Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2326 2330 [Belmod was attacked]

Belmode never thought that one day he would be reduced to trying to figure out the idea of ​​vodka in every possible way.

She was feeling a little bit sad, but suddenly the tip of her ears twitched, and she vaguely heard the sound of rustling blades of grass.

——There is someone behind you!

From the direction and frequency of the sound, the location and speed of the other party can be easily determined. Belmode leaned over suddenly, dodged the attack, spun around and kicked the man in the knee, grabbed his shoulder and threw him hard, slamming him to the ground.

This combo was a little awkward because Belmod forcibly omitted the action of drawing a gun during the process. She put the person down and was about to see who it was, but before she could see anything clearly, a sharp child's scream suddenly rang out and penetrated her ears.

——Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya was squatting quietly in the grass when he suddenly heard the sound of fighting nearby. He cautiously looked around and saw two dark figures, one standing and one lying down.


As an elementary school student with more experience in cases than many adults, Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya felt that he understood everything in an instant.

"Killing someone! Killing someone!" The child who had experienced too much stood up in a state of collapse. He tried to escape from the "murder scene" by rolling and crawling, but his foot slipped and he tripped over a tree root. He fell embarrassingly on the ground. on the ground.

Belmode, a few steps away: "..."

You should see clearly before shouting, I am the poor person who was attacked!

Someone who saw her move screamed loudly in the quiet woods. Belmode instinctively took two steps forward, and the silenced DNA was ready to move.

But fortunately, her rationality soon told her: the problem was not big, it was not difficult to fool a primary school student, and she was the one who was attacked, so she felt confident.

Belmode calmed down and showed a gentle smile with a "new doctor" face.

She was about to explain, but at this moment, a creepy sense of crisis suddenly hit her.

"Misuhiko, run!!" Conan was attracted by Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko's scream and followed the sound. What arrived at the same time as his voice was a broken iron kettle that came from nowhere.

The round pot body broke through the air, creating a sharp and long roar due to the extremely fast speed. A layer of cold sweat broke out in Bellmode. She leaned back with a force that almost broke her back. The next moment, hot air flow brushed the tip of her nose and hit the tree behind her with a thud.

The thick tree cracked in the middle and fell to the ground with a groan.

"Woo, Conan, I will never call you brother Jiang Xia's little leg again behind your back." Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya was shocked by his friend's strength. He wiped his tears in emotion, got up in a panic, and ran away in a hurry .

Conan: "..." Wait, what did you call me?

While scolding the naughty kid in his heart, he looked around, wanting to kick something over again to buy Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya some time to escape.

Seeing this, Belmode quickly said, "Conan, it's me."

As soon as the voice of "new doctor" sounded, Conan relied on his excellent memory to match the person and the voice.

Conan: "..." The guy who hid in the woods late at night and attacked Mitsuhiko was actually the school doctor of Teidan Middle School, the new doctor who was about to star opposite Xiaolan in a stage play?

...There must be something fishy about this person!

"I remember that the occupancy rate in this area is very low. In other words, the new doctor in front of me probably came from the villa where Vodka is... Is he also a member of the black organization?"

Conan was full of vigilance. At the same time, another thought quietly crossed his mind: "If I go over with a kick and hit it accurately... wouldn't he be unable to make it to the school festival?"

At this moment, Conan's desire to take action reached its peak.

Conan: "..." Of course, this has nothing to do with whether the new teacher is the male protagonist of the stage play. The main reason is that he has long thought that this teacher is very suspicious, and now this person has extended his poisonous hand to Mitsuhiko... No matter what He said, kick him over first and put him down before asking.

While Conan was thinking, he finally found a piece of heavy solid wood. He pretended to deal with the "new doctor", smiled and quietly moved towards the piece of wood.

And just when he was about to restart his foot-strengthening shoes and make up for a flying kick, the back collar suddenly tightened, and a hand picked it up from behind.

Conan: "?!!"

Oops, all the attention was on the new doctor, and he actually ignored the fatal secret... Speaking of which, it was a similar situation last time when he was silenced by gin and vodka at the amusement park. These guys from the black organization clearly have With such crushing force, he actually likes to sneak attacks from behind, attacking in the east and in the west! It's really insidious, shameless and extremely cunning!

Conan was cursing in his mind and struggling to save himself in a cold sweat. He suddenly raised his hand, flipped his watch back, and an anesthesia needle flew out.

——As long as this shot hits, the person behind him will fall asleep without any resistance. Then he only needs to kick out the wood and knock out the new doctor, and he can successfully escape!

Conan clenched his fists excitedly, but unlike what he expected, this sudden sneak attack failed to have the desired effect at all - the ruthless iron hand holding him just gently moved him to the side, The anesthetic needle passed its original target with a whoosh, and flew towards a strong man in black who was following behind the target.

Hiding behind, he peeked at Uzoti slipping the child's vodka: "?!!"

a few minutes ago.

Among the villas.

Vodka used his own strength to form an "alliance to deal with the forest shadows".

"Sneak attackers who hide in the night and shoot poisonous needles" are full of evil at first sight. Suzuki Yuanzi and Mao Lilan made a prompt decision, knocked on Jiang Xia's bedroom door, and pulled the reliable detective into it.

Jiang Xia seemed to be catching up on her sleep. The well-rested detective yawned, thought for a while and said, "Let's call the police first."

Mao Lilan raised her hand and whispered: "There is no signal on the mobile phone. The landline in the villa is broken for some reason, and the call cannot be made."

——Obviously, as the person who made the most calls to the police in Tokyo, Mao Lilan had already tried to call the police when he heard that Vodka was attacked, but unfortunately he failed.

This saved a lot of trouble, so Jiang Xia stopped walking towards the landline. He thought for a while and said, "Well, let's go out and check the situation - it's best to hide in the dark while everyone is not sleepy yet. The criminal was caught on the spot. Otherwise, it would be too dangerous if he knocked on the door and attacked us after we went to sleep."

"Are you going out to arrest someone..."

The two female high school students turned to look out the window, a little scared of the foggy night.

But then I thought about it: a gangster with a hand full of poisonous needles sneaked into the room after they fell asleep and injected a big friend...

"Okay!" Suzuki Sonoko clenched her fists, "Let's go out and find that guy!"

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