Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2350 2354 [The Victory of Vodka]

"What should we do now?"

Vodka's brain began to work at an unprecedented level of activity:

"First of all, it may be Uzo's intention to murder me, but the executioner must not be himself... For me, this is a blessing among misfortunes! The enemy I need to face directly is not Uzo, but the cruel man. "Villa Destroyer", even if that guy is affected by Uzo, he will definitely not respond as quickly as Uzo - I still have a chance, I haven't lost yet!"

Realizing this, Vodka decided that although being targeted by a villa vandal was not a good thing, it sounded much safer than "making an enemy of Uzo".

"Then the next step is how to escape from danger." Vodka pushed up his sunglasses again and began to secretly observe the surrounding environment:

"Leave around the trap? But since that guy is targeting me, I'm afraid he won't let it go easily. If he has a gun or a crossbow, if he sees me trying to run away and hides in the bushes and shoots at me, things will be terrible. Trouble."

"If you walk slowly, you may be attacked by the Villa Destroyer, but if you walk fast, you may not have time to observe and run into other truly deadly traps - I just walked a few steps and saw two traps in succession. Who knows? How much is hidden behind it, it’s just too risky.”

A series of countermeasures flashed through my mind and were eliminated one by one.

Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration and found a way that might be useful.

Vodka began to ponder.

Vodka looked confused.

Vodka's expression gradually became determined, as if he had made some determination.

At the same time, in the bushes.

The pitch-black figure peeking out from the gap with bated breath frowned at this scene, and his heart was slightly suspended: "..." I didn't expect that this big guy looked so stupid, but his observation skills were so sharp.

"I actually found two traps I set up one after another." The dark figure gradually began to sweat profusely. "This guy suddenly showed such a determined expression. What did he want to do?... Could it be that he discovered my location and planned to pounce on me and catch me? Go out for a confrontation?"

"This won't work." The dark figure grasped the knife in his hand, hesitating in his heart, "Should I stab him to death when he comes over, or should I take a gamble and walk out without a weapon, pretending that I am just Passing by with something?”

"I don't know what this guy's fighting ability is. But judging from the fact that he got stuck in the suspension bridge before, he shouldn't be a peerless master in terms of force. But with his size, he looks really strong. , if a fight breaks out..."

The balance in the dark figure's heart went back and forth, and finally gradually tilted towards one end.

He gritted his teeth, with a fierce look in his eyes: "No, you can't take any chances! - If I remember correctly, even Jiang Xia admired this big guy. Being able to be appreciated by a famous detective shows that this Although Mr. Yamada is unknown, he must have great detective talent.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to deceive him by pretending to be innocent. If he pretends to trust me and exposes me again when he returns to the crowd, then I will be surrounded by so many people and I will have no chance to complete my plan.

"Rather than fall into that passive situation, it's better to take advantage of him when he is alone and get rid of him in one fell swoop - being physically strong doesn't mean anything. Maybe this guy is just a showman with no power.

"And now that he is in the light and I am in the dark, I have an advantage. As long as I aim more accurately when he comes over and launch a sneak attack, it will not be difficult to keep him here forever."

A series of thoughts flashed through his mind, and the murderous intention of the dark figure suddenly appeared, and he clenched the knife in his hand.

He crawled on his knees and took the most convenient position to exert force, ready to wait for "Mr. Yamada" to come over and stab him in the vital part immediately.

However, I waited and waited, but no one came close.


The dark figure remembered the lesson of hearing footsteps but finding no one not long ago. He couldn't help but get closer to the bushes again and looked through the gap in the direction of "Mr. Yamada".

The good news is that "Mr. Yamada" is still standing there with a determined look on his face and does not suddenly disappear like the weird footsteps before.

And I don’t know if the news is bad or good...


Under the gaze of the dark figure, "Mr. Yamada" suddenly staggered and fell to the ground.

Dark figure: "...?"

I've only heard of falling on flat ground, but this guy was clearly not walking, so why did he suddenly fall?

He was having some doubts in his heart, but suddenly a burst of magic sound penetrated his brain——

"Mr. Yamada" who fell to the ground hugged his ankles, took a deep breath, and suddenly shouted with full strength: "Help!! There is a trap in the woods——!!"

Dark figure: "?!!"

The powerful sound waves spread from the forest, blinked through the fresh air, and vaguely drifted to the villa and the lake.

And this was not over yet, "Mr. Yamada" shouted again: "Be careful of the trap——!!"

Excessively loud sounds can scare away ferocious beasts, but can also make people's hearts pound.

The dark figure was startled by a loud roar in the quiet woods, causing his heart rate to accelerate, his blood pressure to rise, and his murderous intent to surge up.

His forehead was beating wildly, and he silently clenched the knife in his hand.

Then a second later, he sighed, let go of the knife as if resigned to his fate, turned around and walked away quietly.

"It's better to leave before he sees me." The dark figure quickly detoured to the villa in order to create the illusion that he was always in the villa, and couldn't help cursing:

"If I hide in the bushes and he comes to me, I can definitely use a sneak attack to kill him in one shot.

"But now he is squatting in the open space under the tree. If I look for him, he can see where I'm coming at a glance... It would be fine if I could kill him with one blow, but what if his sprained foot is just a fake? I'm afraid I won't be able to kill him in a short time.

"With a little delay, other people will be attracted by his shouts, and I will be besieged again... It's really dangerous. Fortunately, I didn't act impulsively. Having said that, this 'Mr. Yamada' looked at It’s not obvious, but it’s actually too insidious!”

"Now that things have come to a point, we can only withdraw first... Damn it, what's going on with these Tokyoites? None of them act according to common sense!"

The dark figure left angrily.

Behind him, which he couldn't see, the tips of Vodka's ears twitched slightly, and he suddenly turned his head to look in the direction he left.

Vodka: "..." There seems to be movement over there... There was indeed someone nearby just now!

"It sounds like that person has left... Fortunately, I made a decisive decision and made the right choice!" He released his intact ankle, wiped the cold sweat from his head, and suddenly realized, "As long as I use my If you break Uzo's lower limit, you can grab a chance of survival!"

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