Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2357 2361 [Script] Please vote for me

Chapter 2357 2361 [Script] Please vote for me ヽ(〃〃)~

A scream of terror brought an end to this hopeful rescue operation.

"Senior Tono died like this?"

Suzuki Sonoko couldn't believe it for a moment. Although she had seen many corpses before, the person who died this time was someone she knew. This was completely different from a complete stranger.

But soon, she felt a bit familiar from this "unbelievable" feeling.

Suzuki Sonoko: "..." Wait, think about it carefully, it seems that this is not the first time she has seen someone she knew die - not to mention her sister's future father-in-law, who just passed away a while ago, and the murderer was her brother-in-law. Brothers.

In comparison, Senior Tono, whom he had only met a few times at banquets, seemed like a stranger.

This relieved Suzuki Sonoko's panic a little.

But after all, the corpse's death state was too tragic, and it still deserved a lot of shock. Suzuki Sonoko sighed and whispered: "The death was too sudden..."

Hattori Heiji moved the body to the shore, his face a little ugly: "I didn't expect that something would happen if I only sent one person there."

When he had been working on the problem of crossing the river for so long, he thought that the worst outcome would be that Senior Tono would get lost in the woods, but who would have thought that things would actually turn out like this now.

Hattori Heiji: "..." If I had known this, I should have sent Vodka there, so that the two evil forces could have collided, both of them would suffer, and then let them, the good citizens, pick up the slack... Although Vodka would not listen to him either That’s it.

Suddenly I felt a chill of vodka: "!"

The man in black pressed the brim of his hat, looked around, and was alert: The guy who acted alone late at night is dead, the guy who insisted on leaving here alone is dead, and the guy who ran out alone to ask for help is also dead... So what's next?

"There seems to be no lone wolf among the living people anymore." Vodka's heart rang with alarm bells, "Is the random killing mode going to start next?... Fortunately, I slept enough yesterday and kept my spirits up, otherwise today But there will be trouble."

While Vodka was thinking wildly, Belmod happened to stop talking and yawned tiredly.

Although this was just a sign of lack of sleep, because her disguise greatly covered up the dark circles under her eyes, this action actually looked a bit leisurely and lazy.

Hattori Heiji looked at the tragic death of Tono-senpai in the boat, and then saw these suspicious people leisurely and leisurely. A feeling of grief and anger surged into his heart. He gritted his teeth and said: "He really shouldn't have been allowed to go to seek help alone at that time."

"It's not your fault. When this happens, everyone is responsible."

In the crowd, the old doctor sighed and suddenly felt sad: "And regret is useless. What has happened cannot be changed. It's embarrassing to say that. In fact, I came to participate in this vacation experience just to redeem my past. mistakes made.”

Vodka looked at him and suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and asked quietly: "Mistakes from the past?"

——Quick, tell me more. You look very story-telling, you look like the protagonist of the next bloody murder!

The old doctor failed to notice the sinister intentions of some organization cadres and nodded along with Vodka's words.

While looking up at the sky at a 45-degree angle, he said sadly: "My ideal in life is to open a hospital in a remote village where there are no doctors, to save lives and heal the wounded, in order to atone for my sins. But opening a hospital requires a lot of money, so I came here, hoping to Get that membership voucher to cash in.”

Vodka followed him and looked at the horizon: "..." So after saying so much, what exactly do you mean by "past mistakes"?

He was anxious about the Riddler, but before he asked, he suddenly realized something, took a deep breath, and suppressed his curiosity.

——Too much is not enough, just ask to this extent.

Otherwise, if he keeps asking further and this guy tells everything, the drama will be lost. It's hard to say what will happen by then.

Others didn't think about it as much as Vodka, but they just instinctively didn't want to ask a white-haired old man who was sad alone.

Of course, some people didn't pay any attention to what the old man was saying - Mrs. Fu's attention was focused on the other side.

She glanced at the body through her fingers, and suddenly let out a sigh, with contempt on her face: "This villa vandal is so outrageous, he even robs dead people of their belongings - he actually took away the famous watch from Tono's hand!"

Vodka: "..." Why do you look at someone else's watch when you have nothing to do? Do you want it too? ...It's not impossible. The more complex the composition of this group of people is, the smaller the chance of me being targeted.

Jiang Xia walked past him and walked to the body. He looked down and then looked at the people carrying large and small bags: "Anyway, since the request for help failed, we can only stay here now - go back and collect our things first." Let’s put it down and discuss what to do next.”

I thought we were ushering in the dawn, but in fact there was only one corpse. It was a big ups and downs, and everyone was visibly droopier than before.

But no matter what, you still have to eat.

When it was time to eat, the tour guide once again entered the kitchen with reluctant steps.

He opened the cabinet and took inventory of the ingredients, and suddenly looked embarrassed: "What's wrong, there's no flour."

"What?!" Suzuki Sonoko was slumped on the sofa like noodles. When she heard this, she jumped up. "We don't even have food. Are we really going to start PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds?"

She felt desperate at first, and the horrific scene in the movie of people fighting each other for a mouthful of food appeared in her mind.

But then she remembered another thing, and she felt reassured.

Suzuki Sonoko turned to the detective and proudly introduced the Tokyo fishing god to everyone: "Fortunately, Jiang Xia has a foresight - it doesn't matter if we run out of food, we can eat fish! Last time he fished, he fished up one fish after another. With this kind of fish catch, we won’t have any problem surviving two days!”

"Eating fish for two days in a row?" Mrs. Fu's face turned green, "But I don't like eating fish."

"What time has it been? How can you be picky about food!" Suzuki Sonoko said with a straight face and her hands on her hips to reason with this sister, "Only when we are full can we survive until the police come to rescue us."

Mrs. Fu struggled for a moment between hunger and the smell of fish, and nodded with an ugly face: "Okay, I don't want to starve to death."

"Ah? No, no, it's not that bad." The tour guide interjected doubtfully, "We still have two bags of flour."

"...?" Suzuki Sonoko froze, "You didn't say there was no flour just now, why is it there again now? You are kidding me!"

The tour guide waved his hands repeatedly: "I mean the kitchen is gone, but there are still some in the small warehouse behind the living room... I, I don't dare to go and get it, who can go there for me?"


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