Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2333 2337 [Osaka Detective]

Unfortunately, the expectations of vodka did not work. Under his resentful gaze, the bus sent by the resort to pick them up finally arrived safely.

This bus is spacious and high-end. Looking through the windows with light-colored blackout film, you can see several people already sitting in the bus.

"It looks pretty good!" Suzuki Sonoko was quite satisfied with this travel tool. "Before I came here, I was worried that the 'authentic' forest life would be restored together with the hardship of surviving in the wilderness. Fortunately, now it seems that this is indeed the case. A resort for relaxation. ”

"Haha, of course." The tour guide couldn't help laughing when he heard this. He took the invitation, looked at it, and motioned to the new group, "You are the last group of guests. In the car You can sit anywhere you want, just pick a spot you like.”

Vodka: "..." I want to choose outside the car.

He grumbled and didn't want to move forward, but others had already gotten into the car. Vodka glanced at the laughing car, and then at the deserted forest behind him. A gust of mountain wind blew by. He remembered Uzo's words "bon voyage" and silently lowered his head and followed the car.

He was looking around, trying to find a low-key and safe position, when a man stood up from his seat.

Vodka looked over warily and saw a young man dressed neatly.

The man was a little surprised when he saw Suzuki Sonoko, and immediately greeted her with a smile: "Ms. Suzuki? I didn't expect you to participate in this experience activity. I feel more relieved when someone I know is here."

Suzuki Sonoko laughed, with a hint of guilt in her smile. She nodded and said hello perfunctorily, then pulled Mao Lilan and Jiang Xia to find a seat and sat down at a speed as if they were running away.

She still remembered that when Teacher Kaifu handed the invitation letter to them, she asked them to hide their identities and not reveal that it was a gift from others - because the invitation letter was a real-name one, it was against the rules for them to come and play under their names.

Suzuki Sonoko agreed at that time. She thought that the difficulty in hiding her identity lay in Jiang Xia, a famous person. Unexpectedly, she was the first one to be recognized.

Mao Lilan glanced at the young man and asked curiously in a low voice: "Is that your friend?"

Suzuki Sonoko also responded in a sneaky whisper: "Not really friends, just met a few times at banquets. Speaking of which..."

She touched her arm and felt the hair on her back: "I don't know if it's an illusion, but I always feel like someone has been staring at me since I got in the car."

Conan was startled and blurted out: "Do you feel this way too?"

"Me too!" Mao Lilan joined the team, she shrank into her seat, and suddenly remembered something, and her heart thumped, "The name 'Sorrowful Love Lake' is actually a bit scary if you listen carefully. This... this car should be It’s not going to be haunted.”

Vodka, who was sitting quietly in the back row of them and eavesdropped: "..."

Hehe, idiot, where in the world did this ghost come from? You all feel like someone is staring at you, of course because someone is really watching - a man and a woman in the second-to-last row of seats, who have been watching you since you got on the bus.

He didn't know where Uzuo got the extras. His eyes were very sharp, but it was a pity that the two people were so secretive that he couldn't see each other's faces clearly.

Just as he was thinking about it, a man suddenly stood up next to him.

Jiang Xia seemed to have discovered something. He turned around and walked straight to the second to last row.

Vodka while watching the show leisurely: "!"

What are you doing? Is it starting so early? ! But I'm not ready yet! !

He sat up straight, turned back along Jiang Xia's direction, looked at the back row warily, and at the same time glanced at the window: before the car started, if something happened to the car, it was still too late to jump out of the window!

Vodka was deeply on guard, Jiang Xia quickly reached his destination.

At first, the man and woman were sitting leisurely in their seats, peering through the gap between the headrests of the front seats and secretly observing.

However, as Jiang Xia approached, the two became visibly panicked. They began to try to cover their faces and pretended that they were just looking at the scenery, trying to reduce their sense of existence.

Finally, when Jiang Xia stopped next to them, the two of them could no longer pretend not to see it.

The man among them held down his baseball cap and a large mask, lowered his head, and said in a muffled voice: "What are you looking at? The car is about to start, why don't you go back and sit down!"

The woman next to him spoke almost at the same time as him: "Jiang Xia... Well, I know I can't hide it from you - so please help us keep it a secret."

Young man: "..."

He pulled off his mask with a bang, revealing a dark face, and shouted to the female high school student next to him: "We agreed not to reveal our identity, but you are recruiting too fast!"

Yuan Shan and Ye rolled their eyes: "You are also a detective, don't you understand the detective's observation ability? Jiang Xia has already come here, he must have recognized us, and if he continues to pretend, he will only be humiliating himself. Just like you did."

Hattori Heiji blushed: "Nonsense! If you hadn't been exposed, he might not have been able to recognize me. At most, he would have thought I was suspicious!"

Jiang Xia: "..." It's really hard to recognize. After all, neither of you risk murder. But fortunately, the ghosts were very curious. They looked around at everyone as soon as they got in the car, and of course they recognized everyone they needed to recognize.

Next to him, Conan didn't expect that it was these two guys from Osaka who shocked him.

The corners of his eyes twitched slightly, and he couldn't help but stab Hattori Heiji: "Forget it, your features are so obvious, you can't hide them with just a mask."

Hattori Heiji, who was dark, snorted coldly, cupped his chin and mocked: "Then you didn't realize it until now."

"..." Conan, "That's just because I'm not tall enough. After you peeked at me, I immediately turned my head away. When I looked back, I could only see the back of the chair, so of course I couldn't recognize him!"

"Okay, let's talk about this later." Jiang Xia picked a seat nearby and sat down, "Why are you here? What were you trying to do sneakily just now?"

Hattori Heiji:"……"

Toyama Kazuye: "..."

"Ahem, actually I just helped my friend a little bit."

The bus set off slowly. Behind the bus, four people crowded in the back row, communicating in low voices.

Hattori Heiji touched his pocket and took out an envelope: "A journalist friend of mine took a job of writing a promotional report for Lake Sorrow Resort, but he was temporarily busy and couldn't come over, so he sent the invitation letter for this experience Transferred to me."

Conan understood immediately: "The owner of the villa probably paid the reporter to write this report, but he didn't come. Instead, he hired a guy like you, who has average writing skills, to replace it... No wonder you two are so sneaky."

Hattori Heiji: "Ahem! How can you call me an imposter when I'm helping?"

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