Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2341 2345 [Dinner scheduled]

The water glass in Vodka's hand fell to the ground, and the liquid inside spilled out. The tea seeped into the ground, but a white and thick substance inside remained on the green lawn, which was very eye-catching.

"Is this...guano?" Hattori Heiji was about to laugh, but at this moment, there was a snap, and the same thing fell, right on top of the hot dog in his hand.

"?!" Hattori Heiji was furious. He changed his position instantly and raised his head to argue with these unhygienic guys. "Where did there come from so many crows? Go away, go away!"

Dozens of crows in the canopy squatted peacefully on the branches of the trees. Some crows ignored him, while others seemed to be very vindictive. Not long after, another lump of bird droppings fell straight towards him.

"That's too much!" Hattori Heiji rolled over and narrowly escaped. He was so angry that he walked over and kicked the tree with a thud.

The angry kick of the kendo master should not be underestimated. When Hattori Heiji's eyes twitched because of the pain in his foot, the tree next to the dining table was also kicked violently.

The crows flapped their wings and flew away.

Almost at the same time, there was a loud bang, and something heavy fell from the dense canopy of trees and hit the dining table hard.


Amid the screams, Jiang Xia raised her head and looked at the uninvited guest in front of her.

The man was obviously dead. There was a very deep wound on the back of his neck, and his face was so messed up by an ax that his appearance was unrecognizable. But judging from the blood-stained clothes, this was the man who left alone last night and was suspected of being a "villa destroyer".

Vodka just threw the cup and turned around, turning his head and meeting the sight of this messy corpse.

He looked at this unlucky man who was sitting in the middle of the dining table, lined with snow-white tablecloth, like an appetizer. He stood up silently and took a few steps back, completely away from the dining table and the scary tree next to it.

Vodka: "..." As expected of Uzo, the fixed sequence of "someone was poisoned and died during the dinner party" actually turned into "someone became a feast during the dinner party".

However, since a person has died in this set, maybe the cup of tea he accidentally drank just now was not poisoned?

Vodka's heart finally dropped quietly.

Unlike him, the reactions of others were not so calm.

Mao Lilan stared blankly at the bloody corpse for two seconds, then suddenly came to his senses and let out a terrified scream.

At the same time, a series of screams sounded from the surroundings. Everyone suddenly lost interest in having breakfast and left the table one after another as if they were avoiding the plague: "Where did the body come from? What is going on?!"

"This, is this Mr. Kurata?" Toyama and Ye remembered, "I remember his clothes!"

When Kurata was mentioned, everyone immediately thought of the man's arrogant remarks last night, and then thought of the news about the suspect's escape.

The tour guide's usually calm face also had a hint of panic: "Could it be that the suspect that the police are chasing has really come to us?"

Hattori Heiji's face was a little ugly, and he whispered: "I took a peek at the files. The cause of death of the family that was wiped out by the villa vandalism was a fatal axe. In addition, the male owner resisted during his lifetime and died after his death. His face was destroyed by the villa vandal’s anger—exactly the same as this murder.”

"Then it seems that the same person did it." The silent painter suddenly came over. He walked closer and looked at the corpse on the dining table carefully, and pointed at the back of the corpse's neck. "Judging from the depth of the wound and the Judging from the cross-section, the murder weapon used to kill him was also an axe.”

Vodka looked at him carelessly, suddenly alert: "..." How come you, a painter, are so familiar with this kind of thing?

Could it be that he is using his identity as a painter to cover up his identity as a perverted killer?

Thinking of this, Vodka couldn't help but take out his mobile phone, wanting to check the details of this well-known painter, so that he could make various responses.

However, when he clicked on the screen, he came back to his senses.

Vodka stared at the blank signal box in the upper right corner: "..."

...I almost forgot, there is no signal in this damn place! !

Damn Uzo, couldn't he choose a place with a net to set up his stage?

And the group of investors responsible for building this place are about to build a resort, but they don't even have an Internet connection - with this kind of broken infrastructure, it will go bankrupt sooner or later!

Not being able to find out the origin of the other party made Vodka a little uneasy.

However, after looking at the painter's body that was not majestic but rather short and weak, Vodka felt a little more relieved: "..." In any case, let's increase the threat level first and put them on the alert list.

Others were not as sensitive as him, and everyone's attention was still focused on this horrific corpse.

The gray-haired wealthy real estate businessman was so frightened that he wanted to run away, but he was held tightly by his young wife and could not escape at all.

He had no choice but to take a deep breath, put on a calm posture, and scolded the tour guide beside him: "What are you doing standing still? Call the police!"

"Oh, oh, okay!" The tour guide came back to his senses and took out his cell phone.

Mao Lilan interrupted him in a low voice: "There is no signal here, not even during the day - I just tried it."

The tour guide glanced at the mobile phone in her hand and couldn't help but admire: "..." Such a weak little girl had the sense to call the police when encountering such a terrible thing. The psychological quality of young people nowadays is really good.

He was infected and calmed down a little: "It's not a big problem. There is a landline in the villa and the phone line is connected. I will use it to call the police first."

Vodka: "..." Not a big problem?

Oh, you stupid and naive guy, when you see the landline, you will know how big the problem is.

One minute later.

Everyone entered the living room in a panic. The tour guide picked up the receiver and pressed 110.

However, there was no response on the phone.

The "new doctor" glanced behind the cabinet and said without surprise: "Oh no, the phone line has been cut off!"

"What?!" The tour guide fumbled for the cord connected to the landline, lifted it up, and picked up two empty broken cords - the charging cord and the phone cord were cut into four parts with a click of scissors, and they could not be connected at all. .

He held the receiver with a confused look on his face: "How could this happen..."

"The mobile phone doesn't work, and the landline doesn't work either." The wealthy real estate businessman was so anxious that he angrily said to the tour guide, "Aren't you the person in charge? Think of a solution quickly!"

The tour guide had never encountered such a thing before, and looked embarrassed: "We can't contact the outside world, so we can only wait for the outside world to contact us. However, there are plenty of food and water reserves here. According to the itinerary, the bus will not come until the scheduled date. Pick someone up…”

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