Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2352 2356 [Diversion of trouble to the east] Please vote for me

Chapter 2352 2356 [Diversion of trouble to the east] Please vote for me ()

No one cares about Hattori Heiji's entanglement. After all, what's more important now than whether to fish or not is obviously the many traps in front of him and the ferocious "villa destroyer" lurking in the woods.

Of course, Mr. Yamada, the victim of the sprained leg, also needs attention.

With everyone watching and Jiang Xia's enthusiastic help, "Mr. Yamada" limped back to the villa with everyone.

"Mr. Yamada's ankle must be very painful." Mao Lilan followed Jiang Xia and muttered to two female classmates, "Look, how much cold sweat he shed."

Suzuki Sonoko and Toyama Kazuki nodded sympathetically.

Conan looked at Vodka's ankles and then at his sweaty appearance: "..." He can even disguise cold sweats. This guy's acting skills must be terrible. Are the "vodka" that Haiyuan knows and the vodka in front of him really the same person? Could it be that he actually has a hidden twin?

"However, it may be that he really sprained his ankle." Conan touched his chin and stared at Vodka's trouser legs. "If that's the case, I might be able to use this to get some clues from him for tracking... …”

Just as he thought about it, he suddenly realized something, and his divergent eyes suddenly sobered up: "No, you can't act rashly! I can't always look at vodka with the same eyes as before. This guy's qualities in all aspects are really unfathomable, I have to show him Just treat him with the same caution as you would treat gin.”

Vodka walked all the way, and I felt a chill on my back. He suspected that someone was plotting against him, but there was no evidence.

"...But do you need evidence? Uzo is standing next to you, and even that bloody evil hand is holding my poor arm!"

For a moment, Vodka wanted to throw away the arm and stay away from both it and Uzo.

However, in reality, he could only smile and say thank you after arriving at the villa, and then he was helped all the way to the sofa by the enthusiastic Mr. Uzo and sat down.

"What's wrong?" Others gathered over one after another. Mrs. Fu rubbed her eyes that were red from crying, and asked doubtfully and nervously, "What happened just now? I think I heard a bear barking in the woods - except for the destruction of the villa. Crazy, there must be no wild beasts here."

Vodka: "?"

My cry for help is so accurate, how dare you call it a bear's cry? What a broken ear, why not tear it off and donate it to Uzo!

"Hahaha." Suzuki Sonoko laughed shamelessly, "Where is the bear? It's Mr. Yamada - he was unlucky just now and accidentally stepped on the trap outside and hurt his foot."

Vodka, who was about to change the subject: "..." Just say there are no bears, why bother mentioning me, don't you bother me! Don't I want to lose face?

He wanted to shout like this, but in the end he could only show an honest smile: "It's true, I've been having bad luck lately."

But other people in the villa obviously didn't care about his luck.

Except for the old doctor who glanced worriedly at Vodka's ankle, everyone else's attention was on another thing. They exclaimed: "'Trap outside'? What trap?"

Jiang Xia simply explained: "Mr. Yamada was pushed when he was walking alone just now, and he almost stepped on some trigger traps - there may be more than one similar trap. Everyone must be careful when going to the woods and try not to act alone. "

Hearing this, several people in the villa relaxed a little.

Mrs. Fu breathed a sigh of relief: "Who would run around in the woods at this time? Don't worry, I won't even go out if you chase me away."

As she said that, she glanced at Vodka doubtfully: "You are quite courageous. You dare to run around alone outside. Do you think that villa vandal will not touch you?"

Vodka suddenly became alert and felt as if a basin of dirty water was being thrown at him. He quickly retorted: "How could it be possible? I don't know the murderer. I only acted alone because my companion returned to the lake before me."

Mrs. Fu was stunned for a moment and looked at him suspiciously: "I didn't say 'the villa destroyer won't touch you' because you know him. I just thought you looked very strong and he might not dare to do it. How did you..."

Vodka: "..."

Conan endured it again and again, but in the end he couldn't hold it in anymore. He breathed in surprise: "Did Uncle Yamada really know that villa destructor and thought he would go easy on you, so he left on his own then?"

Belmode, who had no time to stop him: "..."

Vodka: "..."

...This nasty little bastard. When Uzo falls, I will sink you into Tokyo Bay to feed the fish!

Jiang Xia patted his shoulder, grabbed a ray of fresh ice cream murderous aura, and said with satisfaction: "Conan usually likes detective stories and has read a lot of detective novels, so he is always a little suspicious compared to his peers - but he is not bad. Heart, don’t mind.”

Vodka: "..." Yes, yes, you have no bad intentions, you have no heart at all, you are just full of bad intentions!

The organization cadres felt aggrieved.

——Although Wu Zuo pretended to be a good person and helped him out, Vodka still felt the eyes of others looking at him, and became faintly wary.

He could only curse in his mind while putting all these people on alert: He had already thought of the script! ——After one brutal murder incident after another, someone's mentality collapsed, and then suddenly rushed towards him with a knife, wanting to die with him, the suspected murderer.

Or until the matter was over, the real culprit did not show up, so under everyone's identification, he was sent to the police station because he was the highest suspect, and then he was greeted with a dark bullet from the organization on the road.

"Humph, since I expected it, I won't let this happen." Vodka moved his somewhat stiff face, "Can't I just pretend to be a good person? I can do that too!"

After a pause, he suddenly thought of another way.

"Once others have a preconceived notion that I am a bad person, the more they look at me, the more they will feel something is wrong. This is the so-called suspicion of neighbor stealing."

While Vodka was glad that he had read a lot, he quickly came up with a countermeasure: "At this time, we must find the real culprit as soon as possible, or find someone more suspicious than me, so that others can focus on that unlucky guy..."

Thinking this, Vodka's eyes flickered to the corner of the room.

——On the inconspicuous sofa in the corner, the painter with a strange style of painting was holding his drawing board, showing a cold and scary smile, and drawing something on the paper.

Vodka: "..." Brother, don't blame me for being cruel - look at your villain-like expression, it's like "I am a bad guy" is written on your face.

——The decision is yours!

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