Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2339 2343 [Messenger of Death]

Vodka was thinking seriously when he suddenly heard a sneer.

The tips of his ears twitched, and he looked around and saw the middle-aged man who was suspected of being a villa destroyer and continued: "But from a common sense point of view, this resort has food, drink, and a place to stay - maybe the suspect came from nearby After escaping from the police station, he will come here."

"What?!" Several other experiencers were originally not interested in this kind of thing, but they couldn't sit still after hearing this. The originally harmonious and relaxed atmosphere in the living room suddenly fell, and several people asked anxiously, "Such a cruel guy... What if he really sneaks here?"

"What can we do? Of course we should catch him and hand him over to the police. Isn't there a famous detective here?" The middle-aged man pointed at Jiang Xia with a hint of sarcasm in his smile. "If you are afraid, why not invite this Tokyo man?" The crime nemesis is here - a great detective, he will be able to catch a little thief easily."

Suzuki Sonoko took a sip of juice and whispered to two classmates: "Although it sounds like he is praising someone, I don't know why, but I always feel that he is yin and yang."

Jiang Xia: "..." Probably because he is really acting strangely. After all, judging from the murderous aura on his body, this must be the bold villa destroyer.

Others did not pay much attention to the details. The rich lady was a little nervous at first, but she calmed down after hearing these words: "Yes, we have a large number of people and Jiang Xia is here, so it is not a problem to deal with a mere thief. "

The middle-aged man who was waiting for others to tremble: "..."

He took a look at this idiot who couldn't understand the subtext. The sinister smile on his lips faded and his voice became colder: "Little thief? That's a villa destroyer who has killed many other people - I hope this fledgling detective won't meet him face to face. Just die tragically. Haha, let me tell you, the safest way is to give up and leave here, unless you think this reward is more important than your life."

Several high school students: "..."

Just now he was just a bit angry, but now his attitude has become much clearer.

Suzuki Sonoko swallowed a mouthful of juice and was about to get angry. However, before that, there was a loud bang next to her and someone slapped the case.

"What does it mean to be young?" Hattori Heiji had a strong sense of empathy. "Don't underestimate high school detectives! We... well, the crime detection rate of the high school detectives I know is higher than that of most adults!"

"Huh, really." Soichi Kurata spread his hands indifferently, "In this case, the fugitive will be left to you - it's getting late, I have to go back to the house first."

He took a bottle of beer, opened it with a bang, pushed the door open while drinking, and walked happily to another nearby villa. That was his assigned room.

When he turned to close the door, Kurata Souichi glanced back inadvertently and was suddenly startled.

——The taciturn big guy with sunglasses was looking at him through his sunglasses for some reason.

The two sides looked at each other, and the strong man in sunglasses silently looked away. The next moment, the wooden door clicked shut, completely cutting off the view on both sides.

"This guy... what's that expression?!" Kurata Souichi frowned. He recalled the expression of the man in sunglasses just now, and his back was hairy. He always had the illusion that he had overlooked some key things.

According to his usual style, now he should kick in the door with a bang, fight back, punch the man twice and say "What are you looking at!", but this time...

"Forget it, the overall situation is more important." Kurata Souichi clenched his fists, "It's not because that guy is strong and capable of fighting, it's just that my situation is not suitable for taking action now. This account will be settled in two days. "

"Speaking of which, what kind of sunglasses are you wearing at night? Can you see the road clearly? You're crazy."

Soichi Kurata cursed and left.

After taking a few steps, he remembered the wanted news on the radio just now, and his mood improved again.

"I've been hiding well. I've never been followed by a police officer at all. I don't know who those stupid people thought was me, and they actually sent a wanted message - haha, go ahead and catch him! It's best to catch that one." The villa vandal was shot dead on the spot, so that I would be an innocent and innocent citizen again.

"With that scapegoat here, I don't have to worry about being chased by the police these days and can stay here with peace of mind... The organizer only awards two lifetime membership coupons to experiencers. This thing is worth a lot of money. I have to think of something. Way to get the others away.

"Tsk, if that detective hadn't been there, I might have scared a few away just now. What a pity.

"...But thinking about it on the other hand, if the famous detectives they regarded as their mainstay suddenly died suddenly, the others would be scared to death, and they would immediately grab their bags and run away.

"Not bad, not bad. Anyway, now that another 'villa destroyer' is taking the blame, I can rest assured to do what I want to do - I really hope that guy will never be caught. This kind of freedom is so wonderful!"

Among the villas.

Others didn't know about his sinister plan and continued to hold the party in the house. However, everyone's mood was still affected by the news just now, and they gradually became confused.

"It's really getting late, let's go to bed first." The tour guide looked at his watch, "As for the villa destroyer... In fact, the road leading to the resort is very hidden. If I hadn't previewed it in advance, I might not have been able to find the place. , that person may not come to us.”

"That's right." Mrs. Fu obviously didn't want to give up the lifetime membership coupon of the resort. She drank the wine at the bottom of the glass and agreed to continue the vacation experience. "Then let's rest first, recuperate and take a good walk." Visit this beautiful villa.”

After the welcome party, everyone thoughtfully picked up their luggage and returned to their assigned rooms.

Some people originally thought they would suffer from insomnia, but in this place without Internet access, they couldn't check their phones before going to bed, so it didn't take long for everyone to fall asleep one after another, even earlier than usual.

The moon rises and sets, and soon the sky becomes bright again.

The high school students who had had enough sleep walked out of the house, stretched... and then suddenly came face to face with a haggard face.

Toyama and Ye were stunned, looked at Vodka and said: "Who is that, Mr. Yamada, are you okay?" The dark circles under his eyes were so thick that even sunglasses could hardly cover them... He was really afraid of that villa destroyer. .

Hattori Heiji glanced at Vodka quietly and pulled her aside: Conan had reminded him last night that he must be careful about this guy wearing sunglasses.

"Although I don't see how this guy is a threat, in any case, Kudo's miniature look is a lesson to others."

Hattori Heiji didn't want to follow in the footsteps of his Tokyo classmate, so he was now twice as wary of vodka.

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