Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2358 2362 [Their respective deaths]

Everyone stared at the tour guide suspiciously: "'Go for you'? Don't you want to go yourself?"

The tour guide honestly said: "I found that everyone who went out alone died."

Everyone: "..." Okay, that makes sense.

Hattori Heiji was not convinced, and still frowned: "Then why don't you find someone to accompany you?"

The tour guide modestly said: "I don't really have much talent in fighting. If someone is determined to attack, I'm afraid I will only hold them back."


Although it sounds a bit shameless, he is so frank about his fear of death that it seems there is really no way to criticize him - especially since all the meals these days are cooked by the tour guide. Hattori Heiji's eyes were twitching wildly as he was short-tongued. He wanted to say something, but he could only endure it.

Finally, he sighed and looked at Jiang Xia: "Let's go get it."

Although some of the remaining people were dishonest, so many people gathered in the living room to look after each other. As long as he and Jiang Xia left quickly, there shouldn't be much of a problem.

Jiang Xia had no objection and nodded. So soon, the two high school detectives went out together and walked to the small warehouse next door.

As soon as the two figures disappeared, someone moved uneasily on the sofa, looking like he wanted to follow, but in the end he did not get up.

Vodka stared at the door eagerly: "..."

Originally, he also thought that "taking flour" was full of conspiracy, but now, Jiang Xia actually went there.

...So now, is the real danger next door or here?

An organizational leader fell into deep thought.

"Why do I feel that all these people are weird and no one is normal?"

On the way to the small warehouse, Hattori Heiji couldn't help but mutter to Jiang Xia: "Everyone seems to be the murderer, but it seems that no one is... How far has your reasoning progressed, and you don't want to communicate with me?"

Jiang Xia suddenly stopped and whispered under Hattori Heiji's puzzled gaze: "There is someone over there."

Hattori Heiji:"?!"

He was startled at first, then sneered: "Just in time! Although I prefer reasoning, but in this emergency, it would be good to physically capture the murderer."

As he said this, he reached into his arms and pulled out a broken stool leg. Hattori Heiji did a handsome sword show, holding the stool leg in his hand like a wooden sword.

"..." Jiang Xia, "When did you break it off secretly?"

Hattori Heiji: "What the hell, I picked this up!"

Jiang Xia thought of the living room that had been destroyed by the murderer when the second body was found: "You are destroying the crime scene by randomly picking up evidence."

Hattori Heiji hesitated at first, and then said harshly: "The police won't be here for a while. Even if I don't move, the murderer will definitely deal with the scene - don't say anything, catch that person quickly!"

As he said this, he touched his waist and took out another one: "Do you want it?"

Jiang Xia silently pushed away the wooden stick with the stubble in his hand, and shook his swing stick away.

"This thing is still useful." Hattori Heiji looked at it twice with envy and muttered, "I also got one before, but it accidentally fell out when I went to school and was confiscated by the security guard..."

Jiang Xia interrupted his recollection: "Should we arrest anyone yet?"

"Catch, catch, catch!" Hattori Heiji withdrew his attention from his swinging stick, which was about to die before he could take off, and winked at Jiang Xia. The two of them approached the figure in the corner from different directions.

The figure was lowering his head and tinkering with something.

The noise covered up the approaching footsteps, and it wasn't until Hattori Heiji's shadow fell on the wall that the black shadow in the corner suddenly came back to his senses and jumped up.

Hattori Heiji immediately picked up the wooden stick and shouted: "Stop, don't run!"

Of course, the cruel murderer would not be obedient, so Hattori Heiji shouted while quickly simulating his escape route in his mind, and then adjusted the posture of holding the knife... holding the stool legs to ensure that he could move in all directions at any time Attack.

The next moment, with the sound of "Woo——" breaking through the air, he swung his stick into the air in a cool and unrestrained way.

——The moment he shouted "Stop, don't run", the black shadow swooshed and squatted on the ground.

Hattori Heiji, who almost hit the wall with his swing, said: "..." Wait, why doesn't this guy follow the routine?

He anxiously returned to defense, but at this moment, he heard Jiang Xia next to him say: "Mr. Xiaolin? What are you doing here?"

"Kobayashi?" Hattori Heiji stabilized his center of gravity and glanced down. Only then did he realize that the black figure was not squatting down to give him a kick. Instead, after he shouted "Don't run", he hugged him quickly. His head fell to the ground.

——The dark figure in front of me is none other than the famous painter who loves to paint corpses.

"...When did you come here?" Hattori Heiji was stunned for a moment, and briefly felt as if he had seen a ghost.

After a while, he suddenly remembered: when everyone was discussing who would get the noodles, it seemed that Kobayashi Seiji was not there. And this taciturn painter's sense of existence is so low that he didn't even notice it until now.

"What are you doing squatting here?" Hattori Heiji asked angrily, while looking down at the ground.

There were no crime tools in front of him, such as hammers and axes as he had imagined, only a few ordinary-sized wrenches and screwdrivers.

Kobayashi Seiji looked at Jiang Xia, then at Hattori Heiji, and suddenly showed a mysterious smile: "It's nothing, I just had nothing to do and listened to the news."

"Listen to the news?" Hattori Heiji said, "When the real estate agent died, wasn't everything in the house destroyed by the murderer? Where did you get the radio?"

Kobayashi Seiji chuckled: "It's still the same one, I fixed it."

He put down the hand holding his head, stood up, and said in a passionate tone that he had never seen before: "I finally know the true identity of the murderer."

"You know?" Hattori Heiji looked at him suspiciously, "Who is it?"

Kobayashi Seiji looked at the two detectives in front of him: "The murderer is..."


He thought for a while: "Forget it, let's talk about it tomorrow."

Hattori Heiji: "...You are playing tricks on us!"

Kobayashi Seiji touched his precious sketchbook: "I just think the time is not right yet."

Hattori Heiji looked at him speechlessly: "Okay, stop being so mysterious and hurry up to the restaurant. Dinner is about to start."

He didn't take the painter's reasoning seriously. He was determined to be the Riddler, so he didn't bother to ask.

After all, as a detective, Hattori Heiji has long seen all kinds of guys who confidently shout "I know who the murderer is!", and based on experience, their accuracy rate is less than 1% - of course, those The answers given by all suspects at the scene of equal suspicion cannot be counted.

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