Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2349 2353 [Murder]

However, no matter what he thought in his heart, reason finally prevailed.

Belmod silently removed the hand that pressed the gun, and ignored the guy hiding behind the tree, and walked by. Anyone who knew Uzo knew that the safest way to exist near this guy was to be a good ordinary person. An ordinary good citizen.

"Is it true that evil and justice are also conserved?" Every time Belmod thinks of this default "Uzo Precautionary Code", he can't help but feel ironic, "In the face of purer evil, the way to protect yourself is to move closer to justice and rules... …This is really ridiculous.”

It's a sigh of relief. Useful rules should still be used.

The organization cadres sighed and bypassed here, going to the place where Mao Lilan was - now it seemed that for the naive high school students, this forest was far more dangerous than imagined. Just now she just quietly went to see if there was any chance of getting rid of the vodka, but when she turned around, something happened on Angel's side...

"Perhaps this is some kind of warning from Uzo." Belmode thought of the figure fishing quietly by the lake, and couldn't help but feel a little scared. "Anyway, from now on, I will give up some impulsive actions and be honest. It’s safest to stay with Angel.”

The dark shadow's reconnaissance and counter-reconnaissance capabilities are obviously not comparable to those of Belmode.

The "new doctor" had walked far away around him, but the dark figure was still wondering why he didn't see anyone despite hearing footsteps just now.

"Perhaps I really was hallucinating."

After searching around for a long time, the dark figure finally chose to reconcile with himself. He quickly found a reasonable explanation: "I've been very busy these days, and the existence of the detective has indeed put a lot of pressure on me - Jiang Xia although he talks little , but I always feel like he knows everything. Sometimes when I look at him, I actually have the illusion that he has seen through everything..."

As he thought about it, he felt that the pressure on his body became visibly huge again. The dark figure quickly comforted himself: "Of course, this must be just an illusion. I was just influenced by his fame, so I came up with this idea - okay, don't think too much, get down to business!"

The dark figure gathered its scattered attention and looked for the next target again.

After wandering in the forest for a while, he finally found another lone guy.

——The muscular "Mr. Yamada" who wears sunglasses.

As Vodka hurried to the lake, he cursed in his mind: "..." That guy from Belmod had agreed to go to the bathroom together, but she actually left early!

People have three urgent needs. No matter how cautious Vodka is, he doesn't want to go back to wash his pants at night.

So ten minutes ago, after staying by the lake for a while, he could only wonder if Uzo had given him laxatives, and at the same time put down his dignity and wanted to find someone with whom he could go back to the villa - at this time, alone Action is simply because you think your life is too long.

However, who to find together is also a problem.

After thinking about it, Vodka first eliminated Uzo and his minions. The Osaka detective seemed to have a bad temper and was likely to reject him. Vodka didn't want to lose his face, so he placed Hattori Heiji at the back of the list.

The only ones left were the three female high school students and Belmode.

The pickers had not gone far at that time, and Vodka soon found them at the edge of the woods.

He looked at Suzuki Sonoko, who had unintentionally been Usao's accomplice many times, and then at Toyama Kazuye, who didn't know the details but seemed to have a good relationship with Jiang Xia. Finally, his eyes fell on Mao Lilan.

——Let’s go with this one, this one looks more conscientious.

Although it feels weird for a grown man to ask a female high school student to go to the bathroom with him, he can completely change his excuse. For example, he wants to go back to the villa to get something, but he doesn't know the way.

After quickly typing up his draft, Vodka stepped forward as if nothing had happened, looking for someone to help.

But before he spoke, the "new doctor" seemed to be connected with him and stepped forward to greet him.

"This woman really has no spirit of contract! We agreed to go back to the villa and come back together, but she actually abandoned me!"

Vodka mentally made a mental note to this untrustworthy colleague, put away his useless grudge book, and hurried to a crowded place, hoping to return to the main force as soon as possible.

——Although Uzo and his minions were hidden among that group of people, Uzo was a very law-abiding criminal on the surface. It was safer to stay next to this little devil when there were onlookers than to float alone in the woods.

"It's close, it's close!"

The dark figure looked at the hurried Vodka, and then at the trap in the grass in front of him, with a happy smile on his lips:

"This guy is really unlucky. He actually wandered alone to the place with the most traps - if I had known that this unlucky guy would step on the traps by himself, I wouldn't have had to risk getting close to those three female high school students just now."

While sighing, he huddled motionless behind the bushes, waiting for "Mr. Yamada" to fall into his trap.

Under his gaze, the strong man in black was getting closer and closer to his trap...

Then suddenly it stopped.

Dark figure: "...?"

There's only one step left, you should go!

"This clump of grass looks a little strange?" Vodka's wary gaze fell on the grass in front of him, "There is a little gap in the middle, as if something hollowed out was placed on the ground to block the grass... Wait, this There shouldn't be a trap hidden inside."

He wanted to go over and take a look, but he was worried that some crazy person had planted landmines nearby.

After hesitating for a second, Vodka suppressed his curiosity, cautiously took two steps back, walked around and continued to the lake.

After walking a few meters, he stopped again.

"There seems to be something wrong. Is there a taut fishing line hanging between these two trees?"

Vodka pushed up his sunglasses, glanced forward from under the lenses, and his expression suddenly changed: "Sure enough! Who is so unscrupulous to set a trap here? - Fortunately, I have already analyzed the fishing line under various lights and angles. The visual status is below, and the location where the fishing line is most likely to appear is specially calculated, otherwise, I would have accidentally stepped on it by now!"

This astonishing discovery caused a cold sweat to slip down behind Vodka. The ordinary vegetation around them was suddenly filled with murderous intent.

"Belmode has indeed rebelled. She just invited me back to the villa just because she wanted to cooperate with Uzo to set this kind of trap for me!" Vodka had the urge to shout "Brother, help me!", but soon he felt another thought. Sad realization: If you want to survive, you can only rely on yourself now.

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