Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2351 2355 [The number one enemy]

When Vodka comes to a new realization.

By the lake, Conan looked towards the forest suspiciously: "Why do I seem to hear someone calling for help?"

Jiang Xia picked off the newly caught fish and threw it into the fish bucket, wiped his hands and frowned: "Maybe someone is in trouble, let's go and take a look."

In the woods, three female high school students also heard the same noise, and it was much clearer than what they heard by the lake.

"Someone is shouting for help!" Yuan Shanheye came from a police family and was particularly sensitive to this kind of sound. She didn't think too much and ran towards the source of the sound quickly.

The "new doctor" who was trying to pretend that he didn't hear anything said: "..."

Mao Lilan came back to her senses and hurriedly followed. As she ran, she couldn't help but mutter to Suzuki Sonoko: "I always feel that this matter has a strange sense of immediacy, as if I have experienced it somewhere."

"Of course!" Suzuki Sonoko reminded her, "When we were at Kiriugaoka Villa a few days ago, didn't Mr. Yamada also shout for help like this?"

"!" Mao Lilan understood and showed sympathy, "Why is Mr. Yamada always in danger? It's so pitiful."

"Yes." Suzuki Sonoko also sighed, but soon cheered up for vodka, "But it doesn't matter now, now he has met Jiang Xia! Jiang Xia will not sit idly by when his friends are in danger. Mr. Yamada will have a backer in the future. La—worst case scenario, even if he accidentally dies, Jiang Xia will definitely be able to clear his name so that he doesn’t have to die with his eyes open like so many dead people, unable to punish his murderer. What a good detective."

The "new doctor" couldn't help but glance at her: "..."

I don’t know why, but I suddenly feel that Vodka is even more pitiable.

Everyone rushed to follow the sound from different directions and soon gathered in front of Vodka.

Jiang Xia stepped forward and reached out to pull him up: "What's wrong? Are you okay?"

Vodka looked at him and then at the trap next to him: "..." Uzo really knows where the dangers are! Otherwise, how could you run all the way without triggering the trap? ——In other words, the desperate situation just now was indeed his handiwork!

He couldn't help but feel lucky that he had made the correct response with enough caution, and at the same time he spoke out the draft:

"I just went back to the villa with Mr. Shinde, and when I came out, I found that he was missing. I thought he had gone back to the lake first, so I walked towards the lake. Unexpectedly, on the way, I suddenly found many deadly traps buried around him."

While giving the "new doctor" eye drops, Vodka pointed at the two triggers he saw: "I found out that I hurriedly evaded, but I didn't know who pushed me, and I fell down and injured my foot."

Jiang Xia heard this and walked to the side, squatting down to study the traps.

The "new doctor" walked to the side of Vodka and said with a smile: "I'm really sorry. I thought you went back to the lake first, so I left by myself - which foot did you sprain? Let me help you check."

Vodka could clearly hear her moving her fingers and making a few clicking sounds.

Vodka silently covered his ankle: "...No, no, it's not serious. I can just take it easy myself."

When the cadres of the two organizations are friendly and helping each other.

Next to them, three high school detectives also got together again.

Hattori Heiji looked back at the vodka, then looked down at the uncomplicated trap, and silently stretched out his hand to slide Conanti aside.

The Osaka high school student lowered his voice: "Is this guy really the cadre of the black organization you mentioned? I always feel that his behavior, uh... seems to be different from the cadres of the mysterious organization in my impression."

Conan looked complicated: "I didn't expect him to be this kind of person..."

The two looked at each other, feeling slightly depressed: although vodka had lost its strength, it had obviously gained more.

"People who have no bottom line and are not bothered by face are the hardest to deal with." Hattori Heiji finally concluded, "When you face him, you must not be careless and be extra careful."

Conan nodded: "I have discovered a long time ago that many of his behaviors are different from what I know. I used to despise him too much."

Thinking of the past, Conan couldn't help but sigh: "The first time I met Vodka, he was conducting illegal transactions with a president. I thought he didn't see me, so I wanted to take a photo for identification, but his accomplice was Discovered and brutally attacked from behind.

"Thinking about it now, maybe Vodka had noticed my presence at that time, but deliberately pretended not to notice it, luring me to focus on him, causing me to ignore the attack from behind by Gin."

"Ah sneeze!"

More than ten meters away, Vodka suddenly made my back feel cold and my nose itchy.

He couldn't help but sneeze, and after he came to his senses, he immediately turned his head to look at Jiang Xia.

Vodka: "..." It must be this kid talking about me again! I had just escaped a fatal move, and he was already working on the next one? ——This shameless director who has no conscience and does not give his actors a day off should be hung from a street lamp!

Just as he was thinking about it, Jiang Xia suddenly stood up from the trap and turned around.

"!" Vodka looked down at the ground and began to count how many grasses there were on the ground.

"The traces of the traps are very new, they should have been set up in the past few days." Jiang Xia wiped his hands, "I removed them, but there may be other traps hidden in the woods - it is not safe outside, let's take the fish back to the villa first Come on, tell everyone about this and stop them from running into the woods."

"Oh, okay." Hattori Heiji was about to get up and go back to the lake with Jiang Xia to get something, but suddenly he remembered something and his steps froze.

Hattori Heiji: "..." What's there to get? This morning, the whole morning, he didn't catch a single fish!

Taking this thing out alone, it is quite normal. But the problem is that Jiang Xia, who is only a dozen meters away from him, is full of harvests, and the fish are caught one after another.

"Why, why is this?" Hattori Heiji looked at his empty bucket and then at Jiang Xia's heavy fish bucket, lost in thought, "Have I eaten too much fish recently, and I don't like it?"

The three girls heard him muttering and gathered around to take a look. Then his expression changed slightly.

Hattori Heiji looked embarrassed and wanted to explain: "I just had bad luck today..."

Before he could finish speaking, Yuan Shan and Ye denounced: "Just take your own fish. How can you put all your fish in Jiang Xia's bucket? - How heavy is it to carry so many fish? You are not squeezing your classmates." ?"

Suzuki Sonoko nodded repeatedly: "That's right!"

Hattori Heiji:"……"

I would like to squeeze him, but where is my fish? I have no fish at all!

Speaking of which, should I silently bear the name of bullying my classmates, or should I use my Air Force title to get rid of this title?

A heartbroken fisherman looked at the empty bucket in his hand and fell into deep thought.

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