Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2342 2346 [I’m so tired of acting] Please vote for me

Chapter 2342 2346 [I’m so tired of acting] Please vote for me (づど)

"Waiting for the bus to pick people up? How long will it take? By then they may only be able to pick up a pile of corpses."

The others thought of the vacation schedule and couldn't sit still at all. The senior who knew Suzuki Sonoko thought of something and suggested: "No, we can't just sit and wait. Let's walk back together while the daylight is still bright - as long as we go back to before Where we get off, we can always wait for a passing car, and we will be safe by then! ”

This plan sounded good, and everyone nodded after hearing it.

But the rich lady had some objections. She hesitated and said, "Wait a minute, if we leave, will the two lifetime membership coupons for the resort still be issued?"

Her husband was no longer in the mood to coax his wife, and said impatiently: "What time has it been? You are still talking about this!"

Mrs. Fu was also anxious: "But it's just because of it that I came to this ghost place. I've been here..."

Vodka: "..." Is this woman obsessed with money? Can she use "I'm here" as a reason for action when her life is at stake? ...But judging from her previous reaction, it seems that she knows Jiang Xia and may have had personal contact with him. It's no wonder that that kid Uzzo has some brainwashing skills.


When the couple was arguing, a weak voice came and broke their conversation.

Yuan Shan and Ye pointed out the window, feeling a bad feeling in their hearts: "There seems to be smoke over there."

Jiang Xia walked next to her, looked out, and frowned: "I remember the suspension bridge we walked over when we came here. It seems to be in that direction."

"?!" Others, "You mean..."

Jiang Xia sighed and looked a little solemn: "I hope it's not what I thought - let's go and take a look first."

The group of people nodded in a panic, not even bothering to pick up their luggage. They only took their important belongings and hurried over there.

The "new doctor" followed silently: "..." Cool Guy should really learn acting skills from his classmate... By the way, how did Yukiko teach him back then? How come all the acting skills were inherited by this neighbor kid?

The two cadres of the organization, who knew that the Uzo element was too strong here, had already given up much hope of "escaping" when they saw the corpse falling from the sky. All their anxiety at this time was just to go through the motions so as not to be regarded as suspects.

The mentality of others was completely different. They ran towards the suspension bridge as fast as they were running for their lives, praying that the suspension bridge would be safe while running.

However, in such a place without signal, prayer often does not take effect: as soon as they arrived near the canyon, a blazing fire was reflected in front of their eyes - the 20 to 30 meter long suspension bridge had been engulfed in flames, and the old wood And the ropes wrapped around it twisted and burned, occasionally making a slight popping sound.

A group of people paused, not knowing how to put out a fire of this magnitude. As they watched, the flame suspension bridge reached its limit. The rope connecting the two banks suddenly broke, and a long flame roared into the river below.

The suspension bridge fell into the water, causing a huge splash. And before the flames on it were completely extinguished, the rushing water had already washed away the bridge and disappeared.

...It’s completely out of the question now.

The tour guide's knees weakened and he sat slumped on the ground: "This is the only way out of could this happen!"

Jiang Xia walked to the shore, looked down at the still smoking ashes on the ground, and looked at the river bank directly opposite: "This fire should have been lit from our side."

Everyone stared at him blankly, unable to understand the meaning for a while.

Fortunately, there were other high school detectives who translated at the same time. Hattori Heiji frowned and looked at everyone with a more profound look: "It seems that the worst thing has happened - the murderer killed Mr. Kurata and brought him to the hospital. After he hid in the tree, instead of escaping, he burned the suspension bridge and trapped everyone in the resort. "

The three female high school students were horrified when they heard this: "Did he want to..."

"The new doctor" caught a glimpse of Conan from the corner of his eye, who was about to join the conversation, so he spoke first as if nothing had happened: "Maybe he fell in love with this place, so he burned down the suspension bridge, hoping to escape in this Jedi place where no one can enter. Escape from being wanted.”

After finishing speaking, she found that Conan still wanted to answer the call, so she had to add: "If this is the case, we will be in danger - that guy may do some extreme things to prevent the news from leaking... such as silencing him. "

Conan: "..." What's going on with this doctor today? He talks so much? Does he really want to express himself in front of Xiaolan?

Jiang Xia also looked at Belmode twice: "..." This fake school doctor was very proactive today. He had already said that all the cadres in the organization had the potential to be detectives. Belmod hides in Didan High School where there are few cases every day. It is really a waste of talent.

Belmode was ready to intercept the conversation when she suddenly saw Uzo looking at her.

Looking at that appreciative look, her whole body froze, and she realized something was wrong: "..." Oops, it seems a little abnormal for me to be like this. Am I stepping on that guy's stage?

When he thought of the "stage", Belmode couldn't help but look at the vodka that was the most threatening to him at this time.

Vodka: "?"

...What does this woman who has become Uzo's accomplice want to do to me?

Although being "stranded on the same island with a brutal murderer" is scary, there is no point in staying on the edge of the cliff without the suspension bridge.

The wooden suspension bridge that was on fire could easily be swallowed up by the rushing river. With this lesson in mind, everyone had no intention of jumping down and risking their lives, and returned to the camp with a dull head.

When they returned to the room and closed the door, the sense of security provided by the house made several people who were scared out of their wits gradually come back to their senses.

The wealthy real estate businessman took a deep breath, smoothed a handful of his gray hair, slapped it on the table, and continued to attack the tour guide: "Tell me, what should we do now! That murderer is probably hiding near us. ah!"

Vodka glanced at Jiang Xia, who was sitting opposite him: "..." That's quite right.

The scolded tour guide grabbed his hair and also collapsed: "I don't know either..."

The old doctor thought for a while: "I remember that there is a forest to the south, with no rivers or lakes blocking it. If we go out from there..."

"It is very dangerous to walk through an undeveloped forest without a map or a guide." The senior Suzuki Sonoko knew shook his head and looked at the tour guide, "But if Mr. Kujo knows the way... "

Everyone was refreshed and looked at it expectantly.

Tour guide: "...but I haven't been there either. In fact, this is my second time here."

Everyone: "..."

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