Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2347 2351 [Working ghost] Please vote for me oo

Chapter 2347 2351 [Working Ghost] Please give me your monthly ticket o(〃▽〃)o

However, unlike a few happy high school girls, the others seemed to have no interest in the idea of ​​"catch fish and eat fish."

The rich lady forked half of the fried egg and said listlessly: "Forget it, it's such a troublesome thing. Besides, fish are not that easy to catch. It would be terrible if your foot slips and falls into the lake."

Jiang Xia: "Food may be damaged or exhausted. It is also important to find fresh backup ingredients. It is better to practice catching fish while the supplies are sufficient now."

And the fish is not as difficult to catch as you think: if it doesn’t work, send the mermaid lady into the water and ask her to catch some live fish and hang them on the underwater hooks - fishing is a long and easy to get distracted activity, and it is impossible for everyone to catch it. They were always staring at the water surface when he lowered his swing.

The mermaid lady who was pulling Vodka's hair out of boredom said: "?"

Hattori Heiji also felt that going out for a walk was better than staying indoors, and he might be able to find some additional clues. He opened the door of the tool room and looked through it. He originally wanted to find some wood strips to cut into harpoons, but unexpectedly he found some fishing gear.

"There are actually fishing rods here!" Hattori Heiji was surprised and dragged out a few boxes. "There are also dried baits here. The equipment is very complete."

The tour guide looked up and explained weakly: "The main selling point here is the Sad Love Lake, and fishing by the lake is also one of the experience projects."

"Then you didn't tell me earlier." After Hattori Heiji complained, he suddenly remembered that something happened on the first day everyone arrived, and the tour guide really didn't have time to introduce the vacation process.

After an awkward moment, he dropped the subject as if nothing had happened and handed a set of fishing gear to Jiang Xia: "Let's go and try it."

A group of high school students left happily.

Vodka and Belmode looked at each other and followed silently.

As soon as a few Tokyoites who were relatively less afraid of murders left, the already dull atmosphere in the room suddenly became more solemn.

I experienced people finishing breakfast in silence, not interested in talking, and went back to their rooms.

And after silence returned to the house.

Villa side entrance.

With a soft creak, the door slowly slid open, and a figure looked around and quickly emerged from the room.

He carefully closed the door and looked towards the direction of the high school students by the lake from a distance, his face showing a bit of madness and solemnity. After hesitating for a moment, he took his tools and went to the forest and began to set traps with sharpened sticks.

——The intrusion of the high school detective made the development of the entire script faintly begin to escape his control.

"I didn't expect that anyone around Jiang Xia would be able to notice that I, the 'villa destroyer,' was among them through my tiny mistakes."

The dark figure recalled the reasoning of the "new doctor" before, and his heart beat slightly faster due to nervousness: "Now that there is suspicion, they will definitely try to find the real culprit among the remaining people. If this continues, sooner or later I will be exposed - —We can’t just wait and wait, we must accelerate our plans!”

"One of them must be injured for things to go in the direction I want...Who should I choose?"

Persimmons want to pick on the weak. For the sake of his own plan, the dark figure abandoned his conscience after a moment's thought and set his sights on the three female high school students in a very unruly manner.

He was hesitating which one to choose, when he heard the sound of footsteps trampling on the branches and leaves.


The pitch-black figure quickly shrank behind the tree and retreated quietly along the route that had been planned in advance.

After retreating a distance, he looked up to the place where the sound came from, and saw a slender figure with long hair in the distance.

"It's her..."

One of the three female high school students has long hair reaching her waist, one has short hair, and the other has a high single ponytail, which is easy to distinguish. Therefore, even though the face could not be seen clearly from this distance, the dark figure immediately recognized the person.

"I really don't want to hurt this innocent and lovely girl." He watched Mao Lilan walk towards the trap and sighed softly, "But she was so unlucky that she happened to be here. That's it... so be it. "

Seeing Mao Lilan walking towards the trap he had set up step by step, the dark figure shook his head. He couldn't bear to see it, so he chose to close his eyes.

The next moment, as he expected, Mao Lilan stepped onto the mechanism hidden in the grass.

There was an inaudible click, followed by a burst of wind and a terrified scream.

Everything was exactly as the dark figure expected, except for one thing that seemed a little different.

——For some reason, along with the screams, there was a violent crash and the sound of tree trunks cracking and breaking.

"?" The black figure opened his eyes in shock, "What's the movement? An earthquake?"

His eyes refocused and stared at the place where Mao Lilan was just now.

However, there was no "weak high school girl injured and lying on the ground, bleeding and crying" as imagined. There was only a tree that had been kicked down from the waist. The tree was falling toward him, growing larger and larger in his field of vision.

Dark figure: "?!!"

What happened in those few seconds when he closed his eyes just now? !

a minute ago.

On the other side, on the wooden bridge on the shore of Sadlian Lake.

Jiang Xia picked a fresh fish off the hook, turned around and threw it into the bucket, then re-baited it and took another shot.

More than ten meters away, Hattori Heiji looked at his empty bucket, and then at the live fish swimming in the bucket next to Jiang Xia, with a puzzled look on his face: "They are all in the same position, the same fishing tackle, the same bait. Why are there so many fish there?”

Jiang Xia lit a stick of ghost mint and fed it to the hard-working ghosts. She took a long sip and then said modestly: "Good luck."

Hattori Heiji:"……"

He came over suspiciously: "Are you..."

Jiang Xia: "?"

Hattori Heiji: "You used other bait behind my back!"

Jiang Xia: "..."

Hattori Heiji snorted: "I saw earthworms in the forest on the way here. You must have caught a few secretly while I was not prepared, and then used fresh bait to seduce the fish in the pond - Kazuha and the others have already gone to look for them nearby. Earthworms, when I put on new bait, I will definitely catch more fish than you!"

Jiang Xia nodded: "Then come on."

Then he looked at his bucket: "Before the earthworms you want come back, I might be able to catch another one."

"Don't even think about it!" Hattori Heiji immediately didn't want to waste time next to this competitor. He returned to his seat and pulled out a bait that looked the freshest and most delicious without giving up. After putting it on, he threw the rod into the water again and waited for the fish to bite. .

Under the water, the working ghost glanced at him faintly.

After confirming that the black-skinned detective was no longer staring at their water, he held a medium-sized fish, swam to Jiang Xia's bait, and hung the fish up.

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