Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2336 2340 [Dark Detective]

The startling clicking sound in the flat ground instantly startled the entire bridge of people.

Seeing that Vodka was about to cross the suspension bridge and fall into the river, but before that, the vigilance of the organization cadre saved his life - in the blink of an eye, Vodka opened his arms forcefully and inhaled sharply to try to inflate himself. , finally relying on various timely self-rescues, he was barely stuck at the entrance of the cave.

"Mr. Yamada?!"

A female high school student was startled: "Why did it suddenly collapse...are you okay?!"

Vodka held his breath and did not dare to speak. He could only curse with his eyes: "..." Do I look like I'm okay? Please help me! !

Seeing everyone's eyes gathered here, the "new doctor" who was walking behind Vodka stopped as if nothing had happened and retracted his feet regretfully - Damn, the reaction was slow. If he had been faster just now, he would have been able to do it before everyone saw it. Stomping the vodka into the hole. Then the person who seemed to have spied on her secret could quietly disappear into the river.

Belmode: "..." Forget it, there will be another chance in the future. Moreover, the height difference between here and the river is only ten meters. If Vodka is lucky enough to survive, he will be in trouble.

While there is no signal here and it takes time to spread the news, she still has the opportunity to find out how much Vodka knows, and then decide whether to silence him and formulate a corresponding silence plan.

Next to her, the vodka stuck in the hole could not see her faint eyes.

He was raising his hands slightly, trying to successfully send out his distress signal without falling.

Jiang Xia circled around him twice, as if looking for the direction to use his force, but he still didn't take action: he was directing the ghosts to remove the murderous aura from Belmode - at the moment when Vodka fell, this female cadre The murderous intention reached its peak.

Conan also circled around the vodka twice, touching the anesthesia watch while turning. He wanted to give this guy a shot quietly, but he was afraid of the sharp-eyed "new doctor" next to him, so he didn't dare to do it.

"Why, he's so stuck?" Hattori Heiji originally didn't want to be in the limelight in order to conceal his identity. But at this time, seeing that two high school detectives who were no weaker than him were helpless against the stuck "Mr. Yamada", he immediately came over curiously, then grabbed Vodka's collar and pulled it up hard.

With a sneer and a scream from his clothes, the burly man in black crawled out of the hole and successfully returned to the bridge.

Hattori Heiji didn't expect to succeed so easily. He shook his sore hands and felt very accomplished: "This is very simple."

Jiang Xia: "..."

Conan: "..." How about getting rid of this black-skinned detective first?

In any case, the unlucky Mr. Yamada saved a small life.

"Why are you so careless?" Suzuki Sonoko looked at this Jiang Xia fan sympathetically, "When crossing a bridge like this, you must watch your steps carefully."

Vodka dares to be angry but dare not say: "..." Is this a mockery? Is this woman mocking him?

"I obviously followed Uzuo." Vodka slapped the sawdust off his body and cursed in his mind, "If I remember correctly, in front of Uzuo is Suzuki Sonoko, and beyond that is Maori Lan - what's going on? Shit, the female high school student can walk on this bridge, and so can the fake detective, but I can’t walk on it?”

The "new doctor" seemed to have noticed his anger and laughed softly as he passed by him: "How much does he weigh, and how much do you weigh?"

Vodka: "..."

It's not an illusion! This mysterious woman was really targeting him today!

Organization officials are engaged in silent internal fighting.

Meanwhile, other people participating in this resort experience seemed to have other questions.

"Your surname is Yamada?" The tour guide heard what Suzuki Sonoko called Vodka just now. This question was just a confirmation. Before receiving the answer, he looked at Belmode again, "I remember those two girls called you 豼 before. 'New teacher', so..."

The tour guide finally looked at Jiang Xia, who was also the only male in the group: "Are you the 'Mr. Kaifu' who received the invitation?"

"He's not." Before Jiang Xia could speak, a mature and charming female voice came from the side.

——The couple with a big age gap came over at some point. The woman seemed to have discovered something good. She looked at Jiang Xia and answered the tour guide's question in a good mood: "This is Jiang Xia, Tokyo." A very famous detective. He is definitely not the man on the invitation."

Vodka: "..." Stop chatting, stop chatting, can you get off the bridge first and then talk!

However, for some reason, the other participants were extremely interested in this topic. After hearing this, they all looked over and asked in surprise: "Are they here for someone else?"

Seeing this, the tour guide pushed up his glasses and sighed sadly: "This is troublesome - the organizer has specially emphasized that the participants he invited are carefully selected and can represent the opinions of all parties. If you are on the way, Substitution..."

Hattori Heiji looked left and right, and couldn't help but interject: "They're here, let them just make do - there are so many people in their group, can't they replace the opinions of one person?"

The others glanced at him after hearing this.

Hattori Heiji found that the wife who recognized Jiang Xia was also looking at this, and he suddenly stiffened. He cleared his throat and turned away uncomfortably: "..." You were careless!

——This woman can recognize Jiang Xia, which shows that she is very concerned about the detective world. If this is the case, then she must also be able to recognize herself. It seems that he has to replace the reporter...

"What you said makes sense." The wife looked away from Hattori Heiji's face calmly, and she continued her words happily, "But since you are here on behalf of someone else, you are not qualified to participate in 'that matter' ”

Hattori Heiji:"?"

Leaving aside what "that thing" was, you didn't recognize me?

……How can this be! I'm a famous detective from Kansai who has been in newspapers many times!

"Haha, it must be that this mask's shielding ability is so good." He muttered a few words to Toyama and Ye in a low voice, then took off the mask and fanned himself with it - since it's okay to replace it, then he seems to be fine too. No need to pretend.

Yuan Shan and Ye didn't see what their friend was doing. Her attention was attracted by another point: "What is 'that thing'?"

The lady glanced at her after hearing this, and then her eyes passed over her and fell on the face of Hattori Heiji next to her.

Hattori Heiji looked at her for two seconds and raised his head slightly: "Yes, I am..."

"Why are you so dark? No wonder you were wearing a mask all the way." The wife suddenly realized, "Young people really need to pay more attention to sun protection, but you are a man, so just be darker."

Hattori Heiji:"……?"

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