Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2327 2331 [Fell into a trap! 】Ask for monthly ticket

Chapter 2327 2331 [Fell into a trap! 】Please give me a monthly ticketヽ(〃〃)~

The group of people just entered the woods.

Then he was attracted by the movements of Conan, Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko and Belmode.

As soon as Vodka heard those noisy sounds, he felt that something was wrong. Therefore, on the way to the scene, he deliberately slowed down a few beats, walked behind Jiang Xia, and strictly followed the places where Jiang Xia had stepped, so as not to accidentally step on any animal traps or huge holes hidden in the grass while walking around. .

But I didn’t expect that even though he was so cautious, he was still plotted against!

While cursing in his heart, Vodka made a quick decision and rolled out of the place! Almost at the same time, he felt something swish past where he was standing just now and fly into the night sky.

"...What a shameless sneak attack!" Vodka's eyes twitched wildly, "Fortunately, although I can't see anything clearly in this dim light, my attention has always been firmly glued to it since I left the villa. On Uzo. Not to mention that in addition to Uzo, there is also the insidious kid brought out by Uzo - huh, do you think I will let down my guard in front of such a terrifying combination? "

As early as when he saw Uzo swinging the person he was carrying to the side, the alarm bells in his heart began to ring. Coupled with the anesthesia needle that he narrowly escaped at the side door just now, Vodka took it without even thinking. The most effective measure was taken - to move widely to avoid Conan's attack range.

Realizing that he had actually avoided the elementary school student's sneak attack, Vodka felt ecstatic and clenched his fists hard: "I am no longer the same person as before. Don't even think about succeeding in a plot easily!"

Just after the surprise, he suddenly felt empty under his feet.

Vodka: "??!"

The ground beneath him suddenly collapsed, revealing a deep pit. A man hiding inside looked up in shock, and the next moment he collided head-to-head with Vodka.

There was a loud bang, and the two of them fell to the ground like stars.

Suzuki Sonoko next to her was startled. She jumped a few steps away, and then hesitantly moved back: "Mr. Yamada? Are you okay?"

Taking a mouthful of vodka: "...@#%\u0026¥"

Above the pothole, Conan was also startled. His backhand shot just now was so neat that even he wanted to applaud himself, but he didn't expect that the person behind him still avoided it.

At that moment, a very bad thought flashed through Conan's mind: The person behind him didn't look like Vodka, and he reacted so quickly...could it be Gin? !

His heart sank heavily.

Then I heard the sound of a pothole collapsing and the voice of Suzuki Sonoko.

And the voice of Mao Lilan followed closely: "Conan! How can you target others with such a dangerous toy? Put it down quickly, you see Mr. Yamada was so scared that he dropped it!"

Conan: "...Why are you here too?"

He struggled to turn around and found that the person carrying him was actually Jiang Xia. The confused primary school students looked at their classmates, and then at the "black organization den" behind them, and their brains fell into a rare short-circuit state.

At this moment, a figure carefully poked his head out from behind the tree.

"Teacher Kaifu?" Conan immediately recognized the person. He couldn't think of clarifying the situation for a moment and reminded Jiang Xia, "Be careful, he kidnapped many..."

Halfway through the words, Conan stopped himself: Teacher Kaibu is in that villa, the hostage child is in that villa, Jiang Xia is also in that villa... Does Jiang Xia know what Teacher Kaibu has done?

...So why hasn't he trampled over the leading teacher and knocked him to the ground?

Just as this question flashed across his mind, approaching the villa, several sneaky short shadows poked their heads out from behind the trees - they were the elementary school students who had just rehearsed the drama together.

Conan: "???"

Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko, who was collapsed on the ground, was also stunned: "You guys, weren't you kidnapped by Mr. Kaifu?"

Teacher Kaifu was shocked and waved his hands repeatedly: "Don't talk nonsense, the teacher is a good person!"

"Me too." Belmode pushed up his glasses, showing a gentle smile belonging to a "new doctor", and took advantage of the chaos to explain why he appeared in the forest:

"Just now I saw a child running around outside, and I felt uneasy, so I chased him out and took a look - children, wandering around in the woods in heavy fog is a very dangerous thing, and we can't do this again."

Conan: "..." You're talking nonsense. Teacher Kaifu may be innocent, but you must be hiding a secret!

Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya seemed to have a lot in common with him. The only difference was that he felt that Mr. Kaifu was not innocent either.

The frightened child moved to Jiang Xia's side in small steps. With his back against the brutal detective, he finally felt a little safer.

Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya put his hands on his hips and took a deep breath: "I don't believe it! You must have seen Brother Jiang Xia here, so you hid your ferocious side - Brother Jiang Xia, don't be fooled, they are all acting! "

Vodka climbed up from the pit with a disgraced face: "..." In a sense, this is not wrong. The murderers next to Jiang Xia are all very restrained - just look at the smirking Belmod over there. .

While patting the dirt on his body, he looked at the two confused children: "..." Speaking of which, how did these two brats offend Uzo? They looked even more embarrassed than the other.

...But maybe this is just daily additional training, used to trick me by the way?

Vodka looked at Conan, Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya, and Jiang Xia, silently analyzing the current situation between these three people, and at the same time, he cursed the little straw man in his heart equally for all three of them.

Next to him, the suspected teacher Kaifu was still patiently reasoning: "The landline in our villa suddenly broke down. I originally wanted to go find the administrator during the break, but on the way I saw the lights on in this villa. Someone." And there was a very fragrant barbecue smell.

Teacher Kaibe: "So I wanted to come in to eat... Well, so I came over to take a look, and then I learned that everyone is actually a neighbor of Yoneka Town. Miss Mori and Miss Suzuki knew that there was something wrong with our villa, so they invited us to come I'm here as a guest. I didn't think I was in a hurry to fix the phone, so I went back and called a few students and came here with them."

He explained: "Children like to run around as soon as they enter the woods. I don't dare to bring too many people at once, so I can only bring them here in batches - you two are the last batch."

Conan: "..." I understand the truth, but why is the vodka here?

Vodka received his hostile gaze and was speechless for a while: "..." What are you looking at? It’s not like I came here by myself!

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