Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2335 2339【Follow me】

Chapter 2335 2339 [Follow me...]

"Is Belmode crazy?" Vodka was in awe for a moment, "That ghost's appearance is indeed a bit deceptive. Little girls who are unclear about people and those ignorant rich ladies may be brutally murdered, but Belmode clearly knows Knowing his true identity, how dare you face death? "

"Well... although there are precedents such as the suspension bridge effect and Stockholm Syndrome, I may be overthinking it."

Vodka couldn't figure out Belmod's motive after much thought, so he had to try his best to think according to his own understanding: "If you think about it carefully, she can't read minds, so she can't know what I was thinking just now. Did she think that I just thought about it?" Are you thinking about how to harm her, so you are hostile to me? ...Yes, that should be the case! After all, it is normal for everyone to be wary of each other when Uzo is around."

With this in mind, Vodka smiled at Belmod, trying to make her understand his good intentions and strongly hinting at the two's alliance status.

Belmode: "..."

Why did this guy suddenly smile so sinisterly...Is this a threat?

The murderous smell of apple suddenly became strong.

Jiang Xia, who was feeling a little sleepy while riding in the car, noticed this change and turned her head to glance at Belmode with admiration in her eyes.

Vodka, who was observing all this closely, suddenly looked suspicious: "..." You just appreciate what that woman does, you won't really...

With a creak, the bus stopped.

"!" Vodka was startled. He first looked out the window to observe the environment, and then looked ahead, "What's wrong? A tire burst? The road collapsed? The driver suddenly became ill?"

Suzuki Sonoko couldn't help but glance at him: "..." What has this Mr. Yamada experienced before? How can you be so pessimistic about life?

"No, no." The tour guide's eyes twitched because of these outrageous speculations. He glanced at the map in his hand and explained helplessly, "Further ahead is the nature reserve, and the car can only drive here - I'm very sorry. , everyone has to walk there next.”

Everyone had been a little irritable in the car for a long time. When they heard that they wanted to get off the car and walk, not only did they not object, but they packed their luggage quickly.

Only the strange man sitting in the corner, who was suspected of being a "villa destroyer", said "tsk" and looked a little irritated. But seeing other people getting out of the car one after another, he had no choice but to endure the pain from the fall, picked up his bag and followed.

Soon, everyone left the bus and followed the tour guide through the fresh air of the woods to the Sadlian Lake Resort Villa.

"The Misery Lake Resort has a vast area comparable to that of Yokohama City." The tour guide introduced as he walked, "Currently, only the accommodation area has been built, and that is where we mainly experienced this time."

Vodka mixed in with the crowd and looked around cautiously along the way, but he didn't find anything wrong - this place looked like it was just a well-opened mountain forest travel path, not a terrifying dense forest full of dangers. The road is very smooth, even if it collapses like last night, it will not happen.

"It seems that the home court this time is at the resort." Vodka knew it in his mind, and felt that he had seen through Uzo's plan again, "Just like there was nothing wrong with the bus on the way to pick us up, before arriving there , I am safe for now.”

As soon as the thought came to an end, after turning a fork in the road, the sound of rushing water suddenly became clearer.

Vodka was startled, looked up, and saw a very deep canyon in front of him. The river is rushing in the valley, and there is an old wooden suspension bridge on the top of the river.

Vodka: "...?"

The man who was suspected of being a villa destroyer couldn't help but cursed: "What a piece of shit, can this bridge really pass people?"

Vodka: "..." That's right!

He nodded madly in agreement, but on his face he didn't dare to dislike Uzo's props. He had to lower his head and say nothing, pretending to look at the ants on the ground.

Although the others did not speak, they seemed to feel the same way.

The tour guide was a little embarrassed: "Before it is officially opened, this bridge will be renovated - I heard that there are already several plans, but the designers want to restore this quaint style as much as possible, so they are still making adjustments."

The "new doctor" looked at the bridge, the river under the bridge, and Jiang Xia next to him, and finally couldn't help but said: "Why don't we take a detour?" Several of the ropes in the middle of the bridge were visibly broken. , without a pair of wings on the body, I really don’t dare to walk up casually.

Unfortunately, this proposal was rejected.

The tour guide said helplessly: "I heard from the organizers that when the resort is officially opened, four style pathways will be built. But the resort is still under construction after all, and the only way to get there is this suspension bridge."

Toyama Kazuha and Hattori Heiji came to Jiangxia and the others at some point.

Hattori Heiji was fed up with the days of rushing around wearing a big mask, and just wanted to go back to his room to rest as soon as possible.

At this time, seeing a group of people chattering, he said speechlessly: "Isn't it just a bridge? How come there are so many things? Just use it."

As he said that, he walked up immediately.

Vodka took a breath and looked at him silently with the same eyes as a warrior.

However, unexpectedly, this suspension bridge looked dilapidated, but after actually walking on it, it was surprisingly stable - Hattori Heiji, an adult of normal weight, stepped on the bridge with a dragging step, but the suspension bridge actually did not move at all.

Others couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when they saw this. One of the women dressed as a rich lady smiled and said: "I heard that some things made by ancient methods are very durable despite their ordinary appearance - it seems that this bridge is like this."

In any case, with the warriors trying to walk, everyone finally stopped talking and stepped onto the suspension bridge under the guidance of the tour guide.

Vodka touched his chin with a troubled expression on his face, obviously he still didn't trust the bridge.

But soon, he had a flash of inspiration and suddenly had an idea.

——Vodka did not escape anymore, but took the initiative to step forward and followed Jiang Xia not far behind.

"If you walk too slowly or too fast and lose contact with Uzo, you will face a huge danger of the bridge collapsing and falling into the river." Vodka nodded in his mind, "But if you walk near him, you'll be fine! At this distance, even if The suspension bridge collapsed as soon as he stepped onto the other side, and I had the confidence to climb over just one or two meters with my bare hands!”

While he followed Jiang Xia closely, following the fake detective like a shadow, he couldn't help but secretly praise his wit in his heart.

The next moment, there was a sudden click under my feet.

——The wooden board that had not been used for many years was quietly corroded and holes were formed, and Vodka stepped on it without realizing it.

In an instant, there was a big hole under his feet, and his whole body suddenly sank.

Vodka: "?!"

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