Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2334 2338 [Meeting the Villa Destroyer Again]

After a moment of pause, Hattori Heiji suddenly thought of something. He smiled and became confident again:

"Although we are imposters, you must also be imposters. Look at the guilty conscience of your consortium daughter just now - this is good, everyone keeps secrets from each other, and no one is allowed to reveal each other's true information!"

Conan: "..." Childish, we didn't intend to leak it.

Jiang Xia: "If you speak louder, everyone can get off the bus now."

Hattori Heiji:"……"

He cleared his throat, lowered his voice unaccustomedly, and put on the big mask again: "Anyway, my name is Shinsuke Shumura now, and I am a reporter. You guys, don't call me by the wrong name."

Yuan Shan and Ye also came over with great interest and introduced themselves to Jiang Xia in a decent manner: "And me! My name is 'Hexi Sayuri' and I am the assistant of this reporter."

Jiang Xia nodded: "The name of the inviter on my letter of authorization is 'Shigeru Kaifu'."... Although he felt that sooner or later he would be exposed, and he could call him anything, but since the two Osaka friends were so addicted to playing, He is also not easy to break.

"Everyone should be here." In front of the bus, the tour guide flipped through the manual and thought that not only were everyone here, but there seemed to be a few extra people.

But anyway, the car was spacious enough, and there were enough empty rooms in the Sorrowful Lake Resort. The organizer was very wealthy and didn't care about the extra meals. He didn't say anything and just started to go through the process conscientiously.

"I will be your guide for the rest of the trip." The tour guide introduced himself with a smile, "My name is Shotaro Kujo, and I am the tour guide of Mizuki Travel Agency. Please give me your advice these days."

In addition to the two groups of high school students who came here from Tokyo and Osaka, there were other experiencers in the car.

——A silver-haired old man, a couple with a huge age difference, the college student Suzuki Sonoko knew, and a strange man sitting alone in the corner carrying a heavy backpack.

On their way back from Hattori Heiji, Conan glanced at the strange man several times.

When he got to his seat, he couldn't help but whisper to Jiang Xia in a low voice: "Although that man's face was wrapped in a scarf, bruises could still be seen on the edges. In addition, his sitting posture was a bit weird, as if he was injured. and……"

Jiang Xia continued what he said: "And there are some wear marks on the surface of his backpack, and it looks like it was thrown on the mud. In addition, he behaved strangely when he saw us getting in the car, and the coincidence of time...he It could be the mysterious man in the forest who was first knocked unconscious by Doctor Shinde and then hit by Mr. Yamada last night.”

Belmode, who was quietly listening in, heard this and interrupted with a slight twitch in his eyes: "Well, it wasn't that he was knocked unconscious. He tripped and knocked himself unconscious when I avoided it."

Vodka, who was eavesdropping in the back row, said: "..." Can't we just mention Belmod? Why do you have to bring me with you!

Fortunately, he soon discovered that everyone's attention was not on him and Belmod for the time being - after all, compared to these two suspicious but always present people, the strange man in the corner who was suspected of being a "villa destroyer" was far more important. seems more threatening.

Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko quietly glanced over there through the gap in the seats, but blocked by the backs of other chairs, they were unable to see the guy Conan and Jiang Xia were talking about.

This made the two of them even more nervous. Mao Lilan instinctively grabbed the phone and whispered, "Should we call the police?"

Jiang Xia shook his head: "The passenger in the car may be that person, but there is no evidence - the speculation Conan and I just made is just a guess after all. Or maybe this is actually just an ordinary camper Enthusiast, the injury was caused by his slipping foot. This possibility is even higher than that he is a villa destroyer. "

Conan agreed with this: "Taking a step back, even if he is really the destructive maniac, the police can't do anything without any evidence..."

He had just begun to speak excitedly, when suddenly someone next to him intercepted his words.

The "new doctor" continued with great interest: "Indeed. I heard that the destructive maniac committed the crime very neatly and left very few traces, so he was able to escape to this day - it is unlikely that he had evidence in his backpack. Most likely just ordinary tools that have been cleaned long ago.”

Conan: "...?" What does this guy want to do? Why is he stealing my lines? Could it be that he thought Xiaolan liked people who were good at reasoning, so he wanted to show off his reasoning talent in front of female high school students?

He silently despised this annoying school doctor, and a second later, he suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Conan was sweating from behind: "..." Oh no, there were two unidentified suspicious people sitting next to him, and he was so obsessed with the "villa destroyer" reasoning that he forgot to hide his identity as a child!

He quickly scratched his head, put aside his previous suspicion and laughed: "So that's it, the new teacher is really awesome!"

Belmode had a headache: "..." It would be great if this kid's acting skills... were as good as Uzo's.

While keeping a smile, she tried her best to help Conan circle back, while glancing at the vodka out of the corner of her eye, hoping that this guy didn't notice anything.

Then I saw Vodka looking at Conan and Jiang Xia, then at Suzuki Sonoko and Mao Lilan, looking thoughtful.

Belmode: "...?"

Vodka did not participate in the discussion, but just listened silently: "..." He was singing and singing, and he actually insisted on keeping the important actors... With such obvious manipulation, could no one doubt the motives of Uzo and that little Yinbi?

He looked left and right and found that Suzuki Sonoko and Mao Lilan did not have the slightest suspicion, let alone feel anything was wrong, and he couldn't help but sigh in disappointment.

He was praying in his heart that a smart guy would come and see through Uzo's trick. However, at this moment, Vodka suddenly felt a chill, as if he was being stared at by some terrible poisonous snake.

He suddenly became alert, followed his instinct and raised his head sharply, meeting Belmode's gaze.

Vodka: "..." Do, what?

Why is this woman's eyes a bit scary? At first glance, she looks very harmonious, but upon closer inspection, she looks like she wants to kill me... Does she know what I'm thinking? !

"But even if Belmode knew that I was praying for Uzo to suffer, why would she have this attitude? As a victim of Uzo, shouldn't she join my prayer team devoutly?"

Vodka was thinking about it, and a horrifying thought suddenly flashed across his mind: "Could it be...could it be that somewhere I don't know, she and Uzo are already having an affair?!"

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