Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2343 2347 [Preferences]

After careful consideration, the dangerous plan of "hiking through an unknown area of ​​forest to survive" was finally rejected.

"In addition to getting lost, if we encounter that destructive maniac in the forest, we will be in a very passive situation. If he uses the terrain to defeat him one by one, we will be in trouble." Senior Tono sighed, "And I don't know how big the forest is. Our team here is old, weak and sick, so instead of betting that we can get out, we might as well wait here for the bus.”

When he mentioned "the old, the weak, the sick", he looked at the old doctor, the young Conan, and a few female high school students who seemed to be powerless.

In addition, he glanced at Vodka - obviously he felt that this man who wore sunglasses all day long and always had two black spots under his eyes had some unspeakable eye disease.

Vodka silently pushed up his sunglasses: "..." Silly, when you die one day because the enemy remembers your face, you will know my wisdom.

Although the classification of "old, weak, sick and disabled" is somewhat controversial, most people agree with this conclusion.

"Can we just continue to wait?" The gray-haired real estate businessman paced back and forth, and finally said angrily to the tour guide, "It's all your fault for this outrageous travel agency! The emergency plan is actually like this, just wait, I will definitely sue you for bankruptcy!”

The tour guide also seemed to be complaining about his company. He sighed and did not refute the guest's words.

The real estate developers only felt that they had been punched in the cotton, and their anger became even more intense. At this moment, he suddenly found the famous painter sitting next to him, painting something with a smile.

"At this time, you still have time to draw?!" The real estate agent immediately found a new outlet for venting his anger. He slapped the sketchbook out of the artist's hand, "Stop doing these things, hurry up and tell everyone Let’s figure it out together!”

The artist was concentrating on painting when he suddenly received such a blow. The sketchbook in his hand flew out and landed at Jiang Xia's feet.

Jiang Xia picked up the picture album, glanced down, and saw that the gray and white pictures on it had taken shape: the background was the long open-air dining table where everyone had dinner just now, and the focus of the picture was the unrecognizable corpse on the table.

——This famous painter actually painted the terrifying scene just now.

Next to him, Vodka craned his neck and glanced quietly, then looked away with a slight twitch in his eyes: "..." It seems that Uzo liked this drama very much, and actually brought a painter to paint it for him on the spot... By the way When you come back, what is there to commemorate in this scene? To think of preparing a full-time painter for his weird stage, this guy's level of perversion has increased yet again.

Vodka: "..." But it's no wonder. After all, according to popular age classification, Uzo is indeed a teenager who is in the growing stage. It's not surprising that he has any kind of growth... But this kind of seedling, the more he grows, the more he grows up. The more terrifying it is, is there really no righteous person who can punish him, such as digging him up by his roots, filling him with cement and sinking him into the Antarctic Bay...

Educationist Vodka was lost in thought.

Unlike him, except for the new doctor, others obviously would not think that this terrible painting was related to Jiang Xia.

Their horrified eyes turned to the author of this painting - Kobayashi Seiji: "You, why did you draw this?!"

Without saying a word, Painter Xiao Lin walked up to Jiang Xia, grabbed the sketchbook and held it in his arms.

Wherever he passed, everyone jumped away.

When Hattori Heiji saw this, he was worried that there would be chaos inside, so he had to tell the information he knew: "Mr. Kobayashi seems to like this painting style very much. He was even involved in a murder case before and became an important suspect in the murder case.

"At that time, the police found a large number of sketches of corpses in his luggage, including drawings of the crime scene. But later, various evidence showed that he was not the murderer. He just saw the corpse lying on the ground when passing by and couldn't help but stop. I drew a few strokes.”

After everyone heard his explanation, they silently took a few steps back: "..." It's even scarier to hear it this way, isn't it? Even scarier than the murderer!

Hattori Heiji scratched his head and continued: "Because the corpses he drew were so lifelike, the police at the time suspected that he was the kind of perverted serial killer who would draw them to commemorate them after killing them. But later it turned out that he was just unlucky... Well, from his point of view, he must be very lucky. In short, he often encounters fresh murder scenes after the crime, so he accumulated so many paintings. "

"This, this is too perverted!" The real estate agent who had just destroyed the painter's material book backed away in horror. "Since he likes that kind of thing now, he may make it himself in the future. I have seen many such stories. ! Let’s tie this guy up, maybe he’s the villa destroyer!”

The others looked at me and I looked at you, but they didn't do what he asked.

Jiang Xia said: "Mr. Xiaolin is a celebrity after all. If the villa vandal on the radio is really him, the police should have reported it early. Since it has not been reported now, it means that he is innocent in this matter."

"Okay, okay, let's just leave the hidden dangers alone!" The real estate agent snorted coldly and decided to save himself. He picked up his heavy suitcase, turned to his young wife and said, "Hurry up and pack your luggage. Let's find our own way to leave - I don't feel at ease staying with these guys!"

He wanted to go out immediately, but his wife, who was usually submissive to him, became tough at this time.

Mrs. Fu waved her hand: "I won't leave. If you want to leave, you can go alone. If you run away now, you won't get the lifetime free membership coupon. Besides, even if you go out, can you really find a way to leave?"

"Membership coupon, membership coupon, the only thing you care about is that membership coupon!" The real estate agent became even more angry, "Is that piece of shit more important than me?"

"What else?" Mrs. Fu sneered, breaking her face. "You used your wealth as bait to marry a wife, and when we got married, you said you had given away all your property. I gave you and your ex’s child and didn’t leave me a penny—you’re such a hard-earned man, do you deserve to have me accompany you to die in the woods?”

"You, you..." the real estate agent stamped his foot, "Then just go with it!"

He angrily picked up his suitcase, pushed open the door and walked away.

Everyone who took a big mouthful of melon said: "..."

Mrs. Fu sighed and sat comfortably on the sofa.

Seeing the looks of the young people opposite her, she lit up a cigarette and sneered: "You guys should keep your eyes peeled and don't marry such a tough bastard who doesn't care what he wants."

Several female high school students: "..."

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