Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2346 2350 [Survival Manual]

The body of the wealthy real estate businessman was too damaged to be seen. The rich lady glanced at it and everyone was shocked.

Jiang Xia looked down at the body, then at the suitcase that fell next to the body, and asked the lady, "This seems to be your husband's thing?"

Mrs. Fu nodded and choked with sobs: "He has to carry these things with him every time he goes out. They are not too heavy. He also said that it would be better if the suitcase is heavier so that he can swing it to protect himself at critical moments..."

Unfortunately, it now seems that this self-protection was useless - from the intact shell of the suitcase, it can be seen that the unlucky wealthy businessman was killed with an axe, and there was no chance of hitting anyone with the suitcase.

"What exactly is in here?" Hattori Heiji couldn't help but become curious after hearing Mrs. Tomi's words.

He knelt down, pressed the lock, and the lid clicked open.

The contents of the suitcase suddenly appeared in front of everyone's eyes, causing a gasp of air - this was actually a whole box of cash! The cash also contained bank and credit cards, as well as a seal belonging to the deceased.

Vodka usually uses various suitcases and briefcases to trade, and he estimated the amount of money in this box at a glance. He sighed quietly: "..." Could this be the money I paid for selling myself this time? Isn’t this a bit less?

"Why is he carrying so much cash with him?" Hattori Heiji was also stunned. Looking at this kind of suitcase that was often used for illegal transactions and bribes, his detective DNA surged crazily and he couldn't help but wonder, "You guys Could it be that they came here to conduct illegal transactions in the name of a vacation experience?”

Mrs. Fu covered her face and didn't dare to look at the corpse: "How could I know this! He usually wants to hide even a coin where I can't see it. No wonder he was always sneaky when opening boxes, no? Will you let me see clearly what's inside..."

No one cared at this time how stingy the deceased was.

Compared to these, there are obviously other things that are more inconsistent. Hattori Heiji closed the heavy cash box and muttered: "The murderer didn't touch the contents of the box at all. I don't know if he didn't have time to look at it, or if he was only interested in killing people."

Jiang Xia walked around the deceased and reopened the refrigerator door. He looked at the bloody door frame and then at the other shelves where the body was not stuffed: "There is no shortage of food."

"That's bad." The "new doctor" suppressed the desire to yawn and went to work tiredly, "A prisoner who fled into the mountains because he was wanted and lacked food and clothing, it's okay if he doesn't care about money, but he actually cares about it. There is no demand for water, which is really weird.”

Vodka glanced at her in surprise, suspicious in his heart: "..." Has Belmod been acting strange these past two days? Everyone knows Uzo, and they should know how important it is to keep a low presence around this guy, but this woman...why is she always showing off herself recently?

"Is this some kind of courtship technique because he was stunned by Uzo? Or has Belmode gained a new understanding of 'saving his life near Uzo' and is now practicing it?

Vodka's heart skipped a beat when he thought that there were unknown theories that he didn't know about in "Uzo's Defense Technique".

However, soon, his reason calmed him down: "... Calm down, you can't try to learn everything you see. Maybe this is just a bait for Belmod and Uzo to trick me, or maybe this method may not work. Anyway, let's observe first. ——It’s rare for Belmode to test the water in front, so of course he has to wait behind and reap the benefits! ”

"Speaking of which, I always feel that Bermod is in a trance, as if he hasn't had a good rest... Could this be a symptom of Uzo's further influence on his thinking?"

Vodka nodded thoughtfully and filled in new knowledge that needed to be verified into his knowledge base.

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly felt a chill on his back and felt like he was being stared at by something.

"?!" Vodka suddenly raised his head and met Jiang Xia's sight.

Jiang Xia seemed to be very satisfied with the enthusiasm of the "new doctor" and looked at him again at this moment: "Mr. Yamada, what do you think?"

Vodka: "..."

He thought about it seriously and hesitated: "How about... have breakfast first?"

Conan was looking at him warily: "..."

"This proposal is actually very good."

A few minutes later, while eating freshly baked toast, Jiang Xia praised the vodka: "In the face of various accidents, you must maintain sufficient physical strength to cope with various emergencies."

Vodka: "..." When you said that, I didn't dare to eat it.

Next to him, Conan secretly glanced at the cadres of the organization: "..." Faced with two bloody cases, the result was to eat first? ——Hehe, this guy Vodka must be trying to pretend to be honest and honest in this way, so as to make Jiang Xia relax his vigilance and deceive Jiang Xia's trust.

Although Hattori Heiji also learned the identity of Vodka from Conan, this big guy in sunglasses was always very low-key and non-aggressive. In addition, it was not Heiji Hattori who was brutally knocked on the head in the first place. Therefore, now, the Osaka detective's attention has gradually shifted away from vodka and moved to the current brutal serial murder cases.

"What is the purpose of the murderer?" Hattori Heiji forked a piece of sizzling steak and took a bite thoughtfully, "I always feel that many places are inconsistent..."

Between the two of them, Toyama and Ye looked at Jiang Xia on the left who was eating toast, and then at Hattori Heiji on the right who was muttering and chewing meat, with a somewhat complicated expression.

After a moment, she took a deep breath and swallowed the bread in front of her with a distorted expression.

Suzuki Sonoko glanced at her, a little strange: "What's wrong, does your bread taste bad?" Why did she look like she was dead?

Yuan Shan and Ye grabbed the water cup and swallowed the choking bread: "I, I just suddenly thought that these foods were taken out of the refrigerator, and there was a corpse in the refrigerator just now..."

Suzuki Sonoko: "..."

Mao Lilan: "..."

The two Tokyo female high school students belatedly stopped holding their forks and stared at the plates for a moment. Suddenly, they felt that the rich breakfast in front of them no longer tasted good.

"Eat it, they are all sealed and not on the same floor, so there should be no problem." Jiang Xia said as she raised her head, and then saw three female classmates with fair faces.

Jiang Xia: "..."

He paused for a moment and had to change his words: "If you really don't want to eat it, then we can go to the lake to catch some fish for barbecue later - when I passed by there before, I saw a lot of edible fish in the lake."

"Catch fish? BBQ?" After hearing these two interesting words, the three wilted female classmates immediately sat upright, "Let's go then, let's go now!"

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