Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2345 2349 [Are you not dead yet? 】

The hour hand passed by minute by second, and the sound of tick-tick-tack seemed to beat on the heart.

Belmod relied on her extraordinary patience and willpower to stay focused until dawn.

Then facing the peaceful villa, he fell into deep thought: "..."

…What’s next?

Why has there been no movement since that "dong dong" sound? What is the current situation of vodka and what is the situation of Uzo? ...What is the meaning of her existence?

After swimming briefly in the ocean of philosophy, Belmode failed to reach a conclusion. She stood up and stretched her stiff body, then couldn't help but yawn sleepily.

Although she usually stayed up late, scrolling through her phone so comfortably that she didn't want to sleep was completely different from paying full attention to what was going on downstairs and not being able to fall asleep.

"Forget it, it's useless to think about it now, just go out and take a look." Belmod thought as he turned around and entered the bathroom. She carefully adjusted her disguise in front of the mirror to cover the growing dark circles under her eyes.

After confirming that there was nothing unusual about her appearance, she walked to the door. But he didn't go out immediately. Instead, he leaned on the door and listened to what was going on outside.

It wasn't until people got up and went downstairs one after another that she waited for a minute and then pushed the door open as if nothing had happened.

Just as he took a step outside, Belmode paused slightly.

——The door opposite happened to open, and Jiang Xia walked out. This guy who kept others awake for half the night was now feeling refreshed, as if he had had a good night's sleep.

When he looked up and saw Belmod, he said hello in a good mood: "Good morning."

"..." Belmod tried his best to smile, "You look like you slept well."

Jiang Xia remembered the fragrance of apples that she could vaguely smell in her dream yesterday, and nodded sincerely: "Thanks to you."

Belmode: "?"

...What does this mean?

What did she do?

What else happened without her knowing?

Belmode became silently vigilant and quickly recalled every move he made, trying to decipher different meanings.

Before he could figure out where the flaw was, suddenly, a frightened scream came from downstairs.

"Someone, come quickly!!" Someone shouted in the living room, "Don't sleep, something happened!"

When the fake detective heard the call, he stopped talking to his colleagues, took three steps at a time and walked downstairs neatly.

Belmode looked at Jiang Xia's back, then remembered the screams downstairs, and became energetic.

"It seems the vodka is gone after all. I stayed up half the night in vain."

Belmod sighed sadly while chasing Jiang Xia downstairs.

It's a bit pathetic, but who knows too much about vodka. According to her speculation, Cool Guy and Angel are also quite important people to Uzo - if Cool Guy's acting skills were better or Vodka's observation skills were worse, this kind of thing would not happen. . "

She shook her head silently: "Please pay more attention in the next life, 'Mr. Yamada'."

"Well." Someone suddenly spoke next to her. The person stared at her silent lips, "Did you just call Yamada?"

"No." Belmode raised his head calmly and was about to explain, but suddenly he was stunned.

——A strong man in sunglasses with slightly faded dark circles stood opposite her, looking at her with slight vigilance.

Belmode stepped back suddenly: "?!"

Vodka was startled by her sudden movement: "?!"

After the awkward meeting, the two organization cadres did not communicate. They each noticed something vaguely, looked at each other warily, and then continued walking to the living room without saying a word.

"How come this guy is still alive? He actually escaped Uzo's trap?"

Belmod said nothing more, but he couldn't calm down at all: "Then what was the strange knocking sound I heard yesterday? I thought I could reversely reconstruct what happened there by seeing the crime scene. , but now..."

Her curiosity began to surge, and she almost wanted to sneak into Vodka's room to take a look.

However, this impulse was quickly suppressed: "No, curiosity killed the cat, especially when Uzo is nearby, you must not leave the team to investigate alone - although Uzo seems to be more interested in vodka, but Don’t forget that I may also be his target.”

Thinking of the messy and miserable scenes of death on Uzo's stage in the past, Belmode closed his eyes and completely gave up the idea.

She turned to focus on another thing: "Speaking of which, since vodka is not dead, why were people shouting downstairs just now?"

Jiang Xia stepped into the living room and saw a frightened tour guide and a messy ground.

——The tables, chairs and furniture here had all been violently overturned. It was obvious at first glance that someone had broken in and deliberately damaged it.

"Is he that villa destroyer?" The tour guide looked collapsed. "He really came to our camp!"

Jiang Xia comforted him casually, then glanced around the room and stopped on the large refrigerator in the corner.

Conan also saw it. He suddenly noticed a detail and secretly winked at his classmates.

However, because of the slightly larger height difference, his eyes were in the air and no one noticed.


After a moment of silence, the fake primary school student had no choice but to glare at Vodka, then endured the humiliation and stretched out his hand to poke his classmates' legs.

After Jiangxia and Hattori Heiji looked at him, Conan whispered: "There is a piece of clothing caught in the gap of the refrigerator door - there is someone inside."

"Could it be that the guy was halfway through the damage and found someone approaching, so he hid?" Hattori Heiji picked up a chair and quietly approached the refrigerator, hoping to give the guy hiding inside an unexpected attack. .

But soon he felt something was wrong. He stared at the fabric sandwiched in the gap of the refrigerator door, and had a bad feeling in his heart: "The color of this piece of clothing... why does it look familiar?"

Next to him, Jiang Xia stretched out his hand and opened the cabinet door.

As the refrigerator door opened, a corpse leaning against the door fell out, brushed past Jiang Xia and fell to the ground with a bang.

This is a middle-aged and elderly successful man wearing a pink shirt and white trousers, who is fashionably dressed - the same real estate businessman who fled in panic yesterday.

At this time, there was a bloody gash on the side of his neck, and his face was covered in blood and flesh. His death state was exactly the same as the corpse that fell from the tree yesterday morning.

Because it was placed in the refrigerator, the body had already cooled down. Without looking into it carefully, the detectives already shook their heads and sighed: The man is dead and there is no way to save him.

Behind him, others heard the noise and came one after another.

Seeing the corpse, Mrs. Fu was stunned for a moment and couldn't believe it: "Old...husband?!"

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