Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2340 2344 [Mourning Bird]

Vodka from severe sleep deprivation: "..."

He faced all kinds of implicit or obvious gazes, turned his head and yawned silently: "..." Sometimes I really envy these ignorant guys, they can sleep so peacefully with Uzo next to them.

However, based on the frequency of their interactions with Uzo, if they had been vigilant every day, they might have died suddenly long ago.

After such a comparison, Vodka suddenly found that his situation seemed pretty good: as long as he survived this vacation and this period of time, he would be able to get rid of Uzo completely!

While everyone was watching Wu Yan Qing, the tour guide was busy on the lawn nearby.

——There is a rectangular wooden dining table under the tree. The benches on both sides of the dining table are two thick logs split along the middle and placed horizontally on the ground. The stools on the short sides are two polished tree stumps.

Suzuki Sonoko walked over and knocked on the tree stump in surprise: "This stool is really good. It has the feeling of being 'close to nature and authentic' as you said."

Jiang Xia also walked to the table. He looked at the snow-white tablecloth, then at the steaming fresh food on the tablecloth, then picked up the sandwich and took a bite.

Then he looked at the tour guide while chewing: "I didn't expect you to be responsible for preparing food?"

The tour guide pushed up his glasses and put on a professional posture: "This is my responsibility."

The gray-haired old rich man next to him laughed loudly when he heard this: "As long as the organizer gives enough, we can find any versatile tour guide."

Tour guide: "..." Talking about money is vulgar, the main thing is dedication.

He shook his head and sighed, and while inviting everyone to sit down to eat, he picked up the list and counted the number of people one by one.

As I clicked, I felt something was wrong: "It seems like there is one person missing?"

Vodka was startled: "..." What's missing? This is not just right.

The "new doctor" was also in a daze for a moment, and seemed to have the same feeling as him on this matter.

"That arrogant guy didn't come last night." Hattori Heiji saw the problem at a glance. He thought of the bastard who dared to look down on the high school detective and snorted, "Maybe he himself is the most afraid, so for He escaped from the wanted criminal and slipped back overnight."

Vodka suddenly realized.

"It turns out that person is missing. No wonder I didn't think of it just now - last night he mocked Uzuo, and even then he dared to leave alone after taunting him. Wasn't he rushing to the underworld? Since he left the house last night, I In fact, it is already assumed that he is dead.”

As he thought about Vodka, he couldn't help but sigh and shake his head.

The series of operations Kurata Souichi performed last night fell into his eyes, and he stepped on the high-risk police lights everywhere. This obviously made a certain organization cadre very uncomfortable - it was like a torture for a mathematics professor to witness a student writing the answer 7+8=78 in a crucial life-and-death test.

Others around the table, however, were not as sensitive as Vodka and "The New Doctor."

Following the speculation that Hattori Heiji was "scared away", the old doctor across the table also said: "Maybe he hasn't gotten up yet - he doesn't look good and looks like he often stays up late. Such people usually get up." so late."

"Ignore him, let's eat first." Suzuki Sonoko and Toyama Kazuye also didn't like that yin and yang guy very much. After they finished speaking, they found that Jiang Xia was already eating a sandwich, and they quickly picked one each, feeling happy. Start eating.

Vodka came back to his senses and planned to reach out for a piece. However, thinking of various "no survivors" type cases, his hands paused slightly.

Vodka: "..." If I remember correctly, "when everyone was gathering for a meal, someone suddenly grabbed his throat and fell down, and then died of the poison." The probability of such a scene happening is very high.

Combined with the previous camping incident, Uzo's script this time may be related to "no survivors".

"I don't know which unlucky guy at this table will die." Vodka stretched out his hand and circled it, and finally only picked up a glass of warm water. He picked up the cup and pretended to take a sip. He suddenly felt happy and said, "It can't be me anyway. I brought my own cans."

"Mr. Yamada, why don't you have breakfast?" Mao Lilan forked an omelette and looked at the vodka in confusion. As an old member of the Jiangxia gang, she was very concerned about this new partner who appeared frequently recently, "I remember last night You haven’t eaten much, are you acclimated and have a bad appetite?”

"New Doctor": "..." Angel is really kind, but he just lacks vision - what's there to care about that vodka guy? Maybe he is thinking about how to murder you and Cool Guy. Finding a way to kill him is the right way to go.

Vodka, who was pretending to drink water, was startled by Mao Lilan's conversation and almost choked.

He cleared his throat. While he instinctively doubted Mao Lilan's intentions, he also felt that this seemed to be the only conscience in the Uzo gang: although this female high school student exposed the fact that he was pretending to eat and drink and drew everyone's attention to him, But he thoughtfully gave me a step up.

Vodka nodded cautiously: "It's a bit acclimatized."

Hattori Heiji glanced at him suspiciously, very suspicious of the ulterior motives of this organization cadre. He questioned in a teasing tone: "It's hard to adapt to the climate from downtown Tokyo to the suburbs. Does it mean that Mr. Yamada rarely goes out?"

Vodka withdrew his gaze from Mao Lilan and looked at the Osaka black man: "..." The contrast is really obvious. Having said that, this guy seems to be a well-known detective, and more importantly, his father is also a senior official of the Osaka police... Fortunately, this man is based in Osaka, otherwise Uzo would have more dangerous weapons.

Vodka thought while vaguely answering Hattori Heiji's question: "It also has something to do with riding in a car. It's easy to get motion sickness on mountain roads. It was bumpy all the way before, and I haven't recovered yet."

——If you talk too much, you will make mistakes; if you talk too little, you will easily die as a Riddler. So don’t say too much or too little, and be sure to keep your balance.

Vodka took a measured answer and took a leisurely sip of tea after answering, showing the strength of a great master.

The next moment, he suddenly froze: Oh no! He was so focused on dealing with Uzo's minions that he accidentally drank water! ——Is there any poison in this water? !

He held a sip of water in his mouth, feeling like he was holding a death token.

This reaction was actually very sudden, but it was like the god of luck was favoring him - at the moment when the vodka froze, a ball of something fell from the sky and plopped into his tea cup.

Vodka threw the cup aside like a bomb and spat out the water: "What?!"



There was a rustling sound above the head, accompanied by mocking shouts.

Everyone looked up in surprise and saw dark crows hiding in the lush canopy above their heads.

"Scavenging birds..."

Belmode suddenly felt something in his heart. He glanced at Jiang Xia with his peripheral vision and suddenly had some kind of guess.

Jiang Xia was glanced at for no reason: "...?"

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