exist in reality! If you think about it, there are not too few unlucky victims who died from poisonous needles.

Thinking of this, she suddenly became a little scared and looked towards the side door: "Is it the villa destroyer in the news? But doesn't he not act in this area?"

Vodka shook his head and opened his eyes to tell lies: "It was too dark outside, I didn't see the attacker clearly."

Teacher Kaifu was leading a group of children to do vocal exercises with their hands behind their backs. When they heard Vodka yelling, they moved over hesitantly.

He poked his head from the door and looked into the corridor. Seeing that the situation here was not bad, he walked out and joined the temporary team recruited by Vodka: "What happened?"

"Someone is attacking." Vodka repeated, and then rolled his eyes, "The other party's purpose is unknown. We must get together and deal with it carefully - that's right! We need to wake Jiang Xia up, in case he is attacked while sleeping. But that’s troublesome.”

——Staying with Uzo is not absolutely safe, but at least you can avoid some large-scale explosions, and you can get some valuable survival information by observing the guy's movements.

When a group was hurriedly formed in the villa.

Outside the villa, Conan froze in place holding his watch: He never expected that he would meet Vodka on a narrow road in this corner of the villa area, and what he didn't expect was that Vodka actually withdrew so decisively, even Xiaobai's Hidden flying needles at tricky angles can be avoided.

"Xiao Bai throws the anesthesia needle very quickly and accurately. With this kind of proficiency, I have fallen into his hands several times before. But what's even more frightening is that Vodka actually dodged it."

"How can Vodka be so skilled? Even Xiaolan wouldn't be able to react at that speed just now. This person is too secretive."

A layer of cold sweat broke out behind Conan's back with fear: "I really underestimated him before, but now I think about it, how could someone who can be Gin's partner be an ordinary person - the information given by that guy Haibara was too unreliable. ...However, she used to be an important researcher of the organization, and she should rarely encounter fights and killings, so it is normal that she has not seen Vodka's true strength. "

Although the sudden encounter just now was thrilling, it also opened up a new way of thinking to Conan.

"Now that vodka has appeared here... Could it be that the continuous disappearance of the children is related to the black organization? That villa destroyer is also one of their people? Then this villa..."

Conan raised his head and looked solemnly at the gloomy villa in front of him. He only felt that besides the gloom, it added a bit of a terrifying smell of blood - could it be that he had accidentally found a stronghold of the black organization? ?

... Immediately call the police and surround them, and capture this group of people in one fell swoop!

Conan really wanted to see the wonderful scene of a carload of organization cadres being escorted to the Metropolitan Police Department, but unfortunately, his reason told him that he could only think about such wonderful things.

First of all, his mobile phone had no signal at all. If he wanted to call the police, he would have to sneak into the organization's den in front of him and steal the phone. However, because of what happened just now, those scary people must have known that there was someone outside the house, which made the difficulty of infiltration instantly rise to the point where no one could survive.

In addition, even if the police are successfully called, whether the police can stop these brutal gangsters is still a problem.

To take a step back, even if they succeed in arresting this group of people, they will still need enough evidence to convict them.

As his thoughts were spinning, Conan suddenly realized a problem: he couldn't stay where he was, what if Vodka and someone else rushed out to kill him!

"Escape first!" Conan reminded Xiaobai to avoid, and couldn't help but asked curiously, "So you came here for this organization's hideout? What are your next plans..."

Conan closed his mouth mid-sentence.

——The place next to it was empty, and there was no sign of the little boy with the scarf.

"When did this guy leave?!" Conan rolled into the bushes nearby and couldn't help but said, "Did he change his way and rush into the villa just now, but I didn't see him? Really, he is also a temporary teammate after all. , let me know if you have any plans first.”

Conan hid behind the bushes and glanced in the direction of the villa, wanting to confirm the current status of the confrontation between Anonymous and the black organization.

However, before he could spy anything, suddenly, a frightened scream of "Ah——!!" came from the night, and the voice sounded very familiar.

"Misuhiko?!" Conan belatedly remembered this little friend who was still waiting for them in the woods. He felt a thump in his heart and immediately ran over following the sound.

half a minute ago.

When the three children left the shared villa where the children's meeting was held and headed towards the administrator's villa, Belmod, who had been secretly observing for a long time, of course quietly left the villa and followed them silently.

Then she saw three children attracted by the Suzuki family's villa on the way and turned over.

Before Belmode could figure out whether this was a bad thing or a good thing, Conan and another child had already walked around to the side door. The next moment, the door was pushed open by Vodka.

The moment Vodka opened the door and Conan looked at each other, the corners of Belmod's eyes twitched, and his murderous intention to silence Vodka reached its peak.

She was very worried about Conan being exposed, and was about to step forward to smooth things over, but she saw Vodka slamming the door shut as if she had seen a ghost, and then never came out again.

Belmode: "?"

"What is that Vodka guy doing?" She was confused for a moment. "This is not the reaction you should have when seeing two weak children. Could it be that he already knows Cool Guy's identity?"

The moment this idea was born, countless plans to silence him flashed through Belmod's mind, all of which threatened Vodka's death.

However, she soon felt that something was wrong: "If Vodka really knew that Cool Guy was the Kudo Shinichi who was supposed to die in Gin's hands, then he and Gin should have taken corresponding measures long ago.

"Even if he just recognized him and didn't have time to inform Gin, facing a helpless elementary school student, Vodka should have rushed forward to catch him instead of turning around and running away like just now."

Belmod touched his chin, frowned and thought: "Is it possible that he knows that I will protect Cool Guy, and what he did just now was actually avoiding me?... That's not right. When I got along with him in the afternoon, he kept hiding from me. I’m alert, but otherwise everything is normal.”

After eliminating a lot of possibilities, Belmode felt that he had found the truth: "Is he hiding from the child who suddenly appeared? Who is that person?"

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