Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2332 2336 [Uzo Card Scapego] Asking for monthly votes

Chapter 2332 2336 [Uzo Card Fall Guy] Please vote for me ()

Teacher Kaifu smiled and said: "This resort focuses on authentic forest life and is expected to open next year. But now it is almost completed, so the organizer has given a batch of experience quotas, and I happen to have a few here."

Suzuki Sonoko was a little moved when she heard the phrase "authentic forest life". She always likes to experience new things.


She took the envelope and looked at it, then looked at Teacher Kaibe and asked curiously: "It's such a good thing, why don't you go by yourself?"

Teacher Kaifu froze slightly, then shook his head: "I still have to help the children rehearse - before taking on this job, I didn't expect everyone's progress to be so slow, so now I have to work overtime."

Suzuki Sonoko looked at him sympathetically: "Then come on."

She flipped over the invitation letter in her hand again: "Huh? The meeting time is today at noon, and the meeting place is near here?"

Teacher Kaifu did not participate in the discussion, left an invitation letter and left.

After they were far away, he quietly breathed a sigh of relief while arranging the children to get into the car.

Looking at a few high school students enthusiastically discussing their trip to the resort, Shigeru Kaibu couldn't help but mutter in his heart: "I'm really sorry for them, but thinking on the bright side, maybe I'm being too preoccupied."

As a fan of horror novels and mystery novels, Mr. Kaifu is quite a bit like Mr. Ye - in the novel, the scarier the scene, the more he likes it. However, in reality, when faced with a similar scene, he just wants to Run away as quickly as possible.

This trip to the resort gave Teacher Kaifu a bad smell.

"Although the hosting company and the sender look very legitimate, the location chosen is too strange."

Teacher Kaifu touched his chin and recalled the destination he had quietly inspected: "A deserted land surrounded by lakes and rivers. If you want to get there, the only way is a wooden suspension bridge - why does this sound so like "No Life" "Also" or the pre-production of "Blizzard Mountain Villa"?

"Haha, but I must be overthinking it. There are not so many survivors in reality. It may be that the resort chose a place with no signal in order to restore their so-called 'original characteristics'."

Even so, Kaifu Shigeru still didn't dare to go by himself.

How bold he is when reading a book, and how scared he is when encountering similar things in reality.

Therefore, after seeing the topography of the resort, Shigeru Kaifu had already frantically backed down, but the value hidden in the invitation was too high for him to refuse the invitation outright.

"Although the condition of 'try staying at the resort and have a chance to get a lifetime free coupon' is very tempting, it may just be a bait, just like the huge will used to lure everyone together in many mystery novels... But what if Is there really such a good thing? If so, it would be a pity to miss it.”

After hesitating for a long time, Shigeru Kaifu finally made a decision when he saw Jiang Xia.

——Why don’t you just forward this invitation letter to the famous detective!

"Actually, it's probably that I'm overthinking it. Even if I really go to such an event, nothing will happen."

Teacher Kaifu was like a magic stick who didn't dare to break the precepts because he was worried about divine punishment, so he asked his atheist friends to help him break the precepts. Fortunately, he thought: "Jiang Xia is definitely not afraid of this kind of environment. It's a win-win situation - it's not a big problem!"

Teacher Kaifu sent the invitation letter and drove the bus to send the children away with satisfaction.

Several classmates from Didan Middle School also boarded the more spacious car and returned to Tokyo talking and laughing.

When the group of people left in a lively manner.

A dark figure slipped into the garage and quietly opened the car door.

He was about to get into the car and hit the accelerator to drive away, but before he could complete the first step, a hand suddenly placed on his shoulder from behind.

Vodka was about to slip away: "?!"

He jumped up with excitement, turned around suddenly, and saw Jiang Xia following him at some point.

In the quiet garage, a lonely man and a widower stood facing each other. The suicide note in Vodka's heart suddenly became longer. He said warily: "What do you want to do again?!"

Jiang Xia sighed: "You forgot to pick up the gun again."

Vodka: "..." I didn't forget it! Don't think that I didn't hear the conversation you had with that teacher Kaifu just now - it's really not worth it to go to such a terrible place just for a gun. It's better to lose some face and go back and beg Gin-san for help in tears. Get the gun back!

However, before that, there is another possibility...

Vodka looked at Jiang Xia and said expectantly: "You came here specially. Are you planning to return the gun to me now?"

Jiang Xia smiled: "Of course not."

Vodka: “… # ”

For a moment, he wanted to cover his ears and refuse to communicate. However, before that, a magic sound had been poured into his mind.

The bastard opposite said: "You can go too."

"..." Vodka said with a calm face, "I still have a job."

Jiang Xia looked at her phone: "Really? But Ginjiu said you are free these two days."

Vodka: "..."

Brother! ! What are you doing, brother——! !

The corners of his eyes were beating wildly, and his originally loyal heart was shaken.

At this moment, Jiang Xia looked at the deep forest outside the garage and said with concern for him: "I'm not a bad person who likes to force others - this place is quite far from the city. The bus has already left. You If you don’t come with us, you’ll have to drive back alone… If you insist, I can only wish you a safe journey.”

Vodka: "..."

Cunning, insidious, shameless!

Why are you beating around the bush? Just say that if I don’t follow you, you will kill me!

Jiang Xia looked away from the mobile phone screen: "Are you leaving?"

Vodka: "Yeah."

Everyone is a skilled traveler, and soon, this small resort team has been formed - Suzuki Sonoko and Jiang Xia were very interested in this sudden invitation, so Mao Lilan decided to accompany them, and Mao Lilan also went to Conan , and as soon as these two people left, the "new doctor" had no choice but to join the team with a smile.

"It seems that everyone likes this authentic deep forest resort."

Jiang Xia looked at this group of people who were either looking forward to it or hopeless, and clapped his hands and said: "The invitation letter said that the organizer will send a bus to pick up this group of experiencers. One of the bus stops is nearby, and the time is just right. , we can just go there.”

Vodka: "..." Come to pick up people in this deep mountain and old forest, and then go to another deep mountain and old forest? Huh, the driver is brave enough... I hope that guy will make some mistakes on the road and be unable to arrive in time, severely disrupting Uzo's plan.

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